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Hi guys..how are u?

Im using logic 5 and ableton 5 to produce my music.

I just bought a midi keyboard M-Audio Axion 25.

I was hoping that would have a manual and etc with it.bt it doesnt.

I was wondering if u guys could help me out, on how to route my knobs in the midi keyboard to work with the vst and etc?

thanks a lot


in ableton live is a midimap button on the right top,

press it and the screen turns blue, now you have to turn one knob of your synth you want to controll with your keyboard, then turn the knob on your keyboard and it is assigned.

its explained on page 316 in the english manual.

thats what you wanted to know?


thats what you wanted to know?


yeah man ..thanks.a lot.

and how do i do it in logic do u know??

thanks man


sry man i never used logic, but i guess its working similar.

if not you try to program via midi Implementation chart of your synth, it comes with your synths or you can google it.


dont you have the manual? you can try to find the manual using google, i guess you have a good chance.

perhaps some logic user here can help you, just wait


edit: i mean not a button like in ableton, but perhaps a menu where you can assign.

but i dunno

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