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Posting from India:


Abstact taken from Off-topIt wasn't the perfect night that I was dreaming (then again dreams rarely materialise it's better to have low expectations).

Hallucinogen was SUPER DUPER AMAZING (and I've heard him 6 times already), Prometheus played great,very complex music, although not as epic as Hallucinogen his showed excepitonal skill.

Slinky wizard and Transwave was dissapointing,

KoxBox - I just entered the room and as soon as I saw the quitar I left, didn't even bother to listen to the music.

Shpongle was good, Raja Ram is a clown and I should have stayed at Prometheus till the end instead of going to shpongle.

The venue was small and 2 packed (what was all the crap about not selling many tickets), security was just plain annoying as well as the overpriced drinks and lousy bar service. I waited for about 20 minutes to get 3 beers.

The half hit of acid that I took was average although the catalog at the chai/tea shop was amazingly interesting, I sat and looked at it for 15 minutes since all the letters and words were jumping around and twisting, luckily there was plenty of weed; I had my salvia with me but I was too scared to try it (ACID + Salvia = not good for patrying).

I was too bloody tired from travelling, I had flown the same morning and then spent another 4 hours going round in buses trying to find my uncle (Orthodox Bishop) and when I got there he had left, then when straight back to my mate's place had a shower,ate and headed to the pub.



The best part of the night was meeting all the psynews member and their friends (gemini, tasu, OD, Colin OOOD, anoebis, Delars, DP, Majoony,Mars, Federico, Tutuman and sorry if I forgot someone). I haven't seen posts about the party yet so most must still be here in London. Had good time dancing with you guys but I didn't see Evan and Majoony inside the venue at all just at the pub.

Gemini, Anoebis, the 2 other blonde girls with the dreads and the short Belgian guy must be the wildest dancers I've ever seen, I tried to dance at your rythm but I think my body is not suited for such high energy movements - Me and my mate Jim nicknamed you the Belgain wild goats (taken from an expression my grandma once used when she saw people dancing at a party) - this is a compliment not trying to imply anything, I truely admired you.


I'll post my pics when I reach India, haven't got time now as I have to go pack and head to the airport!!!




It wasn't the perfect night that I was dreaming (then again dreams rarely materialise it's better to have low expectations).

Hallucinogen was SUPER DUPER AMAZING (and I've heard him 6 times already), Prometheus played great,very complex music, although not as epic as Hallucinogen his showed excepitonal skill.

Slinky wizard and Transwave was dissapointing,

KoxBox - I just entered the room and as soon as I saw the quitar I left, didn't even bother to listen to the music.

Shpongle was good, Raja Ram is a clown and I should have stayed at Prometheus till the end instead of going to shpongle.

The venue was small and 2 packed (what was all the crap about not selling many tickets), security was just plain annoying as well as the overpriced drinks and lousy bar service. I waited for about 20 minutes to get 3 beers.

The half hit of acid that I took was average although the catalog at the chai/tea shop was amazingly interesting, I sat and looked at it for 15 minutes since all the letters and words were jumping around and twisting, luckily there was plenty of weed; I had my salvia with me but I was too scared to try it (ACID + Salvia = not good for patrying).

I was too bloody tired from travelling, I had flown the same morning and then spent another 4 hours going round in buses trying to find my uncle (Orthodox Bishop) and when I got there he had left, then when straight back to my mate's place had a shower,ate and headed to the pub.



The best part of the night was meeting all the psynews member and their friends (gemini, tasu, OD, Colin OOOD, anoebis, Delars, DP, Majoony,Mars, Federico, Tutuman and sorry if I forgot someone). I haven't seen posts about the party yet so most must still be here in London. Had good time dancing with you guys but I didn't see Evan and Majoony inside the venue at all just at the pub.

Gemini, Anoebis, the 2 other blonde girls with the dreads and the short Belgian guy must be the wildest dancers I've ever seen, I tried to dance at your rythm but I think my body is not suited for such high energy movements - Me and my mate Jim nicknamed you the Belgain wild goats (taken from an expression my grandma once used when she saw people dancing at a party) - this is a compliment not trying to imply anything, I truely admired you.


I'll post my pics when I reach India, haven't got time now as I have to go pack and head to the airport!!!



