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dose somebody have hear 4 them ?

if somebody have links for dl there music or something like that but to be new albums


downloading is bad for you...


why !? i dl all music i have in my pc is from internet or my friends :):ph34r:

thats easyes way to find music !!!


here in serbia is hard to find non pirated music


why !? i dl all music i have in my pc is from internet or my friends :):ph34r:

thats easyes way to find music !!!


here in serbia is hard to find non pirated music



void defenitly made some good tracks. but nowadays they go in the 'chemical crew' box.. which makes it a waste of time and money :P


if you wanna find out about void, check isratrance.com or email the chemical crew ;)







one note though: please make sure you know what you are talking about.. it helps alot..




its not aliane project... :blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink:


here in serbia is hard to find non pirated music


There ur right.. They sell pirated CDs in a CD shop.. Is there any original music in serbia? I doubt.. Pirates of the serbia..

yeah tere are but its hard to find maybe 3-4 stores are selling original music and other shops gota 2 orginal cd-s to show when come control 4 antipiracy :D

i have only one orig cd in my colletcion but i have 3000 songs in my pc :rolleyes:

that is norml here couse orig cd are vrey expansive and its very hard to find



for exemple one orginall cd cost 20-30 euro

one pirated mp3 (all albums from one autor) cost half euro - one euro


yeah tere are but its hard to find maybe 3-4 stores are selling original music and other shops gota 2 orginal cd-s to show when come control 4 antipiracy :D

i have only one orig cd in my colletcion but i have 3000 songs in my pc :rolleyes:

that is norml here couse orig cd are vrey expansive and its very hard to find

for exemple one orginall cd cost 20-30 euro

one pirated mp3 (all albums from one autor) cost half euro - one euro


That's why you should buy your original CDs on the internet with either with your credit card or via mail order... Support the artists!


Posted Image


i am non comunist but i am watching how to get cheap music

why shoul i spend 30 euros on one disc when i can buy for that 30 discs ???

i suport autors but i "suport" and my money !!!


and dont juge me for my bad english !!! :angry:


That's why you should buy your original CDs on the internet with either with your credit card or via mail order... Support the artists!


Posted Image


haha this pic must raised hell when it came out! :P


i am non comunist but i am watching how to get cheap music

why shoul i spend 30 euros on one disc when i can buy for that 30 discs ???

i suport autors but i "suport" and my money !!!


and dont juge me for my bad english !!! :angry:


moderation man moderation!

you can always dl and buy at the same time ;)


i have nothing to hideif i am a comunist i would say that why i will hide that ?!?! :P


i donot support west poltic and i donot suppport east politic couse i am from a balcan that is middle of earth :D its same distance from russia and america

and i dont like neither of these countrys !!!


i just asked to download VOID and evrybody started to talck about comunisam f*ck you ;)B)


Well, we don't care if your a commie or a yank... :rolleyes:


What we dislike is disrespect towards the hard-working artists and the stealing of their work... :angry:


We don't look kindly upon illegal downloading... That's just the way we are! B)




i have nothing to hideif i am a comunist i would say that why i will hide that ?!?! :P


i donot support west poltic and i donot suppport east politic couse i am from a balcan that is middle of earth  :D its same distance from russia and america

and i dont like neither of these countrys !!!


i just asked to download VOID and evrybody started to talck about comunisam f*ck you  ;)  B)


Hehe, that's the spirit, we're just having some fun. Support what you love and so on.


apcourse i support all PSY music and speculy VOID,GMS and Talamasca wich is coming to serba today yeah i cant wait 22h (10 PM) to go in Belgrade with my friends and listen to them its gooona to be crazy :P


apcourse i support all PSY music and speculy VOID,GMS and Talamasca wich is coming to serba today yeah i cant wait 22h (10 PM) to go in Belgrade with my friends and listen to them its gooona to be crazy  :P


Did you download a pirated ticket for the Talamasca gig?


nope i boughted 10 tickets for 90 euros it was owusome :)

oh that alcohol and maijuana what can do on partyes :P:rolleyes:


TALAMASCA ownz !!!


i will buy there orig CD if i find in my country to support that autor ;)


i cat buy it it says :

Order via internet is not possible in the moment.


maybe couse my country is(not) on list it have my ex country (yugoslavia) but not the new one Serbia <_<

i will try to find here but if somebody have a site supported with my country please tell me.... for now i got only one orig CD and that is atomic pulse - direct sound ;)

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