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i would like to know if someone can help me with the scales used in making psy.goa leads and melodies.


I know there are many, but there are some speacific ones which are used a lot and where i can learn them from :)


also how the keep the song from not going off key.It happens with me a lot that my song goes off key here and there


please help


Most Goa is made in some kind of Minor Scale. "Classic" Goa scale is Hungarian Minor. As for the key, I prefer any of the black ones: c#, d#, f#, g#, a#, and I think they are the most used.


To make the song stay in key, practise a lot of music theory, maybe learn to play a classic instrument. You will get your ears trained for hearing harmonies and disharmonies.


thanks cybernetika :)



i will try some humgarian scales



I do have a hardware key board but cannot wire it with fl, otherwise it would be easy



I think i dont have a midi slot where i can plug my keyboard and my computer :(


so i have to first play on keyboard and once i have a nice melody, then i have to reproduce the same on my soft keyboard :D




hey electromonk, i'm not sure how i'd be able to help, but i'd be willing to help. i know a bit about music theory.

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