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I want to start off by saying THANK YOU!!!! to everyone here at psynews.org. I've been a reader here, off and on now for a long time. I can't say enough about how much I've enjoyed reading. Not to mention all the great new music I've found all because of this great site. I don't know one other person in my whole city or state for that matter that even knows what psytrance is :( (Columbus, OH USA ) Well atleast I do, and I have all of you to thank for it. Thanks again.

Ok here's the deal I'm getting ready to make a CD order and I was hopeing I could get some help. I've bought a lot of CD's since I've been listening to Psy some good some not so good and some are just absolute GEMS. Which brings me to the point of this post. I'm hoping instead of buying say 50 CD's to only get a few great ones that I could make a smarter buy, by getting your suggestions and opinions first. My Goal here is to make a list of 10 absolute Gems.

Now I know the first problem we are going to run into is half of the gems out there today seem to be unavailible. So please when making suggestions only chose albums that can still be purchased. If there not availible at saikosounds or psyshop please let me know where it can be bought.


Here are the albums that I currently own in alphebetical order:


1200 Micrograms : self titled

Aes Dana : memory shell

Androcell : emotivision : efflorescence

Astral Projection : trust in trance

Astrix : artcore

Baphomet Engine : self titled

Baphomet Engine : Compalation CD with "Datakult" (Psytrance Is Dead)

Battle Of The Future Buddhas : twin sharkfins

Black Lung : the coming dark age

Boo : v.a. from Doof records

Carbon Based Lifeforms : hydroponic garden

Cyndonia : in Fear of a red planet

Dark Soho : sun spot : combustion

Delta : scizoeffective

Doof : it's about time

Downhill : silent city

Eat Static : science of the gods : crash and burn

Eclipse : v.a. from twisted records

Electric Universe : cosmic experience

Four Carry Nuts : mechanical age

Ghreg On Earth : sigilweaver

Green House Effect : global warming

Growling Mad Scientists : chaos labratory

Hallucinogen : twisted : lone deranger : in dub

Hux Flux : cyptic crunch : division by zero

Infected Mushroom : gathering : classical mush : bp empire : convert veg

Infinity Project : mystical experiences

Jaia : blue energy : fiction

Juno Reactor : bible of dreams : shango : labyrinth

Kemic_Al : the dark journal

Killing Joke : wardance the remixes

Kluster : bug fix

Koxbox : dragon tales : great unknown : u-turn

Membrana : louvado seja deus

Misted Muppet : from the legend

Muses Rapt : spiritual healing : you

Mystery Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls : v.a. from tip. world

Mystery OF The Yeti : part 1 : part 2

Penta : pentafiles

Planet Ben : future trippy garden

Prometheus : robot.o.chan

Psysex : hardcore blastoff

RA : to sirius

Rinkadink : rabbit from darkside

Sandman : witchcraft

Scatterbrain : infernal angel

Schlabbaduerst : 1 : 2 : 3 : 7

Tim Schuldt : single collection

Semsis : letting go

Shpongle : are you shpongled : tales from the inexpressible : nothing...lost

Solar Fields : blue moon station

Space Monkey : psychotic episode

Sun Project : insectified

Synsun : phoenix

Tales From The Dark Forest : v.a. from stone age records

THD "Total Hyperactive Detonation" : rampage

There Is No Tomorrow : v.a. from impsyde media

Gus Till : electric oceans

Vibrasphere : archipelago

Violet Vision : first sign of communication : unfold

Wizzy Noise : cyclotron : stereo electric

X-Dream : we created our own happiness : radio : we interface

Xenomorph : qlippoth


There you have it! That's my whole collection. I feel there's some I could do with out. But also some that I couldn't. I feel I have a few Gems in there. So what am I missing? I'm open to all styles. I'm just looking for your absolute favorites. That Album or Albums in your collection that just keeps making its way back into your player. Oh and of coarse is still availible for purchase today. Again my Goal is to get a list of 10 gems that I don't already own and can still be purchased today.

