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You get me?


I think I do, maybe you should try to explain in more words. :P


No, I understand.Back in the days I started to listen to metal, and the more extreme the bigger the kick, Couldn't stand trance music at all, most of my friends listened to trance and after a big while I started to dig some trance, but I did'nt find that much cd's I realy could enjoy, and thereafter I discovered Goa and I was hooked from the first time.Think it was Infected - Classical Mushroom.


But now I'm more mature and listen to other genres to, still not normal trance though, I can't relate to it.Only very few tracks I can dig, but I wouldn't buy any.

I think when you become adult, you start to care more what other adults might think of you, like in a small town they judge you directly.

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..to listen to psytrance all day long and visit parties for years and years and years without getting even a BIT bored by it. Damn at this moment i really really really had it with the whole genre, the parties etcetera, luckily i enjoy alot more genres and also visit gigs and stuff like that. But anyway, how do ya all do it!?..


you're not alone :)


i'm hardly going to parties anymore...that also is because of the music, but more because of the people. actually that's not quite true as well, it's because of me. psyparties are not the parties anymore that i can enjoy even without very good music. that hasn't always be the case. i enjoy the people less and less, means it's not the place anymore where i can have fun with other people i hardly know, and i have a problem to openmindedly meet them. which is just about the opposite at other parties, concerts, or even theatres and readings where i nowaydays find more people i feel sort of connected to. there is one musicwisely good party coming up in december. that would presumably be the 5th one this year then...


the love for the music is still strong though. it's just that i'm making more psytrance myself nowadays than listening to ready stuff :)


damn, actually it's too early to get old ;) (just a j/k as an addition to the debate of becoming quiet with the age)


But now imagine this: a person is about 40 years old, works as a banker, has a family, children, maybe pets and his body is in good shape - a "normal", "un-extreme" person from everyday life, okay? Now if such a person would start to chat with me about latest developments here and there in the underground electronic scene and coming up with details whose to find out you really gotta invest much time then I ask: how can this man bring job, family, friends and all the rest of his normal life under the hood as well when he invests so much time in only this specific underground music? Well, okay, he has a passion, problem solved - or no? Closer looks show that maybe it's not that easy. If this dude was really banker and has a family and has children and pets - that requires quite a lot of time, doesn't it? Remember that this dude probably also wants to relax after job and such ... so it's not that easy - when you have this kind of life your timetable isn't so free you can hang around in the internet checking out the newest records for hours. Or can you? Only solution would be: he only cares for this style of music and no other and dismisses the other styles because he only likes this and only loves this and this is his passion and nothing else. But such people who dismiss other music styles are not my favourite talking partners.

Of course that was a rather bad example


Funny thing, you almost accurately described my situation :)


I'm a 30 year old, have wife and 4-year old son and I'm a chief of Financial Risk Department in one of the biggest banks in Poland.


Psytrance is a 90-95% of all music I listen to (the remaining 5-10% is radio/TV stuff I can't avoid + some stuff I like, for example FSOL, Orb, Orbital etc., but those are 'psy' in a way too). I spend a lot of time on internet reading psy-forums, checking new releases & samples, searching eBay for rare stuff etc. I don't go to parties nor do I take the drugs - maybe that's why I'm normal?


But, what is normal according to you? If normal is someone who listens to the same music as most people, wears the same clothes as everyone else etc. then I say fuck normal! If you're an inteligent person, you can explore stuff you like (i.e. 'extreme music') while still being able to fulfill all of the roles that society expects from you. It seems that for you it's impossible to be in this music just because you love it - do not generalise your own problem and make a theory out of it ;)


Music is my own private little thing, a hobby, a means of escapism, and is not related to anything else in my daily life.

I don't even bother to talk with friends or other people about the music I listen, because they usually have such undeveloped taste in music or lack of interest, that I find it a useless discussion.

