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Psykovsky - Psykovsky (Vertigo)

Derango - Tumult (Inpsyde Media)

va. - Mushy Mystery (Trishula)

Penta -Funraiser (Auraquake)

The Nam Shub Of Enki Meets Kiki.Ill - In The Valley Of Mood (Creative Space) :ph34r:



KoxBox - U-Turn (Twisted)

va. - Musica Discordia (Giiwa)

Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra (Dark Prisma)

Deja Vu Fabrique - Fabrique (Deja Vu)

Monster Zonku Onsomb - Attack (Psy Harmonics)


Didn't read what others have suggested but here are some you're missing (imo)


Son Kite - Colours

Neelix - No Way To Leave

Midimiliz - Non Standards

Ott - Blumenkraft

Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Rock Bitch Mafia

Younger Brother - A Flock of Bleeps

Emou - Still.. Pretty Good Year

J.Viewz - Muse Breaks

Shulman - In Search Of a Meaningful Moment

Andromeda - Sensations

Antix - Twin Coast Discovery

FREq - Strange Attractors

Haldolium - Haldolium

Tegma - Around the world in 80 minutes



Okay that's more than 10 already :D


Cr*p, I was posting to this thread yesterday, but accidentally closed the tab.


Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy - You already have Trust In Trance so you know what they're about. Secondhand.


Astral Projection - Another World - Ditto


Pleiadians - Identified Flying Object - One of the best goa albums ever, but it's very unlikely you'll find it.


Pleadians - Family of Light - Not quite good as IFO, but still excellent and rather easily available secondhand.


VA - Apsara - Just trantastic nuskool goa with varied tracks.


MFG - Project Genesis - Dark & trippy goa, unique sound. Secondhand.





Antix - Lull - Best progressive trance record ever. Highly original. Nuff said.


Vibrasphere - Lime Structure - Great mellower prog. trance. Secondhand.


Leftfield - Leftism - Apart from a few vocal tracks a fantastic album. Deep & varied house & trance.


Behind Blue Eyes - Behind Blue Eyes - Seminal prog. trance with psy flavours.


Massive Attack - Ok this is triphop, but it's one of the best records ever.



Some shops for secondhand releases:


www.amazon.co.uk, www.amazon.com, www.musicstack.com, www.ebay.co.uk, www.ebay.com, www.ebay.ca


Oh and welcome to the forum.


Look at all these suggestions!! This is great stuff. I'm learning a lot of great new stuff. I really appreciate this. This kind of sucks cause I'm pretty pressed for time. Work sucks!! Wish someone could tell me how to grow a money tree!!!!! :P


Here's what I've come up with so far. Now this is just a rough list. This is very tough to do not being able to sample these selections thoroughly like I would like to. But trust me I will defiantly do so. Also what really sucks is some of the albums that strike my intrest are going to be tough to locate. I'll be on the look out. Well here's what I've chosen so far for my upcoming order at "SaikoSounds / PsyShop." I'm sure this list will likely change once I get more time to research, listen / read. Damn I wish I could buy more then 10 but for now that's pushing it! What I don't understand is why these cd's become unavailable. This is the only style of music that I listen to that I seem to have this problem with. Figures it's slowly but surely becoming my favorite. Oh one more thing... I wish I could of read the posts that were deleted. I understand if they were completly off topic but, if they were arguments about this topic I can't help but think they would of been interesting to read to say the least. <_<


For now in random order :


Artifack - artifackts II

Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception

Jikkenteki - the long walk home

Mantix - universal

Antix - lull

Ott - blumenkraft

The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls - v.a.

Psykovsky - psykovsky

Neelix - no way to leave

Quasar - one day


Again very very rough list.

All thoughts are welcome.

