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Sorry to sound like a record stuck on repeat but replace any of those with oldschool goa trance cds like goa head 2/3 astral projection trust in trance 2

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Man, i really don´t get why you don´t look for old goa trance which is IMO way better than the ridiculous stuff released nowadays, just the production quality of the stuff nowadays is better but nothing else IMO. Check out the goa vibes series, you can buy them at saikosounds and they are true goa and psychedelic trance, the stuff release nowadays is pop comapred to that stuff.


Have you actually listened to any album from NINFAN's list?


Have you actually listened to any album from NINFAN's list?


I know most of the artists he mentioned and they are definetly not goaish, maybe the ones i don´t know are but the ones i know aren´t goaish, artifakt for example is anything but goaish or psychedlic for me.


I know most of the artists he mentioned and they are definetly not goaish, maybe the ones i don´t know are but the ones i know aren´t goaish, artifakt for example is anything but goaish or psychedlic for me.


May you be stuck in the past, while others move on. But please, do not try to trip them up while they do so.


Man, i really don´t get why you don´t look for old goa trance which is IMO way better than the ridiculous stuff released nowadays, just the production quality of the stuff nowadays is better but nothing else IMO. Check out the goa vibes series, you can buy them at saikosounds and they are true goa and psychedelic trance, the stuff release nowadays is pop comapred to that stuff.



Sorry to sound like a record stuck on repeat but replace any of those with oldschool goa trance cds like goa head 2/3 astral projection trust in trance 2/3


My god radi, how hard is it to understand that there are actually people outhere who enjoy listening to different styles?! Taste it taste and your behaviour would rather turn me away from old-school if I wouldn't allready know it.


Besides that I doubt that CDs like Goahead 2 or 3 are still available at Saikosounds!!


artifakt for example is anything but goaish or psychedlic for me.


Then you have no ears :(


I know most of the artists he mentioned and they are definetly not goaish, maybe the ones i don´t know are but the ones i know aren´t goaish, artifakt for example is anything but goaish or psychedlic for me.


He didn't ask for goa but for psytrance in general, all styles. And btw just because it's not psychedelic for you doesn't mean a thing. It's the same as with taste in general, to each his own.


Besides that I doubt that CDs like Goahead 2 or 3 are still available at Saikosounds!!


Saiko Sounds have none of the goa head series in stock. None!

Come on Radi where is you magical supply of old school coming from?


really happy you chose elemental journey

samples do not do it justice

such a beautful record

and as for lull, i normally would not agree with you, but abakus

very versatile

you can put it on when you r aunt is visiting and she'll love it

very romantic too

find it perfect for late summer evenings


really happy you chose elemental journey

samples do not do it justice

such a beautful record

and as for lull, i normally would not agree with you, but abakus

very versatile

you can put it on when you r aunt is visiting and she'll love it

very romantic too

find it perfect for late summer evenings


Aye! The Elemental Journey & Abakus CDs are great :)


I want to add one but, I can't figure out wich one to drop?? So due to such a good price. I'm just adding Jikkenteki - the long walk home and making my order a total of 11 CD's


New list :


Perfect Stranger - learning = change


Tegma - around the world in 80 minutes


Elemental Journey - absolute ambient vol. 2


Psykovsky - psykovsky


Abakus - that much closer to the sun


Artifakt - artifakts II


Mantrix - universal


Cosma - simplicity


Electrypnose - le tireur de ficelles


Electrypnose - subliminal melancholies


Jikkenteki - the long walk home.....



......Like I said before "Radi6404" Just because something you suggested is not on my list doesn't mean I wouldn't like having it. Please before you post anything else on this thread. Take the time to reread it from the begining. Then maybe you will see how silly you sound. Come on Dude!! Are you really this closed minded??" You've gave me your suggestions and I apreciate it greatly. Now please I feel that's enough said. We can argue about oldschool and newschool on another thread. Thanks,



New list :




Elemental Journey - absolute ambient vol. 2


Electrypnose - le tireur de ficelles


Electrypnose - subliminal melancholies


Jikkenteki - the long walk home.....



Great ones man, especially SUBLIMINAL MELANCHOLIES...


Great list man! Enjoy.

Not heard the perfect stranger one but the rest are some damn fine choices!


Perfect Stranger - learning = change


Tegma - around the world in 80 minutes


Elemental Journey - absolute ambient vol. 2


Psykovsky - psykovsky


Abakus - that much closer to the sun


Artifakt - artifakts II


Mantrix - universal


Cosma - simplicity


Electrypnose - le tireur de ficelles


Electrypnose - subliminal melancholies


Jikkenteki - the long walk home


All CD's have been ordered..... came out to $168.66 after shipping from both Saikosounds and Psyshop.


Thanks everyone for all your help,



and enjoy your first psy-package! You only get one first time! ;)


I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tell us what you think of them when you listen to them :)

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