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Trance Dance


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Guest Quazar

Hello there all you beautifull people!! First of all I would like to send a big hug to everyone who went to the goodmood party this weekend. The vibe was extremely positive as well as the music…

Anyone here went to it??


Ok, here’s the thing… I was sitting near the speaker resting from all the dancing when I notice this girl triping and dancing… Ok, nothing's wrong with that, but the thing is that she was dancing with her eyes closed… Still, nothing’s wrong that… but she danced that way that you move around the people ( you know, not dancing always in the same place), and what impressed me is that she didn’t hit a single person, although she was whit her eyes shut!! And this went along the all night!!

While watching her i was “ How the hell does she do that?!” and then one thought striked me like lightning “ That’s gotta be trance dance!!”… I first heard of it in the conventions tent at the boom…

Capture the reality with your soul, not with your sight, because your eyes give you a complete distorted view of it. Any comments on this? Have you ever experienced it? How did you get to do it?

I know it’s possible to enter in a trance state without anykind of drugs because the guy at the boom was going to do it with just the sound of drums, i think.




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I believe it largely had to do with the fact that people realized how high she was, and to make her night more comfortable, they just got out of her way when she came stumbling and skipping.

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funny you mention this. i often thought about it on partys. if you are really in harmonie with yourself and your surroundings you wont hit anybody when walking through the crowd.


for the "trance dance" i can only say that whenever im on lsd or mushrooms and im on the dancefloor with the right music it doesnt take more than maybe 1 minute to get me into a trance like state. but it wouldnt be possible for me to walk in this state, at least not conscious. sometimes when i "come back" im not even sure if i was still dancing, because there was no "me" when in trance...


and yes, im pretty sure you can reach this state (or at least something similar) without drugs. in fact there are many trance inducing methods.

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of course people can reach this state without drugs. Drugs may help people trance out. However, one is not experiening a complete mind and body transformation unless they trance out while sober. Trancing though is much more attainable when linked with drug use.

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i experienced this by myself,too

i am a dancefloor runner sometimes :)

and i´ve seen another guy who did the same,he was also tripping and it worked not because the other people taking care of him (over 500,ive seen them,they dont took care)

interesting stuff!!!

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Guest Quazar

You're wrong m, people didn't move a bit. And more, you know those iron bars that support the tent, she skiped those too!! Now don't tell me that they also got out of her way!! :-) As bazooko circus says, she was in total harmony with herself and the surroundings... i remenber the guy at boom saying that. Fantastic!!

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thats amazing.... are u sure she wasn't peeking out just a little from under her eyelids? I'd still appear as if she was closing them if she was looking down at her feet.

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Guest Quazar

I don't think so 1, because she passed many times near me and i checked it out... I must confess i was bit ceptical (is this written the right way?) for the first couple of times, but the fallowing moments that she passed right next to me i gave a really good look at her and didn't seem she was peeking at all!! I really, really believe she was trance dancing. Amazing!!!

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thats a freakin mericle!


thats really ______


did you talk to her after the party maybe later after she sobered up? Just to make sure you werne't like hallucinating or seeing a spirit or angel of some kind? (hey.. who knows eh?) These kind of dances are a peice of the human person species. We were trance dancing in tribes, all over the world dating back to pre-history. So if i was an angel i'd get used to humans and their trance dances.... and i'd drop in every now and then to have some fun...


ok my imagination has gone wild...



peace love=compassion tolerance

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Why is it so dificult for you to believe 1?? Only a strongly open minded (or strongly high) person can achieve trance dance... Either way, for me, it's a beautifull thing!!


She was trance dancing

She was in complete harmony with herself and the surroundings

She was spiritually aware




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