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Yesyes, the Snorks they're back :P


Some of you might remember the flyer with from last year's party with Jaïa?

(Front: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/24210608/

back: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/24288617/

& Party-Pictures over here: http://www.psygarden.be/e107_plugins/galle...?g2_itemId=8469 )


Well, the same ppl are throwing their final party :( but they wanted to go out with a bang & booked Liquid Soul and Beauty & the Beat :) !! Once again, their main deco theme will be The Snorks, so there was no escaping them ;)


Ofcourse it was not easy to make a flyer for them, because we used nearly all The Snorks we could find for the previous one, but after several attempts they were very happy with this one:


FRONT: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40168810/

BACK: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40169100/


Thnx man ;)

Some ppl think the Snorkels-theme it's kind of childish, others really get into it. At least it's not just another Shiva/Ganesh/Alien/Space-clone, right?



shiva ganesh aliens etc really start to bore me..


start? have bored you since forever, you mean! I second all the above said, btw! :)

I should have seen Jaia twice... the first attempt I was all passed out in a field getting sunstroke... the second time was in the Appalachian mountians... AWESOME live and outdoors!!!


those are definitely some cool flyers!!!

not familiar with artists for this years...


the pics make it look like a fun party indeed!

where is this? I think I missed that bit...


belgium most likely.. its 'greyed' out on the flyer for some reason..


Yep both parties were/are in Belgium.


The reasons I always blur the location when I promote the flyer are:

-sometimes the location or even the party is not supposed to be widely announced, or at least not yet at the time I finish the flyer

-good locations are not easy to come by in Belgium & sometimes an organiser wants to be the first to use it for such a party.

-in 2004-2005 we had kind of a witch-hunt on Psy-parties in Belgium & the national authorities would contact the venue-owner or the local authorities in an attempt to make them prohibit the party, they can't do this is they don't know where it is...

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