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I don't understand your logic, radi, and I question how much you love music when I imagine 80% of what you listen to are low quality MP3 recordings.


By downloading so much music you're playing your small part in killing the scene you love so much. You must realise that?


Downloading or buying second hand stuff is the same, the difference is just that it is free for me. With buying second hand i don´t support the scene at all like with downloading, the old records aren´t avaliable in he recordstores anymore so the only option is to donwload. I told you 10 000 times that i don´t own a creditcard so i can´t buy from internet still, it is the next thing which will happen but is not happened yet, then i will buy the recordings i love.

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Great! All of them should be owned.




Why don't you just get a credit card?


I know, the order ordonata compilations are exceptional awesome, they are among the best goa compilations ever made, it´s real oldschool goa.


Downloading or buying second hand stuff is the same, the difference is just that it is free for me. With buying second hand i don´t support the scene at all like with downloading, the old records aren´t avaliable in he recordstores anymore so the only option is to donwload. I told you 10 000 times that i don´t own a creditcard so i can´t buy from internet still, it is the next thing which will happen but is not happened yet, then i will buy the recordings i love.



just in case you're not blind but just ignorant:

you don't need a credit card to buy online. and yes ethically it's the same, what you are forgetting is that you came to us, asking for more music that you like. fine, we give you options, but 90% of those (as you said yourself) can't be found online=> so that's why you wanna buy em, simply because otherwise you won't be able to listen to them, and you will keep on nagging for more music tips, but they're useless since you can't find the tracks for download. get it?

+ i thought you're the man who always talking about the quality of the sound, and how much better astral and simon's is compared to the rest. well i don't think you have an idea of the quality if you're listening to the tracks in mp3 format. YAY yet another reason to buy


i'm not telling you wether is right or wrong if you download the tracks, i really don't give a flying fuck where you get your music radi. what i am telling you, is a solution to your problem. probably the only one. if you don't want to accept this solution, STOP ASKING FOR OTHER ONES


Downloading or buying second hand stuff is the same, the difference is just that it is free for me. With buying second hand i don´t support the scene at all like with downloading, the old records aren´t avaliable in he recordstores anymore so the only option is to donwload. I told you 10 000 times that i don´t own a creditcard so i can´t buy from internet still, it is the next thing which will happen but is not happened yet, then i will buy the recordings i love.


But you aren't interested in supporting the scene anyway, radi, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to send you MP3 files of Twisted's Unusual Suspects 2 album.


I don't understand how you can say Posford is a great artist who deserves support (as you have in the past) yet at the same time be willing to steal from him. It's illogical, it's greedy, it's selfish, it's hypocritical.

Guest Rezwalker

on topic: imo some Prometheus tracks are quite similar to Hallu sound.

the album Robot-O-Chan reminds me a lot his sound


But you aren't interested in supporting the scene anyway, radi, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to send you MP3 files of Twisted's Unusual Suspects 2 album.


I don't understand how you can say Posford is a great artist who deserves support (as you have in the past) yet at the same time be willing to steal from him. It's illogical, it's greedy, it's selfish, it's hypocritical.


Charlie you´re reaping yourself, i told that i will buy the stolen stuff when i´am finally got a creditcard, how often shall i repeat this? what´s up now, are you angry to me because of hat or what? I don´t mind that anyway, i still think Simon is a god and the best psychedelic artist but i also think he has a lot of money because a friend of mine who lives in England says he is a very big organisator of the discos there etc.


on topic: imo some Prometheus tracks are quite similar to Hallu sound.

the album Robot-O-Chan reminds me a lot his sound


They're both great artists but personally I fail to see any similarities. Prometheus' Robot-O-Chan has a very clean, technical, computery, robotic sound, where as Hallucinogen's sound is raw, organic, dirty and saturated in acid.

hey ignor-anus, how many times will i have to repeat that



Then i don´t know how to buy online

Guest Rezwalker

but i also think he has a lot of money because a friend of mine who lives in England says he is a very big organisator of the discos there etc.


Of course he has a lot of money...

1 hallu live costs to every organiser 12.000 euros :blink:


Charlie you´re reaping yourself, i told that i will buy the stolen stuff when i´am finally got a creditcard, how often shall i repeat this? what´s up now, are you angry to me because of hat or what? I don´t mind that anyway, i still think Simon is a god and the best psychedelic artist but i also think he has a lot of money because a friend of mine who lives in England says he is a very big organisator of the discos there etc.