I do like to talk about it, that was the reason why I started to visit this forum in the first place :)

Why should the music you listen influence your way of life? I never understood. Just follow your own path and let the music be music... I never cared for anything else around it, just the music.


..to listen to psytrance all day long and visit parties for years and years and years without getting even a BIT bored by it. Damn at this moment i really really really had it with the whole genre, the parties etcetera, luckily i enjoy alot more genres and also visit gigs and stuff like that. But anyway, how do ya all do it!?..


The first reply was correct. I listen to most genres of music (except I'm not much of a country fan) and I hang out with a diverse group of people. Go to gigs sometimes, any sort of live music venue will do. For instance, I love jazz bars because of the low key atmosphere and the great music. But of course, there are always those nights of drug taking and psytrance listening.

The first reply was correct.  I listen to most genres of music (except I'm not much of a country fan) and I hang out with a diverse group of people.  Go to gigs sometimes, any sort of live music venue will do.  For instance, I love jazz bars because of the low key atmosphere and the great music.  But of course, there are always those nights of drug taking and psytrance listening.


hah, hadn't seen you here for long time..


If you're an inteligent person, you can explore stuff you like (i.e. 'extreme music') while still being able to fulfill all of the roles that society expects from you. It seems that for you it's impossible to be in this music just because you love it - do not generalise your own problem and make a theory out of it ;)


Yes, you're right about the first point, in my current situation I too am fulfilling the role society expects from me (studying to go working one day and such...). And it's not impossible for me to be into the music just because I like it. I was just thoughtful, you know ... because either people don't know at all about this stuff or they do know and say "ah, isn't that shit the stuff where all the people take drugs to? And you do that too?" and then I have to explain them all over that it's absolutely completely about something totally different and that I'd never take drugs to that music and all that. And then they regard me even queerer, for it's obviously strange that a sober person can endure this stuff. And there can be already the first thoughts: "is there something wrong with him? Why does he do that? Why is he sober? He isn't sober. That dude is on something. But what?"

But when it's the truth and this is really the only music I am totally interested in (apart from Finnish Humppa Metal, but you get even more strange looks when you mention that :P )...?

Ah, what the hell. I was just in a more thoughtful phase here (especially the one about what the others could think ;) ). It's really not that bad with me. Or with others.


But you can't deny that the danger is there, that you dig yourself so into this extreme music and use it as an "escape" you practically lose the plot in reality. Especially when the real world out there isn't so bright like your music. And then you could end up as "crazy" or as "freak", at least looked at like that by society.


I guess it just depends on the balance after all. I don't wanna walk in line with the idiots out there who think they have the right to decide what's normal and what not. But I also don't wanna be only looked at as "freak" by everybody once when I'm 40 or so, you know?

I was just thinking about that ... that if you really listen so long to this stuff that you go crazy. And some people do! But well...


Music is my own private little thing, a hobby, a means of escapism, and is not related to anything else in my daily life.

I don't even bother to talk with friends or other people about the music I listen, because they usually have such undeveloped taste in music or lack of interest, that I find it a useless discussion.

I do like to talk about it, that was the reason why I started to visit this forum in the first place :)

Why should the music you listen influence your way of life? I never understood. Just follow your own path and let the music be music... I never cared for anything else around it, just the music.


Mh yes, this is kinda my situation. I can't really talk with anybody - except the people from here - about the psy stuff I listen to. Either people have no clue and don't even know what I'm talking about ("what? you like techno?") or they listen to "psy" themselves, but either they are fullon junkies or they are so extreme I just can't talk with them.

Maybe I should stop it. Can't really talk about it with anybody anyway. And dig a bit more into other music styles, because those are the ones I don't understand. Which brings us to this "prolonged exposure to electronic music in years of development"-issue again. I don't understand this other stuff. I'm a musical legasthenic. I don't get classical or jazz, can't follow with my head. And I don't get depressive rock with my mind. I just don't get it. I do not not like it, I don't get it! Like "???". Which brings me back to the question: am I a freak or not?


