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In order to further the propagation of the Psytrance/Goa genre, it would be a great help to come up with a list of Essential Artists and Tracks. Once a good list is created, I'd suggest you pin it to the top of the General forum. Not only would this become a Noob's guide to the genre, but it would preclude the old heads in here hearing the same questions over and over.


For any of you self-proclaimed Goaphiles (lovers of Goa and the like), please post a list of artists that best represent the genre. If you could, indicate what sub-genre of Psytrance/Goa they best represent. You might try to come up with a Top 10 or Top 25 Most Influential Artists in the genre... that should be enough to get those newer to the genre started.


Then come up with a Top 10 or Top 25 Most Essential Tracks (listing the Artist and Title as a minimum). Of course, if you can identify the sub-genre (or sub-sub-genreas it were), it would be even more beneficial.


As a start, here's two links that kind of give a lay of the land:

Anoebis' Psychedelic Trance Flowchart

Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music






EDIT: As of August 21, 2006, here's the suggested list so far, alphabetized. This is great; it's exactly what I was looking for. While some might think the list is too long, too encompassing, or, as one member cited, too average, it gives us a place to start looking. THANKS! (Serious) suggestions on how to clean the list up would be appreciated, and more suggestions on Artists, Albums, and Tracks are still very welcome.


Abstrakta Araberr - "Sitt I Soffan"

adrenalin drum - x-perimental goa

Asia 2001 - ama zone

asia 2001 - psykadelia, live - transpact

Astral Projection - "Enlighted Evolution"?

astral projection - another world

astral projection = dancing galaxy

Astral Projection: Trust In Trance (TIP)

Beyond Third Spring : Oasis Of Memories

blue planet corporation - blue planet

bodhissatva 13:20 : excursions through the ancient future (truffle)

bodhissatva 13:20 : secrets of the mojave (geomagnetic tv)

boris blenn electric universe

bus = Morebusinesslinkyouthere

bypass unit - green dreams

California Sunshine - Nasha

california sunshine - trance


Cosmosis - "Doors Of Perception"

Cosmosis: Cosmology (Transient), Synergy (Transient)


Darshan: Awakening (Flying Rhino)

delta = schizoeffective

derango : tumult (inpsyde media)

deviant electronics - blunt and childsplay

dimension 5 - transdimentional,second phaze

Dogma - the land of utopia

Doof: Let's Turn On (TIP)

Electric Universe: One Love (Spirit Zone), Stardiver (Spirit Zone)

eraser vs yöjalka : round 1 (exogenic)

eraser vs yöjalka : tärinat (exogenic)

Etnica - "Trip Tonite"

etnica - juggling alchemists

Green Nuns Of The Revolution

GMS - Wanted GMS, The Hits

growling mad scientists - chaos laboratory

Hallucinogen - perhaps the track "LSD"

Hallucinogen: Twisted (Dragonfly), The Lone Deranger (Twisted)

haltya : forest flavour (exogenic)

Hux Flux: Cryptic Crunch (Koyote)

Infected Mushroom : B.P. Empire. (album)

Infected Mushroom: Classical Mushroom (album)

Infected Mushroom: The Gathering (album)

Infected Mushroom: Bust a Move (song)

Infected Mushroom: Cities of the Future (song)

Infected Mushroom: Dancing with Kadhafi (song)

Infected Mushroom: Deeply Disturbed (song)

Juno Reactor: Beyond The Infinite (Blue Room)

kindzadza = waves from outer space

Koxbox - "Fuel On"

Koxbox (their first two albums)

Koxbox: Forever After (Harthouse, Matsuri), Dragon Tales (Blue Room)

Logic Bomb : Headware

loopus in fabula : loopus in fabula(demon tea)

mandalavandalz : chapora nightlife (6 dimension soundz)

mandalavandalz : hong kong nightlife (karelia)

mfg - the prophecy

midi miliz = pasages

Miraculix : Detonator

Miranda : Asinja

o.o.o.d - breathing space and alive

Orion: Futuristic Poetry (Symbiosis), Metamorpheus (Phantasm)

pelinpala : my cd has landed on the next neighbourhood's dog (demon tea)

penta = pentafiles

Pleiadians - IFO (artitst and album)

Pleiadians - IFO (Dragonfly)

power source - cosmic waves

Prana: Cyclone (Matsuri), Geomantik (Matsuri)

Psychaos - "Dense Dawn"

Psychopod - "Psychopod"

Quirk - Dark Matter

RA - To Sirius

s.u.n. project = sexperimental

scatterbrain - infernal angel

Section X - "Galaxian"

Shakatura - "All Hallows Morning"

shakta - enlightened ape

Shakta: Silicon Trip (Dragonfly), The Enlightened Ape (Dragonfly)

Shiva Shidapu - Shiva Sidpao: The Album

somaton - future memories

Somaton: Future Memories (Phantasm)

sonic fusion = discovery

space tribe = sonic mandala

Space Tribe: Sonic Mandala (Spirit Zone)

squaremeat : jungle boogie partyline (exogenic)

Sundog - "Touch The Sun"

suomi / forest sounds

Talpa - The Art of Being Non

Technossomy - "V.T.O.L."

