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Melb~Sat 23 Sept~PsyDuel~Redline, Diddy, Shamanix!

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Brace yourself for an all-out Psytrance extravaganza featuring hard-rocking bush doof gurus Redline (Imajica & Earthcore, played Outback Eclipse), Al Diddy (Eye Spiral Records, played Earthcore, Tribeadelic & Akasha) and Luke Shamanix (Unconscious Collective, played Earthcore, Tribeadelic & Green Ant) alongside Dream Katcher live (Clockwork Media & Trancefur, played Sykotic Nomes), plus Duel head honchos Ben Kakoschke and Benny Drohan letting loose with their own blends of hard and uplifting psychedelic sounds to further remove you from the plot you once had a grasp of! Decor by Planet Spanna! 10pm - late! $10 guest list (psyduelguestlist@duelclub.com) / students, $15 general.


Visit DuelClub.com and DancePortalGlobal.com for DJ times, double-pass ticket competition, and more info!

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