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At most I get progressive stuff ... ranging from trancy up to housy progressive. Artists like S-Range, Matenda, Noma, Son Kite, Vibrasphere, Atmos, Antix, Magnetrixx, Tegma, Sonic Cube, new Feuerhake, SBK ... you know, I love them!


I also get twisted Koxbox/Saiko-Pod musical style ... and I like it.

Also some other psychedelic trance such as Dimension 5 (I like a lot!) or most Hallucinogen or Man With No Name. And also Astral Projection stuff - the old and the new one!


The "freeform" style of psychedelic music (so I call it) with artists like Klangstrahler Projekt and old Feuerhake I get too.


Also the minimal music as Shiva Chandra and Auricular make it.


And also some (good) fullon such as Silicon Sound or newest S-Range.


Banco De Gaia stuff too ... also some Eat Static (some other not though :P )...


All ambient/chill EXCEPT SHULMAN/SHPONGLE style...


And last I also "get" more darker and pushing stuff ranging from Zerotonine up to Penta...


Styles I like



Any type of it


Mad, hard, forest, aggressive, sick, not much of a fan of Techno though (Midi Miliz etc.)


Only the aggressive ones (South Africa, 3D Vision style) and the good melodic ones (Fractal Glider, Rastaliens, The Misted Muppet etc.)


Suomi, Australian etc, as long they don't use any psy rock elements, yikes!


Only the melodic not housey, not techno styles tracks or some melancholic ones or harder tracks (like XV-Kilist-Strom).


Only the aggressive ones (South African techno for example)


Almost anything, not a fan of the Shpongle style though.

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