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tracklist of my incoming dj set

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First half


1. native radio - panic acid way (remix)

2. son kite - airplay

3. trimatic - pooloop

4. son kite - rewo

5. llopis - centrafuge (remix)

6. visual paradox - Laughing dog on bog


to tell you the truth i dont have the other half yet but i am working in it , anyway what do you think of the first half?

Guest Protex Midget

looks like a stomping proggy set. Me like!

here's a suggestion for the second half of your set:


Timetach - Supainfection

Venum vs Bus - Bugged (Bus Remix)

Spin - French Connection

Oryx - Naptune

El-Audio - Child

Fabel - Moonstruck Triton



these tunes should fit perfectly, to create a very nice proggy (and danceble) set...


the secon half is maybee intended for something more harder but comercial like astrix , alien project or something like that , thanks anyway i will listen the tunes you gave me.

Guest Mescalinium

hey mijis, here's a tracklist of the last set I played out. figured you might be interested given our similar tastes...


1. Paps - Complications (Databass)

2. Beat Bizarre - Out Loud (Tegma Rmx) (Digiboga)

3. Antix - Flipped (Iboga)

4. Adrenochrome - Soul Ham (Plastik Park)

5. Spy vs. Spy - Fogo Dechao (Riff Raff)

6. Tromesa - Owig-weg (Spiral Trax Int.)

7. Double Dragon - Cabin Fever (Spirit Zone)

8. Allaby - Electrostatic (Spiral Trax Int.)

9. S>range - Serial Overtypes (Spiral Trax)

10. Vibrasphere - Out of My System (Digital Structures)

11. Son Kite - Youngel (Flying Rhino)

12. Qlap - Went Mental in Mexico (Digital Structures)

13. Llopis - Centrafuge (Son Kite Rmx) (Digiboga)

14. Filur - Timesteps (Flow)

15. 12 Moons - Invisible Light (Spiral Trax)


mescalinium : not only we have similar tastes but i almost mixed llopis centrafuge remix with filur timesteps until i found the visual paradox track , i would like to listen your set you should upload it.

Guest Mescalinium

well unfortunately it was played live and i don't have a recording of it, but i'm thinking of just re-recording a studio mix w/ the same tracklist, so i'll post on the forum if and when i get around to uploading it. thanks for the support!


and mijis, if you post your email i could send you some more setlists

Guest Infinite Sun

Hey Mescalinium,


We have similar tastes, can you email me your set list. Unfortuanatly my set lists always get jumbled cause I always just toss my records back in the bag instead of placing them in the order I play them or writing anything down.


mescalinium here is my e mail : mijis77@hotmail.com




Count me in too guyz this is the shit im after too and collect so feel free to check me out on DC++ under pekindux


Any more sets u guyz can email me with please!!!

Guest razael

Hey man..... u got exaile - the low? im looking for it for ages? would be possible to send it to me?



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