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boring pysnews.org


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i dont know, but since that stuff of the password, and that here was discussed the mp3 thing until all of us tired of it, there´s nothing really new to see in this page... not a single review... not any real theme of anything... the topics now are like ¿well what the hell can i ask now?... i hope some of the members (i will not mention any) will be pleased now with the "political correct" and "moral way" of this media.... anyway... any ideas to bring some fresh to this page? i dont know now i dont laugh so much of the things writed here...

stay shpongled

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Guest goa tacks

I personally do not like the idea of log in in the first place.

I think the system makes harder people to write to review for each tracks.

(now on one can leave a bull shit post, but no one really can the post the review until you join some club?)


I think old system is better.

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Guest bugbread

Goa Tacks:


You're in Japan too, eh?


Maybe you didn't read through some of the worse old reviews...Logins are the bitter pill that cure the even worse terminal illness.


I'd rather have a few great reviews than a 20 page review of every psy album ever made that just says:




"Shut up"

"You shut up, fagot"

"Minimal for homos"

"Better than melodic ass-fuckers"


and the other 'reviews' that used to clog up the review section.

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Guest Slidingtrancer

I just dont like the new 'system' of reviewing.


I used to pass by here everyday to see whether there were new reviews of albums to discover. Now its just a very lousy, not updated list of avalaible albums.


Another question:


When is the new website coming around?

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if you guys have any complain about the reviews, then why don't you guys start pressing some keys on your keyboard???

Colaborate with this site, don't just come and criticize like that.



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Guest bugbread

v4K, brain, sliding, etc:


I think a big prob is that Children/Mars don't have the time to update very often. I know that most reviews (not quite all) take a month or more between when they're sent to Children and Mars and when they actually appear.

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aarghh.. Did they clean up the texasfaggottshiwa, etc. review pages too...


...there was some quality spam there :D


seriously though, why almost every review of a finnish artist has to go completely out of control.

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Guest space^madness

better to read something (even though it's mostly garbage) than nothing.

the mp3-pir8s seems to not give a fuck about getting l/p to the review-section. they are most of the time the ones to give a review to a new album first.

get rid of this idiotic l/p system and go back to 'good' old system. personally i liked it much better than the lousy piece of shit that's going on right now.

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Guest Elysium Project

Well spacemadness I do understand you but for me as an artists it's not really that positive to see a review of my music being slaughtered by people that haven't even listened to the music yet. - The new system might be boring but in my eyes it serve a much better purpose. To get objective reviews instead of comments that belong in a kindergarden. I don't mind people reviewing my music negative as long as they do it in a way that have nothing to do with me as a person but when a "review" start to say that I am a fagot and that my family must die ect.. Then I have had enough and will in such situations always ask 8even demand) the modorators to remove my review completely. The new way prevent this kind of review and make it possible for people to read good reviews - pro or against - with a subtle desription of the music - not the person behind the music.


I can only tell people like you and other that claim this system is boring to get off your butts and start to review music yourself.... Then the review section would certantly come alive very fast - just in a positive way. So get on with it.... get a password and start to write!

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Well that thing you say is real stupid EP .... im not going to start reviewing cd cos the main reason is that i used to read reviews to buy cds!!! now just because you feel offended cos nobody liked your cd and many dont like your person, all of us have to pay for it... you say that people act like in kindergarden, well i think youre right, but from the other side... "you hadnt been good with uncle EP now all of you stay out of your review system kids...." now you can be serious that the bad stuff make impossible this reviewin.. comon in the majority of the cases it makes me laugh a lot... and one last thing... with this system you think youre going to get perfect reviews and all.. well now you see dont get a single review and thats because you get the "pill" for sanity this... well your solution for the problem is really incorrect and it doesnt have to do anything with the problem... if you now feel able to remove bad reviews, why dont you quit the password and continue erasing the reviews you dont like? is contradictory that thing you do... "we need a password to know who writed bad stuff and erase it..." why you need to know who is???? all of us can read, and we know when somebody is insulting someone else... so why is needed a password to feel free and erase it??? it doesnt make any sense to me.... really, the solution to me is to quit the passw2ord, and arese the comment that are obvously insulting.... but im sure its not gonna happen..... stay shpongled

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Guest Elysium Project

HAch how could people not like my CD when it's not even released? Your post make no sense...I advice you to read my post a second time to understand what I atually wrote!


It has nothing to do with feeling offended but all to do with the fact that I of course would like that people to read a proper review about my music (negative or posetive) instead of having to read through tons of bullshit.It's in no interest for me that people go away without having read anything about the music because they simply feel sick of the posts!


That was what my post was all about - now can you say that it's stupid now?


And please enlighten me here - where did I mention "perfect" reviews? I said good reviews! - That's a big difference.


You say we just can erase the bad ones...well if we had to follow your way then I am sure Mars and Children would have nothing else to do seen in the light of recent months overflow of mindless comments in the review section....It's good that you can laugh on other people's behalf HAch....It just don't make you very symphatic if you think it fun when people start to call you a faggot, a nazi, af dead arab ect.


In the end your opinion dosen't really matter...it's up to Mars and Children and they have chosen the password solution...like it or not...I don't really care.

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I wonder why they don't have TWO sections for reviews - one where people don't log in and post all that stupid bullshit like "somebody send this to me" or "fuck english composers" or whatever, and then another one where people DO log in and post useful reviews.

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i cant agree more.....these site become to b a shity site!!

what about reviews? i almost dosent serf here anymore....

its sad cus i realy liked here in the past....well i hope u will do shomthing fast!!



israely psy forum....

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Guest Elysium Project

2 sections with reviews???


Wouldn't it be a waste of time and space?


The reason why there's not that many reviews is frankly this:


People are to damn lazy (stoned?) to get the passwords or......people can't get their frustrations out there anymore and therefore don't bother to do any "reviews".


This discussion is pointless..... Live with what Mars and Children think is the right thing and wait for the new forum version or go somewhere else.

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Guest bugbread



Strump was taking the piss, making an obviously unworkable solution to an unsolvable issue. "If you want a review section to post stuff like 'death to homo psy composers', you can have one to play in, and the rest of us can have a section for reviews of the albums themselves."


To the people who dislike the new system (it seems there are more than a few), what exactly do you dislike about it? I know y'all prefer the old system, but I'm curious exactly why.




Reread EP's post.


"I don't mind people reviewing my music negative as long as they do it in a way that have nothing to do with me as a person"




Elysium Project's new album sucks donkey dicks. It's repetetive, bland, and has poor mastering.


Is ok, but


Elysium Project's new album probably sucks, because EP complains when I download MP3s, and Audiogalaxy rulez! We should kill EP's family!


Is not ok.


I think that makes sense.


(By the way, EP, I haven't heard your music, so the above is totally hypothetical)

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