Thanks for all your help...... Trevor

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Ok. I'll start, seems like your into the darker side of things so here are a few I like a lot:


The Delta - Send in... send back (D.Drum) (no more available but pops up at ebay from time to time)

Deviant Species - In the hands of the randomizer (Ambivalent) actually, check out all Ambivalent Records releases

Mubali - Cats@Play (Trishula)

Phatmatix - Sorcery (Yabai)

Derango - Tumult (Inpsyide)

Spirallianz - Blast Food & Stereopark

V/A - Clangour (Boshke Beats)



uhm... it's way too early in the morning to think about it, I'll come back when I'm properly awake :P


Atmos - Headcleaner (Spiral Trax) indeed


Some more:


Procs – Stuck in the oven with me (Trishula)

Son Kite – all albums

Haldolium – Deagua & H2 (Free Form)

Antix – Lull (Iboga)

V/A – Session 2.2 (Databass)

PPS Project – AC vs DC (Hadshot)

Triac – Mean Between (Ear Peaks)

Freq –Strange attractor (Iboga)

V/A – Mushy mystery (Trishula)

V/A – Durdom (Devils Mind)

Cosma – both albums



...and always keep in mind it's just MY taste, so check for yourself before buying.

Guest The Journey Man Project

10 cd's? ok...


Dark stuff:


1 X V.A - "Mushy Mystery" (Trihula Records)

1 X Ghreg On Earth - "Sigil Weaver"


Morning Stuff:


1 X V.A - "Aspara" (Suntrip Records)

1 X V.A - "The French Connection" (Mind Control Records)




1 X V.A - "Module 01" (3D Vision)

1 X Carbon Based Lieofrm - "Hydroponic Garden"

1 X V.A - "The Mystery OfThe Yeti"/T.I.P - "Mystical Experiences" (TIP World)




1 X any cd from Tribal Vision




1 X V.A - "Idea FX" (Horns And Hoofs Entertainment)

1 X V.A - "Rewired" (Jester Records)



should keep you happy for ages...


Ok, I'll make some suggestions, keep in mind that they are my taste so maybe better presliten... ;)


If you like Green House Effect - Global Warming and if you are into very melodic psy then try this album:


Yahel - Waves Of Sound


If you like Misted Muppets, even when this style is crazier (and better imho) then try:


Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception


and less crazy


Talpa - Art Of Being None


then some old-school that should still be available:


Doof - Let's Turn On


If you are into housy progressive then I can recommend


Flowjob - Support Normality


and a bit less soft but still progressive


v/A - Street Art


Another progressive album (not housy but very melodic) I really love, and I'm not that much into progressive, is


Reefer Decree - Point Of You


Since you allready have the second Synsun album I can recommend the first one. I like it better than the second.


Synsun - Symphonic Adventures


IF you like full-on then I just have to tell you about my favourite full-on album ever:


Space Cat - Mechanical Dream


and since we are at it check also the first two Space Cat albums out


Space Cat - Beam Me Up


is more old-schoolisch and not full-on.


Hope you will like some of my recommendations! :)


Edit: Reefer Decree's album name corrected, thanks NextWorld!!


Artifakt - Artifakts II - Best album in years IMO.


Slug - Elemental - Just very good psy from South Africa


Shift - Excession - Same as above :)


Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception



Great Story Album that is! Highly recommended!


Reefer Decree - Point Of View



Actually it´s Point of you ;)


But i agree, a really nice Progressive Album with it´s completly own Style.



Let me Add:


Ocelot - Dream Selector - Completly different Sound from the USA.


Antix - Lull - This Album changed my taste to the whole Psy/Progressive thing


Protoculture - Refractions - As your collections seems to be missing some more happy stuff, i recommend this one, Perfect Morgning music with great emotions. Some People may call it cheesy, i call it genious :)


Atmos - Headcleaner - This Album defined a whole new genre of Sound back then, absolute classic.



Thats it for now, maybe more later :)



and for psy-ambient:


those two are a must IMHO :)


Baphomet Engine : Compalation CD with "Datakult" (Psytrance Is Dead)

Battle Of The Future Buddhas : twin sharkfins

Killing Joke : wardance the remixes

Xenomorph : qlippoth

Schlabbaduerst : 1 : 2 : 3 : 7


I feel I have a few Gems in there

Thanks for all your help...... Trevor


IMO, only need 5 more to complete your wish.... You allready have a great collection.