Wish I had more time...........Trevor

  NINFAN77 said:

Look at all these suggestions!! This is great stuff. I'm learning a lot of great new stuff. I really appreciate this. This kind of sucks cause I'm pretty pressed for time. Work sucks!! Wish someone could tell me how to grow a money tree!!!!!  :P 


Here's what I've come up with so far. Now this is just a rough list. This is very tough to do not being able to sample these selections thoroughly like I would like to. But trust me I will defiantly do so. Also what really sucks is some of the albums that strike my intrest are going to be tough to locate. I'll be on the look out. Well here's what I've chosen so far for my upcoming order at "SaikoSounds / PsyShop."  I'm sure this list will likely change once I get more time to research, listen / read. Damn I wish I could buy more then 10 but for now that's pushing it! What I don't understand is why these cd's become unavailable. This is the only style of music that I listen to that I seem to have this problem with. Figures it's slowly but surely becoming my favorite. Oh one more thing... I wish I could of read the posts that were deleted. I understand if they were completly off topic but, if they were arguments about this topic I can't help but think they would of been interesting to read to say the least. <_< 


For now in random order : 


Artifack - artifackts II

Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception

Jikkenteki - the long walk home

Mantix - universal

Antix - lull

Ott - blumenkraft

The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls - v.a.

Psykovsky - psykovsky

Neelix - no way to leave

Quasar - one day


Again very very rough list.

All thoughts are welcome.

Wish I had more time...........Trevor


you won´t even buy one of the cd´s i recommended you? :angry::angry::angry: I thought you want classical psychedelic trance and i recommended you some and now you won´t buy it, don´t worry, do what you want but i am wondering a bit that you won´t buy classical psychedelic trance but some dub and new fullonish stuff like Artifact instead.

  radi6404 said:

you won´t even buy one of the cd´s i recommended you?  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: I thought you want classical psychedelic trance and i recommended you some and now you won´t buy it, don´t worry, do what you want but i am wondering a bit that you won´t buy classical psychedelic trance but some dub and new fullonish stuff like Artifact instead.



YOU yourself don't even buy the CDs you recommend, who are you to argue!

  radi6404 said:

you won´t even buy one of the cd´s i recommended you?  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: I thought you want classical psychedelic trance and i recommended you some and now you won´t buy it, don´t worry, do what you want but i am wondering a bit that you won´t buy classical psychedelic trance but some dub and new fullonish stuff like Artifact instead.


Now you didn't really recommend anything he had much chance of being able to buy now did you? IFO? Juggling the Black Alchemist? etc


Oh yeah... my list is definitly changing. Hey like I said it was only a "rough list"... Takeiteasy radi6404 :) My cart is still empty. Very difficult choices here. So many great suggestions. At the moment I just have very limited time to sort through this but, trust me it will get done. That I promise all of you. One more day of work then comes my 4 days of play! Man I love my job :D I plan on snaching up the best 10 albums that are readily availible out of this thread. This I will do ;)

Updated list coming soon.

Thanks everyone especially you radi6404 ;)



  NINFAN77 said:

For now in random order : 


Artifack - artifackts II

Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception

Jikkenteki - the long walk home

Mantix - universal

Antix - lull

Ott - blumenkraft

The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls - v.a.

Psykovsky - psykovsky

Neelix - no way to leave

Quasar - one day



Looks like a VERY solid list. Recommended by the friendly people over at Psynews. Go for it man! :)


  faze said:

YOU yourself don't even buy the CDs you recommend, who are you to argue!


Ahahaha! Spot on!


  traveller said:

BTW is GNOTR album still available somewhere?  :unsure:


Nope, but it pops up on Ebay every now and again...



  NINFAN77 said:

For now in random order : 


Artifack - artifackts II

Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception

Jikkenteki - the long walk home

Mantix - universal

Antix - lull

Ott - blumenkraft

The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls - v.a.

Psykovsky - psykovsky

Neelix - no way to leave

Quasar - one day


Again very very rough list.

All thoughts are welcome.

Wish I had more time...........Trevor


Looks like a solid list. I liked the Nystagmus album but found that it got really annoying after a couple of listens though.