Ach well...

I'd be glad when I'm like 35 years old and when I'll have my little psy and ambient collection which I'd occasionally dig out in the future to listen or relax to a few tunes and when I'll sometimes, when some really good and promising liveact is coming, attend some party ... like once or twice a year. And the rest of the time and effort I'll listen to smooth new jazz or classical or whatever and relax with my family :):rolleyes:-_-




Why are you so bothered with what others think about you? You're doing nothing wrong if you listen to psytrance! It's not a crime nor deviation! For your grandparents Birtney Spears & Snoop Dog probably sound as extreme as psytrance to your non-psy friends. Ask yourself - do you read the same books as your friends, do you like the same sports, do you have similar view on politics (in a wide sense, like racism, homosexuality, religion, environment matters, real politics etc.), do you like the same movies and TV programs? I'm sure not, then why the hell should you feel weird listening to different music! It's people's fault that first association when they hear "psytrance" is "drugs" - drugs are a vital part of youth culture, regardless the music they listen to.


If someone asks what kind of music I listen to, I always tell them it's a really weird, twisted kind of repetitive electronic music. If they're positive about electronic music in general (and it's very rare) they'll try to dig deeper and then I say about the background - Goa beaches, hippies, the idea behind the music (entrancing, relying more on sounds & textures than melodis, long tracks, sci-fi samples etc.). I tell what is this music about FOR ME - I don't care about parties, dancing, drugs etc. But most people don't ask for details and I'm not on a life-time mission to explain them & convert to psytrance, so I leave it at that.


People get crazy regardless the type of music they listen to. Unless you think being crazy means taking a non-materialistic path in one's life, spreading PLUR & good vibes, being open minded and tollerant. To some extent these in fact are not very common virtues nowadays, but maybe it's not hippies that got it wrong? Maybe it's the modern society?


I don't know how old are you, but the fact you're listening to psytrance does not mean you will not be able to appreciate jazz, funk, blues, classical or other type of 'normal' music. It takes time to understand different concepts in music, different types of emotions that can be expressed, to recognise & appreciate the mastership & art of people playing piano, guitar, drum, violin etc. I'd say psytrance even enhances your perception of music & subtle details - it's not just doof, doof, doof & couple of weird noises. At least not the psytrance I listen to :)


Wanna more proof - take a look at this forum, there's a lot of people knowing a lot about psytrance, having huuuge collections & listening to it on a daily basis. Yet they got time for 'normal' work, families / girlfriends, other styles of music, their own interests - they are normal :)

  • 2 months later...

I listen to it when I'm in the mood to listen to it, which is somewhere around a quarter to a third of the time I spend listening to music. I, too, don't quite understand how people can listen to it full-time, but I don't quite understand a lot of things. :D

:) :) :)


Music is my own private little thing, a hobby, a means of escapism, and is not related to anything else in my daily life.

I don't even bother to talk with friends or other people about the music I listen, because they usually have such undeveloped taste in music or lack of interest, that I find it a useless discussion.

I do like to talk about it, that was the reason why I started to visit this forum in the first place :)

Why should the music you listen influence your way of life? I never understood. Just follow your own path and let the music be music... I never cared for anything else around it, just the music.



MAN! i just LOVE these kinda discussions.


..to listen to psytrance all day long and visit parties for years and years and years without getting even a BIT bored by it. Damn at this moment i really really really had it with the whole genre, the parties etcetera, luckily i enjoy alot more genres and also visit gigs and stuff like that. But anyway, how do ya all do it!?..

I used to be a true metalhead, black, death, trash, symphonic or heavy metal, I was addicted to it. You know what happened? I got bored. Now it's psytrance all the way, old school goa, morning, night, progressive, fullon, I am addicted to it. Maybe in a few years I get bored by it.

I already got bored going to partys in The Netherlands, because most of them suck (imo). They are expensive, commercial and lack diversity (music wise), I am very happy to live very near Belgium.

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