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People In Paris Plz Help??


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My dad is gonna be in Paris for three days soon and I want him to get som cd's whilst he is there. Can tou reccommend a shop that is not to far from the center of town?? I mostly want new stuff that isnot out in Australia yet. Preferrably afriendly place where my dad can just gice the dude my list and they will either have the stuff or not.


Thanx, please email me above :-)

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Well well well, I'm not from Paris, so I could be mistaking, but it's pretty hard to find such a place I guess. Back in the days you had Techno Import, as listed in the Goa Shops section :

"Techno Import

Address : 16 Rue des Taillandiers, 11eme

Comments : Imports from Israel etc ... The BEST Shop in Paris !"


But I'd say over the years their Goa counter has shrinkened drastically. Yet, I found lots of stuff, old and new, in the FNAC store on the Champs Elysee a few weeks ago.

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Thanks people, but what is FNAC please?? Sorry, am a dumb arse foreigner here, and my dad hates my music, so I need to make it as simple as possible for him, as he is already having a fit about doing this for me hehe.

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fnac is a virgin megastore-like place, they have quite a selection, but i don't think ull find anything exceptional, the stuff they have there is available at psyshop & saikosound...

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mmm,Mad, sounds cool but I actual have given him, my dad, a list of 10 compilations and albums I want, it is pretty common stuff and I may be lucky enuff to get a credit card by then so can get it off the net.

Thanx to all the replies,


and Mad, what is the name of the compilation, coz I"m just starting to get into ambient/chill out big time :-)

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