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02/12/06 MessMedia FREE B4 9.30

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12hrs+ of morphing molecular mishaps with the Mediaz:


Feat: DJ Andrew Humphries (Voice of Cod / Organic / Liquid/Transient / Records)

DJ Fresh (Psypneumatix Records Australia / 1st U.K. appearance)

DJ lloyd (ill informed boys / debut)

DJ Clare (GeomagneticTV Records)


plus... WildCard (live)


DJ Cosmonaughty

DJ Technodolly (Kulu)

DJ Nighthawk (Alien Resonance)


As yet unseen 3doubleD U.V. decor specially constructed for this venue by Psychometric Vision

New drapes thanx 2 A.P.T.

Illuminatary spectacular from NutCracker

El Campino's projected tunnel of delights


music till 8am at a private countryside location, no club style restrictions, free fruits, gas n other stuff.


All for FREE if you get there B4 9.30pm,

or £5 in advance for members- FREE membership on request at mess-media@hotmail.co.uk



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