Technossomy: Synthetic Flesh (Flying Rhino)

texas faggott : petoman's peflett (exogenic)

The Green Nuns of The Revolution - Rock Bitch Mafia (Flying Rhino)

The Infinity Project: Feeling Weird (TIP), Mystical Experiences (Blue Room)

The Misted Muppet : From The Legend

tim schuldt

Total Eclipse (artist)

Total Eclipse : Violent Relaxation

Total Eclipse: Delta Aquarids (Blue Room), Violent Relaxation (Blue Room)

transwave - hypnorythm ep

Transwave: Helium (Matsuri), Phototropic (Distance)

Unconscious Collective - "Flourostani Transcendance"

UX: Ultimate Experience (Dragonfly)

v.a. : boldly audio (sanaton)

v.a. : moonunit (apoxina)

v.a. : psychovader (apixina)

v.a. : sanatonic audio (sanaton)

v.a. : schizm (gi'iwa)

v.a. : scrambled heads (spastic elastic)

wizzy noise = elektro theatre

x-dream = ALL OF THEM!!!

X-Dream: Trip To Trancesylvania (Tunnel)

X-Dream: We Created Our Own Happines (Tunnel)

X-Dream: Radio (Blue Room)


EDITED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING on September 02, 2006


Here was the latest "100 Best Goa Tracks" I am aware of, as published on September, 19th 2001 (as reposted by Jeff; only 91 were posted):


1) Hallucinogen : LSD

2) Infected Mushroom : Bust A Move

3) Hallucinogen : Shamanix

4) Astral Projection : People Can Fly

5) Infected Mushroom : Psycho

6) Atmos : Klein Aber Doctor

6) Man With No Name : Teleport

8) Astral Projection : Mahadeva

9) Ticon : We Are The Mammoth Hunters

10) Hallucinogen : Angelic Particles

11) Pleiadians : Alcyone

11) Shpongle : Behind Closed Eyelids

13) Astral Projection : Nilaya

14) Infected Mushroom : Symphonatic

15) Infected Mushroom : Return of The Shadows

16) Pleiadians : Maia

17) Astral Projection : Kabalah

18) Hallucinogen : Space Pussy

19) Astral Projection : Let There Be Light

20) Infected Mushroom : Mush Mushi

21) Hallucinogen : Deranger

21) Infected Mushroom : Roll Us A Giant

23) Dark Soho : Depth of Emotion

24) Chi-AD : Eye am the I

25) Astral Projection: No-One Ever Dreams

26) Infected Mushroom : Dracul

26) Deedrah : Reload

28) Astral Projection : Dancing Galaxy

28) Hallucinogen : Shakey Shaker

30) Hallucinogen : Gamma Goblins Part 2

30) GMS : Arabian Knights On Mescaline

32) Shpongle : And The Day Turned To Night

33) Chi-AD : Exit Eternity

34) S.U.N Project : 380 Volts

34) Astral Projection : Liquid Sun

34) Hallucinogen : Snarling Black Mabel

37) Hallucinogen : Fluoro Neuro Sponge

37) Hallucinogen : Mi Loony Um

37) Juno Reactor : Pistolero

40) Juno Reactor : Feel The Universe

41) Etnica : Tribute

41) Son Kite : Knob Adjustment

41) Logic Bomb : Shadow of The Beast

41) Total Eclipse : Free Lemonade

41) Prana : Black Rain

46) Infected Mushroom : The Gathering

46) Power Source : Goaway

48) Pleiadians : Modulation

48) The Delta : Thing

48) Koxbox : Stay Psychedelic

51) Etnica : Trip Tonite (Rmx)