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Gemini, Anoebis, the 2 other blonde girls with the dreads and the short Belgian guy must be the wildest dancers I've ever seen, I tried to dance at your rythm but I think my body is not suited for such high energy movements - Me and my mate Jim nicknamed you the Belgain wild goats (taken from an expression my grandma once used when she saw people dancing at a party) - this is a compliment not trying to imply anything, I truely admired you.


It was nice meeting you as well! :) We want pics! :P

Anyway, such a funny comment about the dancing, the other girls were Caroline and Kirsten and the short guy must have been Kevin and/or Chris :)

Well, that high energy dancing is nothing unusual in Belgium, if you ever have the chance to do some old school or Suntrip party you'll see... :) Also it's easier to go in Trance like that because the adrenaline starts rushing and you reach a point of exhaustment sooner, and if you continue at that point, you go in trance and there is no stopping anymore! :) Also, if a group of people start to throw all their energy in the circle it works as a extra vortex, you get more energy and you dance harder etc... :)


TE & Gnotr were simply brilliant, made it worth coming over to UK..

I have around 750MB of movies from the party.. going to make a short movie of it with fancy effects when I have the time and energy..





that would be cool ..!


we asked them about it, but neil said they 'were having trouble getting the studio together' + they were kind of into different stuff ATM. didn't sound too enthusiastic, but we'll see. he did say that after 7 years they enjoyed performing again, and would like to do so again :) guess who we're booking for our next event ;)


you make my day lars i was already two days depressed that i've missed the gnotr

sure hope you can get them here :o


My Review! :)


First of all the party was AMAZING and lovely, best in my life (but again i

never went to any open air festival so can't really judge that) and to

people who told me the crowd wasnt really so warm , i can answer

we were in london and that is the best you can find there, enough for me

tough :). So let's start talking of the party shall we ?


Here the sets i heard in the order: Simon Baring DJ, Serge Soque DJ, Younger

Brother Live, Hallucinogen Live, Shpongle DJ, Total Eclipse DJ, Green Nuns

LIVE. in the gaps i took a little listen to transwave, tristan, dimitri and

process but i will add a comment about this at the end of my review.


Times for the sets are more or less what i remember, they can very possibly

be wrong, other lister from the party can correct them :).


Simon Baring 23 to 24

We were let in at 23 and here is when this guy, new head at Twisted started

his nice set of electro ambient chill, nice material all the way, perfect

for preparing my mind and body to the mad dancing of the rest of the night.


Serge Soque 24 to 1.30

Awesome set, only oldschool material played!!: total eclipse, green nuns,

man with no name, doof (i think i heard one), the infinity project, astral

projection and similar, was one hour and a half i think, really emotional

and perfectly matching the atmosphere, really a perfect start: goan vibes

all the way!!.


Younger Brother 1.30 to 3

Wohoo!! start of Simon all the way marathon... they were wearing funny masks

on a halloween great stage! simply perfect, can't say what he played as i

don't have yet their cd, only heard tracks on compilations.. massive stuff

all over the liveset, really loved it now need to buy their albuim!.


Hallucinogen! 3 to 4.30

Was his birthday (written big on the screen at his shoulder) and he really

stormed the place, played all the classic hits putting many times the gamma

goblin melody played from a little keyboard, everyone could see he was

really playing notes and doing other random melodies in the tracks here and

there, there was his apple running but he had at least 3 keyboards and a

massive mixer where he was playing on knobs all the time... a REAL fucking

incredible liveset, mindexpanding blowing and simply perfect. Couldn't dream

anything like this and furthermore he was playing in front of 3000 persons

(Event went sold ou, 400 ticket at door probably sold out too). I was in

first line the closest possible to the stage! Was a delirium, he even had a

full crowd of super beautiful girls going wild for him! he is a real

superstar and incredible musician. At the end of his set the crowd all sang

a happy birthday song for him and i seen he almost shed a tear for commotion

as he didn't expect. Applauses and cry for joy were from all the crowd,

simply marvellous...


Shpongle 4.30 to 5.30 or 6 (cant remember)

He ran from the main room to the chill room to play his 3rd set in a row,

joined by freak number one Raja Ram looking as crazy as possible for the

night with his psychedelic football hat and his weird clothes.. our

godfather and grandfather of the scene.. i wish i will have the energy he

has at his age, no idea how he can be so energetic (or maybe i do have an

idea ahah). Shpongle set attracted so many people that it was probalby much

better to keep it in the main room and the chillout place got overcrowded

with the result of terrible sweating (there were not the strong fans they

had in the huge main area were u could really get a cold if u stayed

directly under, incredible air ventilating system). Beside this little

overheating trouble it was really special, most of the tracks were played as

it was a realy long set, floating inbetween relaxing and stronger material

so the result was that people were dancing in the area like nuts in some

point :).


