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Complaints about Moderation.


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One other thing - I notice that the review thread for Alien Project - Activation Portal has been butchered to the point that it no longer makes sense. I assume that my post and some (but not all) of the replies that follow it were deleted on the grounds that I referred to having only heard the samples on saikosounds; however I was merely pointing out an objective fact that the reviewer missed (namely that a melody he liked was not original). Any chance of restoring the missing posts?

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Will Psytones get unbanned at some point?

I've checked and according to my info he was banned on the 22nd of October last year for half a year. So yes, he will be back.

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I've checked and according to my info he was banned on the 22nd of October last year for half a year. So yes, he will be back.

Thanks. I vaguely recall reading that his ban was for an indefinite period, but I guess I got that wrong.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey lets close some lubu threads everybody!


are you guys positive you're not overreacting?... not talking about the jon cocco thread btw.


im sure that people have said the same things lubu said about goa, plenty of times, but they didnt see their threads closed or their comments deleted or whatever.

so my question is, if it was anyone else instead of lubu... would we see (typical for lubu) dissing comments (bullying against members is frowned upon no? even if they can stand up for themselves..) and would it get locked?


in the end, the guy expressed an opinion. he thinks producers are pathetic, stupid, untalented or whatever. but he did not call them naughty names and he provided more reasoning for his opinions than what is the norm..

im sure if it was anyone else (maybe except radi) people would reply on the subject. maybe tell lubu his opinion is worth shit. or even......... give reasons why it is shit.


tatsu you locked it and said enough!

of what?

i say enough to stupid dissing comments. whats wrong with you people..?

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hey lets close some lubu threads everybody!


are you guys positive you're not overreacting?... not talking about the jon cocco thread btw.


im sure that people have said the same things lubu said about goa, plenty of times, but they didnt see their threads closed or their comments deleted or whatever.

so my question is, if it was anyone else instead of lubu... would we see (typical for lubu) dissing comments (bullying against members is frowned upon no? even if they can stand up for themselves..) and would it get locked?


in the end, the guy expressed an opinion. he thinks producers are pathetic, stupid, untalented or whatever. but he did not call them naughty names and he provided more reasoning for his opinions than what is the norm..

im sure if it was anyone else (maybe except radi) people would reply on the subject. maybe tell lubu his opinion is worth shit. or even......... give reasons why it is shit.


tatsu you locked it and said enough!

of what?

i say enough to stupid dissing comments. whats wrong with you people..?

The thread was closed because it was pure spam: was there a discussion going on about why goa is dead? No it wasn't, just a statement that was at the edge of trolling with dissing all newer psy styles besides goa without naming a possible reason why goa is dead actually (Ale style if you know what I mean) and people posting smileys as replays. And about your question: yes the same thread would be looked if whoever else opened it. Ale got several warnings for similar threads.

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oh, so now lubu is some kind of scapegoat for the mods? GIVE ME A BREAK! Fuck in Hell, the man is trolling the shit out of this forum, and you complain that his threads get locked and closed? Oh My Gawd.... :lol:

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not convinced..


for me, the way this forum responds to lubu shows a lot.

like i said, its a form of bullying. both from mods and members.


and ale didnt get his threads locked. even if he did at some point, it was after 100 of them saying the same stuff about the same subject.


so you locked the goa thread. but you didnt lock the i talked to your mom and she gave me your record collection thread. how is one spam and the other not spam?

because in the first people where bored whereas in the second participated, together with you tats and nemo. ?


anyways.. overreaction sucks.

and for the record, i dont think lubu is a troll. in my eyes hes just another freak and we like freaks in this scene. even his worst threads have *some* meaning. then the smart bunch goes in and that is when the trolling really begins. shame :ph34r:

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-User1: You all fucking suck, I am the best and strongest

-Mod/Member: Ok..


repeat 20 times


-User1: Yous all gotz taste that sucks, full on is shit, im ze shit, fuck you User2, cause your rating sucks

-Mod/Member: THATS ENOUGH!

-User1: You suck balls.


Repeat 20 times.




And was it not you that actually laughed about me when I defended LuBu and called me his Lawyer or something? I can not remember now :D (and too damn lazy to use the search function)


Mate please, i know maybe it looks like we are not nice to LuBu, but you know what a troll is right? Someone that deliberately stirs up shit, sits back and looks at the shit coming from his shit stiring... and let me tell you, that shit stinks!

