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Lately(the last 2 years) I ve been started to think most of the new psy is not pushing me and the dance music scene further, I ve been listening to lots of styles from rock to ambient, dub to idm but can not live that "being sent into the space in a rocket that goes 100000miles an hour and explodes into colour and dissolves into thoughts" anymore :)

Some cross genre stuff worked on me like the last Amorphous album but I look for something new. Because for me psychedelia is like that, when it is repeated it looses its mental extension factor :)

I still love goa and can still peak on the track deranger but not like the first time... What is new psychedelia, where are the underground acidhead music, there must be some...


Are there any really new stuff, that explores new sounds and soundscapes, doesnt get caught up in genres like goa used to, experimental, yet can become danceable and not disconnected.


I am hungry for recommendations :)


I think Prometheus is the best example I can give you. It's experimental, quite original and danceable. Maybe Voice of Cod if it fits your taste. I also think the Khetzal album is beautiful, old school but still refreshing.


Fuzzion - Black Magic is one of the most different sounding psy (while still being very good) I've heard in ages.


I have Derango, Khetzal and Prometheus albums...

They are except maybe for Prometheus still not FAR OUT or different enough :)

You may be laughing because derango has multiple layers of absolute crazyness but that sonic blips and blops are not what I am talking about

I am talking about a new way of making psychedelic music.

Psychedelic as having a new perspective at things(life, music) for me :)


check some psychedelic folk


coco rosie, diane cluck, animal collective etc.


or the eraser, solo cd from thom Yorke


check some psychedelic folk


coco rosie, diane cluck, animal collective etc.


wow, never heard any of those before. psychedelic folk you say? does sound interesting, i've always been more than normally attracted to the rhythm of polka. happen to know of any psychedelic polka? :)

psychedelic polka?  :)


no idea


maybe it's time to make some :)


wow, never heard any of those before. psychedelic folk you say? does sound interesting, i've always been more than normally attracted to the rhythm of polka. happen to know of any psychedelic polka?  :)





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