A special mention for "V/A PSYCHEDELICLY YOURS 2" from Parvati Recs (This one I really never got bored of...)


Understand that my choice goes with my taste to night music, cannot really help on morning/ambient... Looking at your list, I guess you more night too ;)


if you like uberpsychedelic non formulated music check out some suomi stuff :

psyshop-saikosounds-exogenic website


texas faggott : petoman's peflet (exogenic)

eraser vs yöjalka : round 1 (exogenic)

haltya : forest flavour (exogenic)

mandalavandalz : honkong nightlife (karelia)

v.a. : schizm (gi'iwa)


A few more recommendation's,


VA - Greekadelica

VA - Dark Side Of Goa

VA - Chapora's Tribal Dance (Upcoming)

VA - Tempus Viator

The Nommos - Primal Meltdown

VA - The Night Tribe

VA - Chew On This

VA - Up The Kabrathors

VA - Buddha Power

VA - Furthur Ambivalent Tendencies

VA - Denial & Error


Some nice chill comps:


V/A - Downbeat Liquid Volume 1

http://www.discogs.com/release/778116 | Buy!


V/A - Relaxed Journeys

http://www.discogs.com/release/671259 | Buy!


V/A - Quality Relaxation

http://www.discogs.com/release/466554 | Buy!


V/A - Backroom Beats 2

http://www.discogs.com/release/220135 | Buy!


V/A - Oxycanta

http://www.discogs.com/release/669595 | Buy!


V/A - Talisman

http://www.discogs.com/release/155123 | Buy!


V/A - Natural Born Chillers

http://www.discogs.com/release/356663 | Buy!


V/A - Twelve

http://www.discogs.com/release/79687 | Buy!


Happy hunting! :)


I recommend you prelisten before you buy, though these comps are definitely worth having from my point of view.


Man you have pretty much everything you need with the fucking awesome hallucinogen albums, but try to get Astral Projection - Trust in Trance 2, it is older than your Trust in Trance which is release as a compilation in Israel named Trust in Trance 3, the trust in Trance 2 is even better because it has astral projections best racks, Butterfly Trip, Mahadeva, Celestial Groove, Powergen, very psychedelic, get it! Another ultimate album is the infinity project - Feeling Weird, it is one of the deepest psychedelic trance albums ever release IMO, very melodic psychedelic trance which will for sure kick your ass, tr to get Indoor - Progressive Trance which is aktaully uniquie psychedelic goa trance a bit too uplifting maybe but you won´t hate it. Try also to get Green nuns of the Revolution - Rock Bitch mafia, a very trippy acid psychedelic cd with spaced out TB303 riffs and also psychedelic, i don´t know wheather you can get these releases on saikosounds but if not lok at discogs.com or even easier, download them because buying over discogs from other people is useless throwing away the money, if the release aren´t aviable anymore download them. Try to get all old Twisted releases til 1998 and all dragonfly releases which have something to do with hallucinogen or simon posford, you will be very pleased., get also playadians - I.F.O., a very good goa trance album but a bit too cheesy compared to the posford stuff you have, get also etnica - The Juggeling Alchemists Under The Black Light which is their best album and not alien Protein because it is too cheesy. I think that´s quite a lot of stuff i recommended you, you will be pleased.


Astral Projection : trust in trance

Battle Of The Future Buddhas : twin sharkfins

Delta : scizoeffective

Growling Mad Scientists : chaos labratory

Hallucinogen : twisted : lone deranger : in dub

Hux Flux : cyptic crunch : division by zero

Infected Mushroom : gathering : classical mush : bp empire

Jaia : blue energy

Juno Reactor : bible of dreams : shango : labyrinth

Koxbox : dragon tales : great unknown : u-turn

Planet Ben : future trippy garden

Sandman : witchcraft

Tim Schuldt : single collection

X-Dream : we created our own happiness : radio


man I think these are very nice albums you have here! :)


let's start with the obvious ones I can suggest:

sandman - psycho toons

gms - growly family (hard to find tho?)

x-dream - panic in paradise


then other artists:

ololiuqui - ololiuqui

tip - feeling weird

shakta - silicon trip

green nuns of the revolution - rock bitch mafia

etnica - alien protein


some of them a bit harder to find but definitely worth the chase! :)


=-=(dark/forest) Psychedelic Trance=-=


Derango - Tumult

VA - Schlabbaduerst Rekkords 5




VA - Schlabbaduerst Rekkords 6

Galaxy - Angel




Biosphere - Dropsonde

Aes Dana - Season 5



(I don't think you can find the following at psyshop/saikosounds, they are relatively new releases, 2 of them released in 2006..)