Total Eclipse 5.30 or 6 to 6:45 / 7

The duo without Serge (no idea why they kept the name and serge left) it was

a mixture of material of their long career with possibly some new tracks

(anyone can confirm?) I can't really say i liked it as much as serge set

tough as for me he is much more a spiritual person than these two guys...(is

just a feeling) also one of them was making crazy gestures and faces and

looked a little bit tooo high and insane (the one with short hairs, no idea

who of the two is). But all in all a nice selection of tracks.


Green Nuns Of The Revolutions 6:45 /7 to 8:15

No words for it, simply the most incredible live set i've ever heard, so

acidic i was literally thrown into hyperspace!!! Monstrous synth lines and

mindexpanding acid patterns, i could almost see the flying rhino around the

room aha! :) Really it was a proper liveset: they had a cd going with their

live tracks (i tought it was a DAT like i said to Joske but when i went back

near them to make a photo i seen they had an analog Korg synth and and a cd

player goin plus the mixer but no DATs, so basically they were playing with

frequences on the mixer and alternatively they were using the knobs and

plugging the cables of the synth (no idea what it was but was really

oldschool!). Every track they played was a remix but they played them all!

all the album all the compilations tracks, and not one single original

version, i could really cry for joy. Klunk remixed was even more funkier and

possibly the wicked most funny track ever made in goa trance history... not

to mention ring of fire and atomic armadillo enhanced versions... no words

for them!! Probably they had a liveset on dat made back in the years and

they recorded it onto a cd for the event. But all the manipulations they did

on the synth were really live!! I couldnt expect anything so awesome. As a

note of their funny spirit they played the looney tunes theme to end the set

in a more than perfect way. They were also very funny people always smiling

and seeming to have a lot of fun doing their things!


Bad notes:

I had to show up at 20 in front of the venue and queue on a first line (i

had no ticket reserved). Then at 21:30 they set up a table with the guy from

Access All Areas and someone from the crew security started

to shout: Who has a ticket reserved come over here, all who need a ticket

please queue up down there (into another point, so basically everyone ran

ther other way and all the priority order of arrive was fucked up). Where

everyone queued at 20 or earlier became the queue for who already had a

ticked in his pocket.... this was very unprofessional and casual. Then I had

the chance to buy a ticket from a guy of the staff and could queue in front

of the main door. They made us wait another hour and half and doors

opened only at 22:30/23.

They had some sounds check at 22 that we all heard and finally let

us in. So in this they didnt really keep up with the timetable that was set up

with music starting at 21 no idea how they reduced the sets or managed to

reschedule all the artists, not very professional but understandable for

such a big party.

So all in all i had to wait 3 hours stading before being able to enter the

venue... but was worth!. Other bad thing at the end of the set everyone

rushed to queue to get his jacket back and they had the most crappy system

of queueing and organization for giving back stuff (but here to blame is the

Renaissance Room owners) So it took me no less than 1 hour and something and

could get my jacket at 9:30 in the morning... this was SO painful as i used

all my natural energies to keep up dancing for hours and hours and since i

dont use any substances i could almost fall on the ground waiting for my

jacket... i started to have blurry visions...Not to mention i had to go back

home, shower, pack my things and go to the airport!!! All in all i stayed

awake over 36 hours.. no idea how i managed: first time in my life, just had

2 coffees and 1 red bull over this whole time and loads of water, juice and

a couple of beers!! i proved myself something huge i guess aha, was the nuns

who gave me the energy to arrive back in italy.


Terrible notes:

Transwave... my god. Some friends warned me NOT to venture into the main

room when they were doing the live.. but i had to give it a chance and

inbetween a set (cant remember who was playing) i took 10 minutes to go

seeing them... i was astonished. TERRIBLE music, GMS all the way, only a

boring bassline and a super strong kick, nothing else, few lines here and

there. A guy who seen the complete set later said me they played all like

this including a depeche mode hit remixed into full on and NOT one single

old track.. what a joke, you are not even a shadow of what Transwave was



Dimitri set... what the hell was that? was djing crap modern stuff in the

retro room, crappy full on, including at least 3 pop trance tracks, "how

does it feel" the 80s hit remixed, one prodigy track remixed and another one

and all in all ONLY new music in the room that was supposed to be the

oldschol one!! Totally hated it, people wanted to hear OLD

stuff but he didnt play one single note of that, what a shame.


