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Which track names do you think best describe the music of that track? (not counting lyrics/vocal samples like fuzzion's shezabitch is thus called because it says shezabitch in it)


For example when I first heard Purple - Cascades I really felt like the music was cascading all around me.


Pleiadians - Modulation seems centred around modulation


The Muses Rapt - Spiritual Healing sounds to me both spiritual & beautifully healing.


Does anyone else like a track to be completely summed up in the title?

What others are there?


TIP CREW - A WELCOME TO ALL EXTRATERRESTRIALS - The atmospheres and melodies sounds haunting, mystical, like a real UFO landing that should have been waited by fellow humans. :D


UX - ALIEN EARTH ACTIVITY is very intense, dark experience that sounds exactly like a secret alien sect spreading their alienated roots across the Earth.


MFG - NEW KIND OF WORLD is so filled with sunshine, morphing tectonic moves that are sliding up and down, forming the new land, the new world.


HALLUCINOGEN - DERANGER - No need to describe it, this track is the ULTIMATE DERANGNESS. :D


OFORIA - UPLIFTER which summons it perfectly...long, driving, uplifting sounds and melodies that are lifting you up more and more...


Spicelab - Falling Falling 18 minutes into the unknown.


Cliff Martinez - First Sleep From the movie Solaris. Perfect for that scene, where he sleeps for the first time aboard the space station.


L.S.G. - Lonely Casseopaya I hear that track in my head every time I look up at the stars and the constellation Casseopaya.


Age of Love - Age of Love The tittle says everything.


Boris Blenn - Portamento Nice portamento on that synth :)




Led Zeppelin - Starway to Heaven ?


Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody ?


Beatles - Get Back ?


I think these titles describe the music quite well :)


Klaus Schulze - Crystal Lake


well well, what a coincidence that it happens to be my favorite track :P


That reminds me of Camp Crystal Lake :ph34r:

Posted Image


Klaus Schulze - Crystal Lake


well well, what a coincidence that it happens to be my favorite track :P


Aptly named tracks are usually good (unless the are craply named like piece of shit number 68) so it's no wonder it's your favourite!!


Union Jack - Water Drums

Juno Reactor - Conga Fury

Public Energy - Three O´ Three

Pretty much describes it... ;)


Klaus Schulze - Floating

The only track that deserves this title.


Cliff Martinez - First Sleep From the movie Solaris. Perfect for that scene, where he sleeps for the first time aboard the space station.

I really love that movie and its soundtrack.


The soundtrack is wonderful on its own but after listening to it for a while and then seeing the movie with its integrated imagery it just raises it up to the next level.



re: the OP, tracks that come to mind:


MFG - Sunshine

Juno Reactor - Feel the Universe

Boards of Canada - In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country


Oh yeah! I've got a couple more to add.


Ka-Sol - Waspnest

Delivers what it promises :)


Ka-Sol - Flying Carpet

There is something arabic and flying carpety about this song


Ka-Sol - Whalebacktrack

Sounds like a whale :P


Come to think of it, Ka-Sol is quite good at making songs that sound like their name :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Astral Projection - Flying into a Star reminded me of a star trek episode where they try & fly into a star!


claw - juracid

darkpsy - analog style

toxic - electric shadow

grapes of wrath - wackie mackie

hyper frequencies - shamanik bounce


Youth - Spectral Beach

(I even have a picture that it reminds me of somewhere)


Abakus - Last Summer Dud

(very end of summer feel)

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