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Have you heard prog full-on?


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Guest Red Headed Stepchild

I have heard alot of music lately that I would have to discribe as well...

FULL-ON PROGRESSIVE. Now I know what alot of people will say.

"How can something be full-on and not have lots of melodies"


Well I know it seems strange but that is exactly how I would discribe the new Etnica Crome WE CD. It doesn't have alot of melodies in the typical way. It is like all these little riffs and sounds that build and build until the energy is just explosive. The whole time there is this groove that just keeps you funking out.


I would say that Penta and also some of the songs on the new Saiko-Pod album are Full-on prog. But I would like more of this amazing sound.

That sound is funky like most Progressive and also has so much energy just like full-on. This is in my opinion the next big thing in Psytrance.


So if anyone could be so kind as to lead me to more artists in this style I would be very happy!



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Guest andrejcid

try the new doof compilation "triund" it is amzing psichadelic full on music with no melodies and with some progy sounds.

btw i'd rather say that hujaboy and wizzy noise, especially hujaboy produces tech-trance

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Guest spacemonkey- 604

of course there is prog full-on, prog doesn't mean there aren't any melodies, it means it progresses from the original sound (which in the case of minimal isn't always so, but that discussion is boring)

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oh. and i who was hoping that a bunch of artists would follow the incredible morning style that space tribe and electric univerese have produced lately. what about a new pleiadians or mfg? :]



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Guest Red Headed Stepchild

Thanks for all of these posts. I will try out some of the stuff that you have all listed. As for the post from Unleashed. NO I think the meaning of minimal doesn't not mean without melodies. It to me atleast means not alot of elements at any given time. So if a song has no melodic elements but is FULL of noise elements then it can't be minimal. Thanks Again :)

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