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Hey there,


I was looking for a forum in which more Chillout is discussed, and ended up finding no forum at all, but I did find this page; http://www.sofaspace.ch/en/playlist

Seems like a pretty good stream, eh?


But still: I'm looking for a place where good psychedelic ambient, chillout, dub, whatever is discussed. Is there such a place?




Cheers dude, dunno why I didnt think of Isra. Maybe because I usually loathe it, but the Chillout section seems pretty chilled out indeed. Thanks again!


well, it's not much but.......


there's a forum where mostly age 50+ fanboys of Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Jarre hang out... but there's also some talk about other artists and ambient



forum at hypnos.com ambient label

forum at ambient.us

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