51) Astral Projection : Aqua Line Spirit

51) Cosmosis : Gift of the Gods

51) Beast : Spawn

55) Transwave : Land Of Freedom

56) Son Kite : Aiwana

56) Toï Doï : Nuage D'encens

56) Son Kite : Clockwise

56) Infected Mushroom : Dancing With Kadafi

56) Hallucinogen : Gamma Goblins

61) Juno Reactor : Rotorblade

61) X-Dream : Panic in Paradise

61) Yahel : For The People

61) Infected Mushroom : Classical Mushroom

65) Tromesa : Owig Weg

66) X-Dream : The Second Room (A-Trip)

67) Shpongle : Vapour Rumours

67) Infected Mushroom : Unbalanced (Baby Killer Rmx)

69) Cosmosis : Cannabanoid

69) Total Eclipse : Can't Do That

71) Doof : Double Dragon

71) Shpongle : Around The World In A Tea Daze

71) California Sunshine : Rain

74) Total Eclipse : The Furnace

74) Transwave : Malaka Dance

74) X-Dream : Freak

77) The Delta : As A Child I Could Walk On The Ceiling

77) Son Kite : Hi-Fi Stomp Session

77) Infected Mushroom : The Missed Symphony

77) MFG : New Kind Of World

77) Infected Mushroom : Release Me

77) Toï Doï : Up Days

77) Hallucinogen : Spiritual Antiseptic

84) Son Kite : Where's My Drum?

84) Haldolium : 1969

84) Shpongle : Dorset Perception

84) Etnica : Mystical Appearance In Goa

84) Koxbox : Fuel On

84) Astral Projection : Life on Mars

84) Intact Instinct : Chicago Coin's Cinema

91) Shakta : Leptonhead (Deedrah Rmx)

91) Etnica : Trip Tonite

91) California Sunshine : Coming home

91) Vibrasphere : Echoplantation

91) Der Dritte Raum : Hale Bob

91) Wizzy Noise : Oversexed Succubus

91) Pleiadians : Full Mental Jackpot

91) Power Source : Granada

91) The Green Nuns of The Revolution : Ring of Fire

91) Sandman : Shockwave

91) Parasence : Boomerang

91) Jaïa : After The Rain

91) Miranda : First Steps To The Stars

91) Space Cat : Snorkel Blaster


In order to further the propagation of the Psytrance/Goa genre, it would be a great help to come up with a list of Essential Artists and Tracks. Once a good list is created, I'd suggest you pin it to the top of the General forum. Not only would this become a Noob's guide to the genre, but it would preclude the old heads in here hearing the same questions over and over.


For any of you self-proclaimed Goaphiles (lovers of Goa and the like), please post a list of artists that best represent the genre. If you could, indicate what sub-genre of Psytrance/Goa they best represent. You might try to come up with a Top 10 or Top 25 Most Influential Artists in the genre... that should be enough to get those newer to the genre started.


Then come up with a Top 10 or Top 25 Most Essential Tracks (listing the Artist and Title as a minimum). Of course, if you can identify the sub-genre (or sub-sub-genre as it were), it would be even more beneficial.


As a start, here's two links that kind of give a lay of the land:

Anoebis' Psychedelic Trance Flowchart

Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music







OK, I'll start with artists and up-tempo albums that are obligatory:


Hallucinogen: Twisted (Dragonfly), The Lone Deranger (Twisted)

The Infinity Project: Feeling Weird (TIP), Mystical Experiences (Blue Room)

Shakta: Silicon Trip (Dragonfly), The Enlightened Ape (Dragonfly)

Somaton: Future Memories (Phantasm)

Cosmosis: Cosmology (Transient), Synergy (Transient)

Doof: Let's Turn On (TIP)

Astral Projection: Trust In Trance (TIP)

Technossomy: Synthetic Flesh (Flying Rhino)

UX: Ultimate Experience (Dragonfly)

The Green Nuns of The Revolution - Rock Bitch Mafia (Flying Rhino)

Pleiadians - IFO (Dragonfly)

Transwave: Helium (Matsuri), Phototropic (Distance)

Darshan: Awakening (Flying Rhino)

Koxbox: Forever After (Harthouse, Matsuri), Dragon Tales (Blue Room)

Total Eclipse: Delta Aquarids (Blue Room), Violent Relaxation (Blue Room)

X-Dream: Trip To Trancesylvania (Tunnel), We Created Our Own Happines (Tunnel), Radio (Blue Room)

Juno Reactor: Beyond The Infinite (Blue Room)

Orion: Futuristic Poetry (Symbiosis), Metamorpheus (Phantasm)

Prana: Cyclone (Matsuri), Geomantik (Matsuri)

Space Tribe: Sonic Mandala (Spirit Zone)

Electric Universe: One Love (Spirit Zone), Stardiver (Spirit Zone)

Hux Flux: Cryptic Crunch (Koyote)


the list is far from being complete, but it's all I could think of at the moment :)


I've been working on choosing out the most esesential goa tracks for about ten years and the list is still not fine tuned. Here it is so far:


Koxbox - "Fuel On"

Unconscious Collective - "Flourostani Transcendance"

Cosmosis - "Doors Of Perception"

Abstrakta Araberr - "Sitt I Soffan"

Section X - "Galaxian"

Technossomy - "V.T.O.L."