  NINFAN77 said:

Look at all these suggestions!! This is great stuff. I'm learning a lot of great new stuff. I really appreciate this. This kind of sucks cause I'm pretty pressed for time. Work sucks!! Wish someone could tell me how to grow a money tree!!!!!  :P 


Here's what I've come up with so far. Now this is just a rough list. This is very tough to do not being able to sample these selections thoroughly like I would like to. But trust me I will defiantly do so. Also what really sucks is some of the albums that strike my intrest are going to be tough to locate. I'll be on the look out. Well here's what I've chosen so far for my upcoming order at "SaikoSounds / PsyShop."  I'm sure this list will likely change once I get more time to research, listen / read. Damn I wish I could buy more then 10 but for now that's pushing it! What I don't understand is why these cd's become unavailable. This is the only style of music that I listen to that I seem to have this problem with. Figures it's slowly but surely becoming my favorite. Oh one more thing... I wish I could of read the posts that were deleted. I understand if they were completly off topic but, if they were arguments about this topic I can't help but think they would of been interesting to read to say the least. <_< 


For now in random order : 


Artifack - artifackts II

Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception

Jikkenteki - the long walk home

Mantix - universal

Antix - lull

Ott - blumenkraft

The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls - v.a.

Psykovsky - psykovsky

Neelix - no way to leave

Quasar - one day


Again very very rough list.

All thoughts are welcome.

Wish I had more time...........Trevor


There are hardly any oldschool goatrance in your list. Keep in mind that the heydays of goatrance was in 94-98. Thing is that nearly everything from that era are out of production and therefore - as someone mentioned - not very accessible. The good thing is however that many good compilations with a lot of classics from that time can be found real cheap secondhand. So look out for these too
  NINFAN77 said:

Look at all these suggestions!! This is great stuff. I'm learning a lot of great new stuff. I really appreciate this. This kind of sucks cause I'm pretty pressed for time. Work sucks!! Wish someone could tell me how to grow a money tree!!!!!  :P 


Here's what I've come up with so far. Now this is just a rough list. This is very tough to do not being able to sample these selections thoroughly like I would like to. But trust me I will defiantly do so. Also what really sucks is some of the albums that strike my intrest are going to be tough to locate. I'll be on the look out. Well here's what I've chosen so far for my upcoming order at "SaikoSounds / PsyShop."  I'm sure this list will likely change once I get more time to research, listen / read. Damn I wish I could buy more then 10 but for now that's pushing it! What I don't understand is why these cd's become unavailable. This is the only style of music that I listen to that I seem to have this problem with. Figures it's slowly but surely becoming my favorite. Oh one more thing... I wish I could of read the posts that were deleted. I understand if they were completly off topic but, if they were arguments about this topic I can't help but think they would of been interesting to read to say the least. <_< 


For now in random order : 


Artifack - artifackts II

Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception

Jikkenteki - the long walk home

Mantix - universal

Antix - lull

Ott - blumenkraft

The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls - v.a.

Psykovsky - psykovsky

Neelix - no way to leave

Quasar - one day


Again very very rough list.

All thoughts are welcome.

Wish I had more time...........Trevor


Very nice list indeed. And one of my albums is not (Nystagmus) :P Also the other stuff is nice, Neelix is a nice hyprid of psy and prog and Secret Of The... is a great album too. Jikkenteki is also on my wantlist. Seems like you have a very broad taste, thumps up for that! :)


  radi6404 said:

you won´t even buy one of the cd´s i recommended you?  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: I thought you want classical psychedelic trance and i recommended you some and now you won´t buy it, don´t worry, do what you want but i am wondering a bit that you won´t buy classical psychedelic trance but some dub and new fullonish stuff like Artifact instead.



  faze said:

YOU yourself don't even buy the CDs you recommend, who are you to argue!


BEST REPLY EVER!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  NINFAN77 said:

For now in random order : 


Artifack - artifackts II

Nystagmus - Immaculate Perception

Jikkenteki - the long walk home

Mantix - universal

Antix - lull

Ott - blumenkraft

The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls - v.a.

Psykovsky - psykovsky

Neelix - no way to leave

Quasar - one day


Again very very rough list.

All thoughts are welcome.

Wish I had more time...........Trevor


Did you order yet? Did you get this list?


No trance in OH? One of my favorite producers, Xyla, just moved to Cleveland!