Tristan in main room was playing new full on too.. :( but somebdoy tells me

he selected something nice and not so boring.

Process seemed ok.. didnt pay too much attention to it tough!


Special note abput the Psynew posse: SUPER COOL PEOPLE! :) Was great to speak with all of you! I hanged around a lot with Fabien and quite some time with Joske and his friend (i think was Chris), very nice people! Hope you will bring the Nuns around!! :) Also very sympathic DP, Asherett and The indian guy (he knew a LOT of track titles! but sorry didnt catch your namE!)


Probably they had a liveset on dat made back in the years and

they recorded it onto a cd for the event.


My sources tell me that the 'Nuns set was all-new versions made by Dick over the last few months. I'm guessing they'll be doing a few live sets at various big festivals in the coming year or so.

WOW man it surely is a marvellous thing! Cause they kept the sound SAFE and SOUND!! I totally tought it was an old set as it sounded SO analogic and SO killer!!! WOOOHOOO BIG THUMBS UP for the Nuns who prooved to be able to make AGAIN the OLDSCHOOL sound (where everyone else is failing i can add, ot at least 99% of the musicians).. Simply monstrous it was..

I wanted to catch you too man, would have been SO cool!

Why don't u play a retro set too? would it be NEAT!


Place was too crowded (at least for this old man) and the bar was semi-chaotic.


On the whole I had a good time even though I had a rather strange trip.


Musically, the highlights were the Process and Green Nuns sets.


Two further points:


(1) No guitars should be allowed on stage


(2) Neither should Raja Ram.





hi there! the party was so awesome, it was my best birthday party ever! hi deathposture:) the green nuns are just some mad men, unfortunately my legs were broke! i couldn't dance anymore! except when they played klunk, then i went nuts! more over this party i can't say because my brain is wasted, too much psychedelics in the music that my brain is bended in anyway possible! maybe i see some of you at trance dimensions here in belgium, its gonna be wicked! that's for sure


(1) No guitars should be allowed on stage


(2) Neither should Raja Ram.



Hahaha, wait till you see Chicago :)


It's really cool to hear every single person agreeing that the Green Nuns rocked the place. Makes me really, REALLY curious!!


The indian guy (he knew a LOT of track titles! but sorry didnt catch your namE!)


Are you talking about me? I was the guy dressed with the japanese robe and we were getting all the tracks during the serge set.


If u are talking me about me, Im greek not Indian and my name is Tasso.


Mi chiamo Tasso!


Ciao bello!

  • 2 weeks later...

Simon B answers to the critique here


In response to some of the criticisms and complaints we have received amongst the overwhelming gratitude that has sent our way, we thought we would provide you with a few explanations and answers to your feedback.



Twisted 10th Anniversary - Appraisal


Originally we had planned a party with a budget based on a 3500 capacity venue which we now had to make work in a 2300 capacity venue due to the first venue losing its license.


We couldn’t change the date because we’d already promised people tickets if they booked their flights from abroad which over 70 people had already taken us up on so canceling this event was not an option. The only venue available on that date was the Renaissance Rooms.


One week before the party, the main financier of the Renaissance Rooms pulled out his support and with it, his Funktion1 rig and all the lighting. So at the last minute we managed to pull in the best Opus rig we could.


The venue failed to do several things we asked. Removing scaffolding and in house sound. Powering up the Old School Room and providing some working equipment in the chill out. We had to do all this ourselves on the day.


All these problems contributed to the late opening. Admittedly there could have been more information offered to the waiting masses as to what was going on but because we were receiving mixed messages about how long it would be till we could open up, we didn’t want to make a statement and then go back on it.


The venue let us down on some more issues:


The Bar staff were way overworked and under equipped. Drinks were pretty usual London club prices but those TINY bottles of water for 2 quid were outrageous we agree.


Rubbish left on the floors was a real issue.


Cloak room operation was without doubt a joke - little to zero organization resulting in a queue through the chill out and into the old school room for a lot of the night.