Shakatura - "All Hallows Morning"

Psychaos - "Dense Dawn"

Etnica - "Trip Tonite"

Sundog - "Touch The Sun"

Psychopod - "Psychopod"


I Haven't put too much thought into essential whole albums (other than Pleiadians - IFO and the first two from Koxbox) but the following artists have been very essential and influencing, though I can't point out single tracks: Hallucinogen (perhaps "LSD"), Green Nuns Of The Revolution, Astral Projection ("Enlighted Evolution"?) and many more...


I've been working on choosing out the most esesential goa tracks for about ten years and the list is still not fine tuned. Here it is so far:


Koxbox - "Fuel On"

Unconscious Collective - "Flourostani Transcendance"

Cosmosis - "Doors Of Perception"

Abstrakta Araberr - "Sitt I Soffan"

Section X - "Galaxian"

Technossomy - "V.T.O.L."

Shakatura - "All Hallows Morning"

Psychaos - "Dense Dawn"

Etnica - "Trip Tonite"

Sundog - "Touch The Sun"

Psychopod - "Psychopod"


I Haven't put too much thought into essential whole albums (other than Pleiadians - IFO and the first two from Koxbox) but the following artists have been very essential and influencing, though I can't point out single tracks: Hallucinogen (perhaps "LSD"), Green Nuns Of The Revolution, Astral Projection ("Enlighted Evolution"?) and many more...


I listened to the Sundog track now... And it sounded much better than last time... Funny :)


Infected Mushroom: The Gathering

Infected Mushroom: Classical Mushroom

Infected Mushroom : B.P. Empire. (my personal fav)


All 3 are essential psytrance albums. Dont bother about the ones released afterwards.


OD is completely right, BPE is their best album ;)


But unlike him, I actually dislike the other 2 a bit... There's something about them which turns me off. However, most people seem to like Classical Mushroom the most, so I guess I shouldn't care :)


OD is completely right, BPE is their best album ;)


But unlike him, I actually dislike the other 2 a bit... There's something about them which turns me off. However, most people seem to like Classical Mushroom the most, so I guess I shouldn't care :)


I agree. I put them up there because they ARE good albums, even if I dont really like them much myself. B.P Empire is awesome, because there hasnt been an album that even sounds remotely like it.


Dancing with Kadafi is also one of my favourite tunes of all time.


heres my 2 cents worth


asia 2001 - psykadelia, live - transpact

dimension 5 - transdimentional,second phaze

growling mad scientists - chaos laboratory

power source - cosmic waves

o.o.o.d - breathing space and alive

astral projection - another world

transwave - hypnorythm ep

etnica - juggling alchemists

blue planet corporation - blue planet

scatterbrain - infernal angel

shakta - enlightened ape

tim schuldt

adrenalin drum - x-perimental goa

boris blenn electric universe

bypass unit - green dreams

mfg - the prophecy


deviant electronics - blunt and childsplay



and all the ones antic said (of course)


i could go on all night but you get my drift


I agree. I put them up there because they ARE good albums, even if I dont really like them much myself.  B.P Empire is awesome, because there hasnt been an album that even sounds remotely like it.


Dancing with Kadafi is also one of my favourite tunes of all time.


My thoughts excactly...


Except I think the Kadafi track doesn't fit too well with the rest, it's a bit too superficial and hitty to fit in well with the trippy dance floor songs from the rest of the album.


