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hey mate

forget nitzonot/'uplifting trance' as you call it..

I think psy/goa trance is much better in terms of quality.. and musically of course too.. Don't you think?


Will listen to your track laters though and give you some feedback



Honestly? no not in a million years. what was the last Uplifting trance CD you heard? cause the isrealis didnt have quality in did... but greek upl trance is a totaly other thing. THIS is quality. it might be much more "heavy" than psy goa trance but its much more deep and melodic.what u wiil listen (my track) is nothing compared to other composers who are composing for years. i ll provide soon...

  cyberia said:

Honestly? no not in a million years. what was the last Uplifting trance CD you heard? cause the isrealis didnt have quality in did... but greek upl trance is a totaly other thing. THIS is quality. it might be much more "heavy" than psy goa trance but its much more deep and melodic.what u wiil listen (my track) is nothing compared to other composers who are composing for years. i ll provide soon...


The Israelis aren't the only ones composing 'uplifting trance' full on / whatever.

if you ask me, that's certainly not a benchmark or an indicative of much

you know...


FL studio 6 basicly with Vst instruments. Cubase SX3 and Reason 3. Yes it is deeper and much moremelodic. hits u in your haert.It's what do u want to listen to really. i believe that Uplifting trance is the best. much more complicated and has great quallity. it really does nowdays.it is really stronger. almosto all of the sounds used are heavy. goa trance's kicks are very soft. basslines almost dead. they only use effects and acid lead samples gatted to make a feeling. not much for me. yeah Darma is (was) one of the best! also Star Children,Space Odyssey,Cyan(!!!) and Cherouvim.I only talk about Greek artists. not israelis. i hate Israel Uplifting trance. they use Traditional music melodies in there tracks and tuberlekis and stuff like that.




The Israelis aren't the only ones composing 'uplifting trance' full on / whatever.

if you ask me, that's certainly not a benchmark or an indicative of much

you know...

What exactly do u meen? I never talked about Israelis. I dont like there music. well with some exeptions. (holymen,goldenfinger and some other)


??????????????? :o thats how it supose to sounds! thats music why do u say that?


listen that melody at 5:00...elementary knowledge of music..

:ph34r::ph34r: no way. its unbilievable. the way this lead sound fits the melody and the rest of this track.

goa trance's kicks are very soft. basslines almost dead. they only use effects and acid lead samples gatted to make a feeling

the kicks are not that intense and loud but, so what? It doesn't need to be a hard kick so that it stomps ;)

Basslines dead? :blink: Nop.

And the leads and acid and modulation,much better than karamouza-leads if you ask me :D


sorry man..when i listened that melody the first thing that crossed my mind was that napoleon bonaparte was invading my home...too much karamouza for me...

:huh::D:D lolololol..as u said is a matter of personal taste. but bilieve u havent heard lots of our melodys. so (mr nick_InZoMNiAC ;) ) u cant say that

Goa also has many layers and melodies that nitzonot/uplifting cannot even dream about.

...The karamouza lead ur talking about is no longer beig used for over 4 years and more now..that was the raeson i told u that Digital Dreams is a 6 yrs old track. hoe to have the time for uploading some new tracks so that u may at least reconsider..our melodies are pure. not just gate effected and saw cutted leads...

i've heard LOTS of nitz melodies..

I heard your track too..

I liked the bass/midbass/fx and sounds like that, but didn't like the melodies at all, sorry, it seems like it's melodic just for the sake of being, cheesy melodies if you know what I mean.

Your overall sound production is good however :)


If you would like to see what kind of melodies I prefer, listen to Astral Projection - Visions Of Nasca or Jaia - Brainstorm. :) Or Electric Universe - One Love.. That's melodic ;)

It's not only the melody played but also the sound used...

  • 4 weeks later...

hey man are u nick from the cyan group?

dont pay attention to the bad comments i think its good as a nitz producer to get bad comments since nitz is good to annoy people ;) believe me... so take the bad comments as a compliment , man if u love the sounds and the tunes keep it going , i love nitz stuff.

Guest Rezwalker

the 1st track sounds interesting..

reminds me some stuff from d.zager

but u choose wrong genre man :)

no future for the tsiftetelic :P

btw cherouvim imo is the worse uplifter

all tracks are karamouza-parelash.

also i can't agree that the greek uplifting (uplifting sketo an ksana dw th leksh trance apo dipla tha se vrisw) :P is better...try to listen some stuff from Destination, d.zager,Luminus or old stuff from period 98-99 and u will c the difference.

  nick_InZoMNiAC said:

hey mate

forget nitzonot/'uplifting trance' as you call it..

I think psy/goa trance is much better in terms of quality.. and musically of course too.. Don't you think?


Will listen to your track laters though and give you some feedback




nitzhonot :P


Nitzhonot is dead for more than 4 years now in both Israel and Greece where it used to be famous.Today just a bunch of kids (with the full meaning of the expression) is involved with it in Greece but we are not talking for more than 100-200 people.


The israeli stuff was good and closer to goa trance i guess but when the Greeks got involved then the whole thing got ridiculus with all those cheesy melodies,funny samples and amateur production skills.We had couple of good greek producers like Cyan for example but the majority was kids who wanted to become famous in a night and show off to their friends.


Early stuff from people like Holymen,Astrix,Luminus,Destination and Zotrax were great tracks indeed and became very famous in many countries around the world with Israel and Greece being the Nitzhonot capitals of the world.


Anyway this style of music is long gone and i guess it will not be missed to many people,i had loads of fun with it around 1998-1999 but today listening to this music makes me laugh,i mean you really got to listen how they used the kick and bass back in those times heh.

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