Flint Glass - Nyarlathotep

Displacer - Moon Phase

Ab Ovo - Empreintes

Antigen Shift - The Way Of The North


Essential 2006 stuff:


* Mantrix - Universal


* Quasar - One Day


* Drap Drop – Dropdead Gorgeous


* Electrypnose - Le Tireur De Ficelles


* Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra


* Jikkenteki – The Long Walk Home


* Perfect Stranger – Learning = Change


* Tegma - Around The World In 80 Minutes


* Tron - Existence


Wow, thanks for all the suggestions so far. It looks like I'm going to have a lot of work on my hands to narrow all these down to 10 picks. I'm going to get started right away.


To all who asked: Yes, I do enjoy "intelligent" Dark Psy but that's not the only suggestions I'm looking for here. I'm hopeing to find the very best Albums in all genres of Psy. *Remember, only the best of the best.* To make this easier please only suggest your absolute *GEMS*


Now it's off to trying to come up with the 10 CD's for my order.

Man.... this might take awhile :rolleyes:


Thanks again everyone.


many ppl have already mentioned it, but this is the only trance album i consider essential:

antix - lull [iboga]


chill however, i would have to say:

ishq - orchid

elemental journey - absolute ambient vol. 2

omnimotion - omnimotion


essential for me means that every music lover should own these, not only ppl into a particular style of music


Wow, thanks for all the suggestions so far. It looks like I'm going to have a lot of work on my hands to narrow all these down to 10 picks. I'm going to get started right away.


To all who asked:  Yes, I do enjoy "intelligent" Dark Psy but that's not the only suggestions I'm looking for here. I'm hopeing to find the very best Albums in all genres of Psy. *Remember, only the best of the best.* To make this easier please only suggest your absolute *GEMS*


Now it's off to trying to come up with the 10 CD's for my order.

Man.... this might take awhile  :rolleyes:


Thanks again everyone.


Well, for me that would be:


Khetzal - Corolle (voted to the best album on this site last year) if you like melodic goa trance of the new millenium

Schizm if you like twisted music

Salakavala new album if you like suomi style, very groovy and psychedelic

best progressive must still be S-Range-2001 or Matenda-Energy Loader

Full On's best album for me is still Tikal's first

Ambient: absolute ambient is a marvellous release from the guy from the green nuns... :


You are funny! I think no group was more hailed then Dimension 5, first you say you listen to the best because everyone sais so... And the group that gets thé most positive reviews, is not the best or what? contradiction...


I know that Dimension 5 is very popular, too, i just can´t get into it. No but Tatsu asked me why i try to force others to my taste and that´s just not true, look, i recommended him the albums which i like most and which are considered the best goa albums by many other goa lovers, too so i think i did a quite neutral thing.


imo you should also get the other albums by Eat Static :) at least, try to get your hands on their debut, "Abduction", fucking brilliant.


another good advice would be to not listen to recommendations from forum users in general ;)


if you like uberpsychedelic non formulated music check out some suomi stuff :

psyshop-saikosounds-exogenic website


texas faggott : petoman's peflet (exogenic)

eraser vs yöjalka : round 1 (exogenic)

haltya : forest flavour (exogenic)

mandalavandalz : honkong nightlife (karelia)

v.a. : schizm (gi'iwa)


Yes and you can actually get the Texas faggot at the moment at psyshop! GO BUY NOW!!!! this is a real gem, especially if u like the suomi-style?!

And Schizm is :rolleyes:!


Essential 2006 stuff:


* Quasar - One Day



YES indeed!




VA - No Possible Soundz (6-Dimension Soundz)


If you r into the never stopping Squaremeat style :)


Set a lot of posts invisible (also including some of mine), try to stick to the topic please!

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