The Heat and Space situation was not too bad considering on at least 3 occasions the fire exits were opened and public poured in undermining all our efforts to limit the capacity. Eyewitnesses estimated between 30-50 (or more!) on each occasion. At least 100+ bodies entered the building. At least 2 people stupidly and dangerously climbed over the roof. The stewards set aside for support management were then taken from their areas in order to guard fire exits for the rest of the night due to fact the venue could not offer security as and when it was needed. We were let down very badly by the venue here.


***Breaking into a sold out night in large quantities is very dangerous and selfish. If you haven’t been on it enough to get a ticket then I’m afraid you don’t deserve to be inside and the people who paid a lot of money to be there don’t deserve to suffer for your illegal gain***


As one person pointed out, we should have told people that there simply were no tickets on the door. We won’t make this mistake again.


Did anyone else notice that the nearer the front you went, the more space there was? The problem round the back was largely because of people coming into the main room and then stopping and checking out the sounds and having chats around the back near the bar which made it very congested. The bar being in the corner between the Main and other rooms also acted as a major corridor blocker. We didn’t find it too hot, it was as warm as you expect a sold out night to be. That fan at the back was amazing and the outdoor area was fantastic for a breather. The Liquid Spiral Room was really too warm we admit. This was due to the sound curtaining which prevented it getting the effects of the ventilation.


We saw a complaint about the Backroom Beats room. We agree that it was too small for the likes of the line up but there wasn’t any other choice after the downsizing of the venue. Every time we went in there the music was brilliant and there was a great vibe in there too.


Security from most reports were pretty bad. They were okay on the entrances but once inside they were being overly obnoxious. Saying a bouncer should give a warning to a guy doing a line is a pretty stupid thing to say. Drugs are illegal and it is the bouncers job to police this or the venue will not only lose their license but face prosecution.


The Music – Everything went to plan in most areas despite the sound system problems. The line up of what times everyone actually played is on the end of this post so people can sift through their memories! The late re-appearance of RajaRam was a very welcome surprise. The no shows were OTT due to his baby showing up at the perfect time! Her birthday is now the same Twisted’s and Simon Posford’s! (Congratulations to Ott for the arrival of Daisy Rosa – born 6:02am on 28th October 2006 weighing 7lbs 15oz (right around the time when he was supposed to be playing!). Ott was replaced by Naked Nick who did a great job by all accounts. The only other no show was Slinky Wizard who due to unfortunate circumstances couldn’t make it at the last minute. This led to Sean Process performing a double length set and a MIGHTY fine job he did too…


We were commited to doing the event and we gave it everything we could. We hope you all had as much fun as we did and that you will come to Twisted events in the future. Thank you all for your patience with the issues mentioned above. We want you to know that lessons have been learnt from the last two events, and we are pushing towards a really good formula for the next one. Keep your ears peeled for Shpongle Live in Concert on April 27th 2007.



Twisted Main Room

22.00 - 23.00 Simon H

23.00 - 00.30 Younger Brother

00.30 - 01.30 Hallucinogen

01.30 - 03.00 Prometheus

03.00 - 04.15 Transwave

04.15 - 05.30 Koxbox

05.30 – 06.45 Tristan

06.45 – 08.00 GBU


Goa Old Skool//Tribe of Frog Room

21.00 – 22.30 Natzan

22.30 – 00.00 Serge/Antidote

00.00 – 01.30 Psychosonic

01.30 – 04.15 Sean Process

04.15 – 05.30 Total Eclipse

05.30 – 06.45 Dimitri

06.45 – 08.00 Green Nuns of the Revolution



Liquid/Spiral – Chill

22.00 – 23.00 Simon Baring

23.00 – 00.00 Capsula/Liquid

00.00 – 01.30 Alex Patterson

01.30 - 03.00 Shpongle

03.00 - 04.30 Phuture Primitive/Liquid

04.30 - 06.00 Naked Nick

06.30 - 08.00 Bluetech


Backroom Beat Room

21.00 – 22.30 Michelle DJ Set

22.30 - 00.00 Ed Bigland

00.00 – 01.30 Youth

01.30 - 03.00 DMT

03.00 - 04.00 Western Rebel Alliance

04.00 - 05.00 Greg Hunter

05.00 – 06.30 Merv/Eat Static

06.30 – 08.00 Digitalis DJ

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