The Misted Muppet : From The Legend

Beyond Third Spring : Oasis Of Memories

Total Eclipse : Violent Relaxation

Miraculix : Detonator

Logic Bomb : Headware

Miranda : Asinja


suomi / forest sounds


texas faggott : petoman's peflett (exogenic)

haltya : forest flavour (exogenic)

eraser vs yöjalka : round 1 (exogenic)

eraser vs yöjalka : tärinat (exogenic)

mandalavandalz : hong kong nightlife (karelia)

mandalavandalz : chapora nightlife (6 dimension soundz)

squaremeat : jungle boogie partyline (exogenic)

pelinpala : my cd has landed on the next neighbourhood's dog (demon tea)

loopus in fabula : loopus in fabula(demon tea)







derango : tumult (inpsyde media)

bodhissatva 13:20 : excursions through the ancient future (truffle)

bodhissatva 13:20 : secrets of the mojave (geomagnetic tv)

v.a. : boldly audio (sanaton)

v.a. : sanatonic audio (sanaton)

v.a. : schizm (gi'iwa)

v.a. : moonunit (apoxina)

v.a. : psychovader (apixina)

v.a. : scrambled heads (spastic elastic)





Talpa - The Art of Being Non

Derango - Tumult


Two of my favourite psy albums of all time! I consider them essential :D


I also agree with Infected's first three albums. Infected Mushroom is what got me into psytrance!


heres my 2 cents worth


asia 2001 - psykadelia, live - transpact

dimension 5 - transdimentional,second phaze

growling mad scientists - chaos laboratory

power source - cosmic waves

o.o.o.d - breathing space and alive

astral projection - another world

transwave - hypnorythm ep

etnica - juggling alchemists

blue planet corporation - blue planet

scatterbrain - infernal angel

shakta - enlightened ape

tim schuldt

adrenalin drum - x-perimental goa

boris blenn electric universe

bypass unit - green dreams

mfg - the prophecy


deviant electronics - blunt and childsplay



and all the ones antic said (of course)


i could go on all night but you get my drift


what he said :)


plus :

Asia 2001 - ama zone

california sunshine - trance

Dogma - the land of utopia

somaton - future memories

Shiva Shidapu - Shiva Sidpao: The Album


space tribe = sonic mandala

s.u.n. project = sexperimental

astral projection = dancing galaxy

midi miliz = pasages

kindzadza = waves from outer space

penta = pentafiles

sonic fusion = discovery

delta = schizoeffective

wizzy noise = elektro theatre

x-dream = ALL OF THEM!!!

bus = Morebusinesslinkyouthere


koxbox I'd recommend... not sure which one though...

not like its available readily anyways...


this topic is so full of average recommendations it couldn't be pinned (pm from mars)

:(  :(  :(


Who's to decide what's average and what's beyond?

Anyway, there's nothing average about the tracks I listed


Total Eclipse albums are also essential to any goatrance lovers or anyone else that likes good music.



Astral Projection

old Infected




call this list as mainstream as possible, cause it is, but I think these offer the best overview of oldschool/midschool psy for 'n00bs' because of that.


this topic is so full of average recommendations it couldn't be pinned (pm from mars)

:(  :(  :(




i thought this topic was about members suggestions.



Astral Projection

old Infected

call this list as mainstream as possible, cause it is, but I think these offer the best overview of oldschool/midschool psy for 'n00bs' because of that.


Mainstream is fine. It's hard for a noob to dive into a genre and tackle all the nuances of the lesser-known artists. Certainly, it would be great to have suggestions of GREAT lesser-known artitsts and tracks, but with all the material out there, it makes it very helpful to have a list of Artists, Albums, and Tracks to seek out to get familiar with a genre.


What I find funny is that a "mainstream" psytrance artist like Infected Mushroom is still considered obscure by the masses. The humor and irony is in how relative the concept "mainstream" is.


As noobs explore these artists, their apprecaition for the genre and taste will expand, and they can more easily and naturally explore the rest. This is just a great primer to people moving from, say, DnB or Breaks into Goa and Psytrance.


So fire away with the mainstream, the "average," and the old-hat... If someone is willing to take the time to recommend it, it'll probably appeal to a lot of others and provide a focus for us.






Oh, BTW, if people could start denoting whether they are recommending an ARTIST, an (Album), or a "Track", it would be helpful. I'll go back and try to reformat the list at the top of the post so that the format is more clear to noobs.


Shortened quote for brevity:


OK, I'll start with artists and up-tempo albums that are obligatory:


Hallucinogen: The Lone Deranger

Cosmosis: Cosmology

Doof: Let's Turn On


Juno Reactor: Beyond The Infinite


I picked up the first three from your recommendation, and they are awesome! Thanks. :D I should have the Juno Reactor this weekend. I'd seen/heard Cosmosis and Doof on several streams and in the clubs I go to so I figured I'd like them. I had not yet come to recognize Hallucinogen, however, but the name Lone Deranger seems to pop up in several forums regarding several other groups (I'm guessing members of Hallucinogen are members of other prominent groups, too?) It's probably my favorite of the three. The Juno Reactor album was recommended to me by someone else, too, which is why I sought it out over the others that have been recommended.



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