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hi all,

i have n idea. i thought of askin u bfor implimenting it(wat can i do witout u.... :D )


one of my friend here asked me to teach him to make music. n i was wondering what is the very efficient way to do that through internet n i got this: make a template in fl studio. send it to him. let him make a 2 min track with only the synths n sounds in the template. n send it back to me. then its my job to check it out n see the mistakes,find what improvements to be done, n make a review n sendit back to him. that why it can help him to improve alot.


now what i want to ask u is that. what if we do it together..........

it goes like this: i will upload a template. if u r interested to join , download it. make a track of 2 or 3 mins n upload it again in fl format. so the experts who floats here can check ur tracks n correct it n send u back. the difference of uploading fl format from wav is that, it can be corrected n improved.

i think it will help every one who is at learning phase.


the synths used will be synths which comes with fl studio n some external free vsts also vanguard(i think every one has it).u may only use the FXs which comes with the fl studio. so that the track runs same in everyones computer. any external samples r used will be uploaded along with the fl file.


What u guys think.................... <_<


theres also a nice utility called quick screen recorder which is a nice way to record everything u do on ur computer (shown on the display) as a video file: avi or mpeg. its really nice. maybe u can even edit in cubase and add voice with advise step by step. this really could be useful i think.


The template is yet to be loaded

You can make your own sounds with fruity vsts

You can use any and every fruity vst



I beleive :rolleyes:



it would be a gr8 idea if we could record screen too, that way, we can check how exactly things are done


i always though that getting on yahoo or msn messenger and walkign through it live to be WAY easyer


get on messenger, both you and him open fruity, with a blank template, and work from their, show him the synths etc how they function...


its pointless to tell a n00b to 'make a 2-3 minute track'..he may not even know how to do that, i know i didn't


also, if both useres are useing a legal copy of fruity, you can use colab


theres also a nice utility called quick screen recorder which is a nice way to record everything u do on ur computer (shown on the display) as a video file: avi or mpeg. its really nice. maybe u can even edit in cubase and add voice with advise step by step. this really could be useful i think.


this will result in 800 MB avi file (uncompressed), sound must be recorded seperatly.

but nice idea indeed


The template is yet to be loaded

You can make your own sounds with fruity vsts

You can use any and every fruity vst

I beleive :rolleyes:


if every one use only the vsts given in the template its gonna be a competition. that will be nice i think. bcos we can see diff people using the same template n making diff kind of music. 'same template but diff qualities'. tis will help us to improve alot. some of u may feel that i need more synths.but when u see that the other people can make good music with the given vsts, u can see how thay have made it. ur song may be sounding incomplet. but when u see that others tracks r thick enough, cant u learn something from them. this is what is my intention. if every one can add extra synts, why should i send a template. n also every one need have the synts u have if thay want to play the file in their fl studio. a bigginner may not have all.


there must be some rules n regulation right. i will tell about that after uploading it.


the file will be uploaded within 4 hours :)


theres also a nice utility called quick screen recorder which is a nice way to record everything u do on ur computer (shown on the display) as a video file: avi or mpeg. its really nice. maybe u can even edit in cubase and add voice with advise step by step. this really could be useful i think.


good idea bro :)

here is the fl file


fl file n samples r included in the rar file. put the samples in the rar fls sample folder. n start working.


the synts used are:









see, most of them are free vsts

n there is a bassline sample i have made. but u make ur own bassline. u can use any bass line vst of ur choice. i use phoscyon. please use only what is given to u. bbcos this is for evaluation. please donot add anything extra exept bassline vst n vocals



  • 8 months later...

hy to all , this is a great idea !!! i'm a begginer in music production and my biggest problem is a BASS LINE !!!! i have some samples of bases and i make a line with them but i's not wery good ... <_< can u give me some link from where i can download some vst for basss line ??? or some samples of bass ... ??? i want to make strong and powerful psytrance bass line that kick ass !!!! :P


...and one more thing link of flp file dont seem to work ... TNX !!!



i just downloaded phoscyon and it;s wery GOOD !!! i don;t know what button is for what :blink: but it make nice sounds !!!! tnx !!! :D


Ye Nitin. U could correct my tabla grooves. I was asking Ajay, but he don't know any classical musician in Delhi :(


If I'm not mistaken, doesn't FL Studio have a subprogram called Collab? Is that it or is it just to upload your music? Not a bad idea u have there tho :)

Btw. you better upload that file on yousendit, less chance they will remove the file and they don't have all teh spam if you know what I mean ;)


Now there's an offer you don't get every day.




let us know about some lessons and advices... :)


I hope You will find some free time to refreshing the file, Nitin.

I know You are busy now, but there are some interests on making this project ;)

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