Angry? No. I just get the impression all that matters to you is getting as much free music as you can, and though I don't agree with it, it's okay (fuck knows, you're not the only one), but don't harp on about supporting artists and saying psy is the best genre in the world because if you really believed that you wouldn't download albums that are still in print.


I know, I know, you'll buy them when you can afford them and when you get a credit card... repetition doesn't make it sound any more true.

Guest Rezwalker

They're both great artists but personally I fail to see any similarities. Prometheus' Robot-O-Chan has a very clean, technical, computery, robotic sound, where as Hallucinogen's sound is raw, organic, dirty and saturated in acid.


well i just see in topic the word "like old" :P

actually i mean there is similar sound compared with hallu's nowdays sound :)

e.x listen the track "samothraki" and then the track from "va lucas"

the sound is TOO similar imo


well i just see in topic the word "like old"  :P

actually i mean there is similar sound compared with hallu's nowdays sound :)

e.x listen the track "samothraki" and then the track from "va lucas"

the sound is TOO similar imo


I'll do a comparison between those two later on. I hope you're not right. :D
Guest Rezwalker

I'll do a comparison between those two later on. I hope you're not right.  :D




Angry? No. I just get the impression all that matters to you is getting as much free music as you can, and though I don't agree with it, it's okay (fuck knows, you're not the only one), but don't harp on about supporting artists and saying psy is the best genre in the world because if you really believed that you wouldn't download albums that are still in print.


I know, I know, you'll buy them when you can afford them and when you get a credit card... repetition doesn't make it sound any more true.


Charlie what´s up with you man, please stop man, believe me, how can´t you believe me, i´am telling the truth, i´am very surprised of you mate, i didn´t expect this words from you mate. I don´t mind if you believe or not, i am a very big fan o fpsytrance and will buy the releases i like, i sear it.


Charlie what´s up with you man, please stop man, believe me, how can´t you believe me, i´am telling the truth, i´am very surprised of you mate, i didn´t expect this words from you mate. I don´t mind if you believe or not, i am a very big fan o fpsytrance and will buy the releases i like, i sear it.


Relax. I'm just expressing my opinion on downloading - something we obviously have very different philosophies on. I just find it surprising how someone can, by downloading, harm something they hold so dear and not be bothered by it. It's a bit like having a cat you love and constantly praise but then, whenever you walk past it, you kick it a few times.

Radi...Try Knaprika. Im not sure if you will like it but please try it. Reminds me of Hux Flux a bit...

The guys have some very nice tracks and their live set was superb :)




well done...u fucked up another one thread..i have a nice solution for u..just click to ignore button and in the future u will never see radi's and mines posts..at least no chance in the future for u to destroy threads. as for your "humor" well maybe ur right...i forgot how brainy is the british "humor"..


Ignore you? Why on earth would I want to do that, pray tell?


As for radi, I've always liked him, just because we don't see eye-to-eye on downloading it doesn't change that. Have you never had a disagreement with someone you like?


Have you guys heard about PM?! I've deleted a lot of off-topic posts in this thread, I feel like I should have also deleted way more posts about the downloading debate, but since they are at least somewhat connected with the topic, I let them.


Never the less, sort your stuff out with PMs and not in the general forum. If not, I'll close this topic.


Edit: Some more posts deleted. Last chance people!


Never the less, sort your stuff out with PMs and not in the general forum. If not, I'll close this topic.


Edit: Some more posts deleted. Last chance people!


wrong way to handle things, use pm yourself tatsu :).



@ Charlie:


"I know there is much we can learn from each other if we can negociate a truce, we can find a way to co-exist. Can there be a peace between us? Peace. No Peace!"


This just crossed my mind, for some reason.



independence day B)

[im-release me, but ive heard this in some other psy track aswell, dont remember, etnica or?]


[im-release me, but ive heard this in some other psy track aswell, dont remember, etnica or?]


Infected Mushroom - Release Me


Infected Mushroom - Release Me


yes, thats what "im-release me" stands for :rolleyes:

but ive heard this sample in another track, i think it was etnicas track, perhaps <_<


yes, thats what "im-release me" stands for :rolleyes:

but ive heard this sample in another track, i think it was etnicas track, perhaps <_<


That's 3 hours of sleep for ya.


if you can't fidn things better than hallucinogen, you didn't search good.. there is way more better old school imo


but i guess i'm not that much of a hallucinogen fan :(

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