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vibrasphere new album?!

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Has anyone heard anything about this just recentely????


It says 2002 on the incoming stuff list, but time is running out and i am becoming increasingly impatient!


Also does anyone know if they have any live dates in the UK coming up at all??


Ahh well, as long as its as good as the first, they can take all the time they want i suppose!


Cheers in advance,




Yeah it's going to be on Digital Structures this time around. I think I heard someone say the album is done and they're foing mastering and artwork, but as I can't recall who said it I'm not sure it's a reliable source.


Anyway, I think it's fairly reasonable to expect it by the end of this year or the beginning of 2003...


If semi-recent compilation tracks (i.e. Katapult, on monarchie II) are anything to go by this is going to KICK ASS.


OK - cool, i will start my pre release drooling now :)


the only recentish release i have is plastic sharks, and this is STORMING. I will have to check out the other comps you just mentioned to keep my appetite at bay!


thanks for the info guys

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