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Mate please, i know maybe it looks like we are not nice to LuBu, but you know what a troll is right? Someone that deliberately stirs up shit, sits back and looks at the shit coming from his shit stiring... and let me tell you, that shit stinks!

Doesn't shit always stink?
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not convinced..


for me, the way this forum responds to lubu shows a lot.

like i said, its a form of bullying. both from mods and members.


and ale didnt get his threads locked. even if he did at some point, it was after 100 of them saying the same stuff about the same subject.


so you locked the goa thread. but you didnt lock the i talked to your mom and she gave me your record collection thread. how is one spam and the other not spam?

because in the first people where bored whereas in the second participated, together with you tats and nemo. ?


anyways.. overreaction sucks.

and for the record, i dont think lubu is a troll. in my eyes hes just another freak and we like freaks in this scene. even his worst threads have *some* meaning. then the smart bunch goes in and that is when the trolling really begins. shame :ph34r:

The difference for those threads are imho rather simple: judging from the title you could expect a discussion about why goa is dead from the first thread. But the content itself was nothing more than a dissing of all new styles. Do you really think this thread would have lead to an interesting discussion? Imho it's typical flame-war topic without a real point. The second topic, even with the rather stupid title and all (imho of course), was actually trying to start a discussion instead of just bashing.


Actually you are right, if we would mod more strict there would be more closed threads, for example the combine two words thread from LuBu. But after locking two thread from the same user I thought it would be better to give it a rest. Even when it's a spam thread it doesn't hurt anybody.


I understand you are not convinced but I can't tell you anything more. If you choose not to believe me I can't help it. I also think that no matter if I would write a ten page paper about the locked thead with links to similar thread lockings you would still feel the same. That's not a bad thing because we need people doubting our actions. But as you've said yourself: overreaction sucks. ;)

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This is indeed an interesting thread to read. I never thought that people could take forums so seriously, no disrespect though. I have never been someone that can take this kinds of meeting places on the internet seriously, not to the point as seeing Unikos backing up a member he thinks is mistreated, I admire that. I'm not new to the internet not by far, but I'm rather new to these kind of social meeting places. I never felt the need to participate or having found any place where I could feel I wanted to make it a go and get involved. I'm glad I found psynews, really great forum.


Now I'm gonna search for that Jon Cocco thread, need to see what all the fuzz is about :) And also, words are just words...actions speak louder..but ofc, in a forum words are the action.. :blink:


edit: btw anyone got link to the thread from where Lubu got the warning? can't find it..

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This is indeed an interesting thread to read. I never thought that people could take forums so seriously, no disrespect though. I have never been someone that can take this kinds of meeting places on the internet seriously, not to the point as seeing Unikos backing up a member he thinks is mistreated, I admire that. I'm not new to the internet not by far, but I'm rather new to these kind of social meeting places. I never felt the need to participate or having found any place where I could feel I wanted to make it a go and get involved. I'm glad I found psynews, really great forum.


Now I'm gonna search for that Jon Cocco thread, need to see what all the fuzz is about :) And also, words are just words...actions speak louder..but ofc, in a forum words are the action.. :blink:


edit: btw anyone got link to the thread from where Lubu got the warning? can't find it..

forums have rules. go back in history with bbs's and you had rules. you broke the rules you were banned. if you dont like the rules, dont sign up/sign in. easy as that.


so I am very honest and very harsh when i say: If you dont like this place for what it is, what it stands for and you dont like the rules of this board (and this is not directed at anyone particular): GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! :D VERY simple :)

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This is indeed an interesting thread to read. I never thought that people could take forums so seriously, no disrespect though. I have never been someone that can take this kinds of meeting places on the internet seriously, not to the point as seeing Unikos backing up a member he thinks is mistreated, I admire that. I'm not new to the internet not by far, but I'm rather new to these kind of social meeting places. I never felt the need to participate or having found any place where I could feel I wanted to make it a go and get involved. I'm glad I found psynews, really great forum.


Now I'm gonna search for that Jon Cocco thread, need to see what all the fuzz is about :) And also, words are just words...actions speak louder..but ofc, in a forum words are the action.. :blink:


edit: btw anyone got link to the thread from where Lubu got the warning? can't find it..

words are like bullets......mmmkay??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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