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like infected or hallucinogen...

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HI... ive been listening to good full on psy like infedt mushroom and hallucinogen for a while now and i really love it... im currently a progressive trance dj and i was looking into switching over to psy. The only problem is, when i go to shops, none of their psy slightly even comes close to these artists' full on style. Does any1 know of a really good online store with good full-on or anything like that? any info would be appreciated. i dont like minimal psy... i dont dont see how its psy.....

Guest FlyingCircus

if you like simon posford and infected mushroom try space cat, especially the track power up


both these artists (esp si posford) have v unique style so you wont find any music of their style. for good full on tunes i recomend biodegradable, space buddha, plastik elephant and cosmosis. for ballistic trance try the new 1200 micrograms (v full on)


Also try to find some older stuff, for example in 1996 an incredible amount of good full-on psy was released IMO. Remember that Hallucinogen's twisted is from 1995, and Lone Deranger is from 1997. However, it's may not be easy to find the old ones.


maybe try green nuns of the revolution, they have also some amazing tracks...


hey mrrshan... i really do love the older stuff, but do people like dancing to it? i know right now with in the proressive scene people hate hearing old stuff.. the newer the better, so i dont know if DJing old stuff would be smart on my part


Well, I'm not a DJ, and I'm not sure about that. Depends on the place? But I believe that in the psy-scene people are more willing to hear also some older stuff than in the trend-conscious club trance scene, unless they're minimal freaks. I think you could throw in some old stuff and watch the reaction?

Guest Jikkenteki

While most DJs are stuck in this mindset that only the newest and freshest tracks will do, probably the most common complaint I've heard on the dance floor from the fan's pont of view is that no one ever plays any of the classic tunes everyone wants to hear. I agree that new fresh tunes are important, but I think alot of DJs get too carried away with it and basically have this mindset where once they heard of someone else spinning the same track, they won't ever play it again. I can't count the number of parties I have been to were most of the night the DJs are playing their new secret tunes and the dance floor has been mediocre and then suddenly someone will drop on an old Astral Projection, Hallucinogen, Juno etc track and the place explodes. Play music cuz its good and it fits, not cuz its new....

Guest Hallucinogenious

Hallucinogen - Twisted is on the stores again.

Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger, i have it with a title "Special German Edition"

I found them very easy at http://www.discobole.gr (its the greece's leading dance store, but it's in greek)


Also you must have Juno Reactor ...

If you like Simon and Infected then YOU MUST OWN -> Fly Agaric - I See MySelf ( Posford feat. Infected Mushroom) Available at Twisted's compilation 'Unusual Suspects'

Guest Kristian

Try anything with PLEIADIANS, they are the best! :)

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