Check forum.isratrance.com, in the north american section. For some reason Isra seems to be where most people post party info.



Dont have any suggestions not already listed.


With further study here are the 10 cd's that I hope are going to be considered "GEMS" in my music collection. Time will only tell. Let me first say once again that this has been very difficult because, I've recieved so many good suggestions. Trust me I plan on getting a lot more then just 10 of these albums. But for now 10 will have to do. I still haven't placed my order but, I feel I've pretty much got it narrowed down to these....

Here they are in no particular order:


Perfect Stranger - learning = change


Tegma - around the world in 80 minutes


Elemental Journey - absolute ambient vol. 2


Psykovsky - psykovsky


Antix - lull


Artifakt - artifakts II


Mantrix - universal


Cosma - simplicity


Electrypnose - le tireur de ficelles "I liked it so much I added the second album"


Electrypnose - subliminal melancholies



Well that's what I've come up with. I realize I've left A lot of good albums out. But, the problem was it just wouldn't all fit into a list of 10 :) Well please let me know your thoughts before I place the order. I'm planning on making the order on Monday.


Curious to hear your thoughts,



I must recommend buying Space Tribe, anything before his new label (no good)... He defines psy/goa... his 2000 OD album is supposed to be the best, but I recommend his first: Sonic Mandala. Real Goa spirit!!


can't believe You don't have any of his stuff...


also :D buy lots of leftfield


I'm making a change already Abakus - "that much closer to the sun" for Antix - "lull" I don't know, it just stood out more to me. Tough choice but like I said, "I can only do 10 for now".

Updated list reads :


Perfect Stranger - learning = change


Tegma - around the world in 80 minutes


Elemental Journey - absolute ambient vol. 2


Psykovsky - psykovsky


Abakus - that much closer to the sun


Artifakt - artifakts II


Mantrix - universal


Cosma - simplicity


Electrypnose - le tireur de ficelles


Electrypnose - subliminal melancholies


Eagerly awaiting your thoughts,


  NINFAN77 said:

I'm making a change already Abakus - "that much closer to the sun" for Antix - "lull" I don't know, it just stood out more to me. Tough choice but like I said, "I can only do 10 for now".

Updated list reads :


Perfect Stranger - learning = change


Tegma - around the world in 80 minutes


Elemental Journey - absolute ambient vol. 2


Psykovsky - psykovsky


Abakus - that much closer to the sun


Artifakt - artifakts II


Mantrix - universal


Cosma - simplicity


Electrypnose - le tireur de ficelles


Electrypnose - subliminal melancholies


Eagerly awaiting your thoughts,



Man, i really don´t get why you don´t look for old goa trance which is IMO way better than the ridiculous stuff released nowadays, just the production quality of the stuff nowadays is better but nothing else IMO. Check out the goa vibes series, you can buy them at saikosounds and they are true goa and psychedelic trance, the stuff release nowadays is pop comapred to that stuff.

  NINFAN77 said:

I'm making a change already Abakus - "that much closer to the sun" for Antix - "lull" I don't know, it just stood out more to me. Tough choice but like I said, "I can only do 10 for now".

Updated list reads :


Perfect Stranger - learning = change


Tegma - around the world in 80 minutes


Elemental Journey - absolute ambient vol. 2


Psykovsky - psykovsky


Abakus - that much closer to the sun


Artifakt - artifakts II


Mantrix - universal


Cosma - simplicity


Electrypnose - le tireur de ficelles


Electrypnose - subliminal melancholies


Eagerly awaiting your thoughts,




Sorry to sound like a record stuck on repeat but replace any of those with

Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home

& you wont regret it ;)

  radi6404 said:

Man, i really don´t get why you don´t look for old goa trance which is IMO way better than the ridiculous stuff released nowadays, just the production quality of the stuff nowadays is better but nothing else IMO. Check out the goa vibes series, you can buy them at saikosounds and they are true goa and psychedelic trance, the stuff release nowadays is pop comapred to that stuff.



  abasio said:

Sorry to sound like a record stuck on repeat but replace any of those with

Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home

& you wont regret it  ;)


You Are Wrong!!!





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