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Unicorn Music presents her third progressive release,


Inside Progress Vol 1


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===[GENERAL INFO]=================


Release Date: 08 December 2006

Title: Inside Progress vol. 1

Artist: Various Artists

Genre: Progressive

Label: Unicorn Music www.unicorn-music.net

Cat No: UMCD012

Format: CD Album/ Jewel case

Cd Cover: http://www.cosmicleaf.com/images_releases/UMCD012-300pix.jpg

More info: www.unicorn-music.net

Worldwide Distribution: http://www.arabesque.co.uk

Bookings: www.cosmicleaf.com



===[RELEASE INFO]====================


In progress & Unicorn presents you the second progressive compilation of their talented artists. Perfect for warm up and home listening without missing the feeling of the dancefloor.


From Progressive house to progressive trance with a pinch of electro and breakbeats for the end. Including the talented roster of Unicorn & Cosmicleaf Records , artists like Zero Cult , Side Liner , Cydelix , Percussion Bullet , Sunhize , Aviron , Eniak.


A sadness track from Stiff E.G aka “Salvation Becomes Light” known also from the projects that has been participated as “Higher Human Form” , “Kumey and his releases on ZMA & Erase records. And a new entry from JnJ.


Inside progress is a useful tool for the dj and a gem for the home listener.




===[TRACKLIST] ====================

> big demos – low quality mp3


01# Percussion Bullet - Show U The Way



02# Eniak vs Sunhize – Twisted



03# Percussion Bullet - 48k



04# Sunhize - Like No Other



05# Aviron - Natural Illusion



06# Cydelix - Sonogram



07# Zero Cult - Substance



08# Salvation Becomes Light - Sadness



09# JnJ - Never Let Go



10# Sunhize - Stand By (Side Liner remix)







Pre-orders and orders from your favorite online shop or local dealer.

Below few online shops that stocks unicorn music releases for your convenience.


Distribution By Arabesque London www.arabesque.co.uk


[Psyshop] www.tinyurl.com/kay42 [Germany]

[Psybuy] www.tinyurl.com/l72w9 [Germany]

[symbiose] www.tinyurl.com/hbjbt [Portugal]

[saikosounds] www.tinyurl.com/kxbdp [Hong Kong]

[Wakyo] www.tinyurl.com/edoyf [Japan]

[beatspace] www.tinyurl.com/fez9d [italy]

[Psytrax] www.tinyurl.com/zqq8n [Australia]

[Juno] www.tinyurl.com/jl4vq [uK]

[Cisco] www.tinyurl.com/jhgju [Japan]

[Trance Shop] www.tinyurl.com/zjcpr [Germany]

[Radical Soundz] www.tinyurl.com/ehfad [Greece]

[unicorn Music] www.tinyurl.com/l4cr5 [Greece]

[Cosmicleaf] www.tinyurl.com/egz7e [Greece]

[iT Athens] www.tinyurl.com/fkxr7 [Greece]

[Tempest] www.tinyurl.com/egtgq [Australia]

[CDX] www.tinyurl.com/q7ykf [south Africa]

[Ajuca Productions] www.tinyurl.com/zpac4 [uK]

[bravo Records] www.tinyurl.com/eznmo [Japan]

[West Beach Crew] www.tinyurl.com/qnf7u [italy]

[Discobole] www.tinyurl.com/pta4y [Greece]

[Quintrix] www.tinyurl.com/s7k68 [Japan]

[Teknasia] www.tinyurl.com/o77tz [France]

[Juice Japan] www.tinyurl.com/e5wn9 [Japan]

[Fandago Music Shop] http://tinyurl.com/ja3w3 [italy]

[All Import Music] www.tinyurl.com/rkjyw [uSA]

[Play] www.tinyurl.com/i17j [uK]

[HMV] www.tinyurl.com/7l1z [uK]

[CD Universe] www.tinyurl.com/pcg86 [uSA]

[The Music Safe] www.tinyurl.com/l8cas [Netherlands]

[RecRec] www.recrec.ch [Czech]

[Dolphin Discs] www.tinyurl.com/krwa6 [uK]


===[DIGITAL DOWNLOADS]==========


[Audiojelly] http://www.tinyurl.com/mrwbt

  • 1 month later...

Freeze Magazine Review (Rated 95%)


Would like to check well this release as people like

the sound of Sasha,Deep Dish till Vibrapshere too,

because "Percussion Bullet","Eniak","Sunhize","Aviron",

"Salvation Becomes Light","Zero Cult","Jnj" would create

72.41 minutes of delightful music and make you seek for this compilation.


Happy new year!

Unicorn Music

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