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Matenda - Bonaca


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Artist: Matenda

Title: Bonaca

Label: Spirit Zone Recordings

Catalog#: Spirit Zone 091

Format: Vinyl, 12"

Released: 2001


Track listing:


logo side {A}: Bonaca

info side {B}: Mission Impossible




I can't help myself, but I love this record. I just have it since a bit more than one week and it's already the most often played vinyl I own :)


Although this record has been released in the same year as Matendas debut album "Energy Loader" the sound on it is a bit different to what the listener would expect when having heard the former. The sound on here is not so floating and scando-trancy but rather stomping and progressive.

The track "Bonaca" on the A side is the a bit calmer one of the two and starts off somewhat floating with a sample about "being in the fields of vibration", but the floatingness is soon forgotten once the kick and bassline - which is by the way quite original - come in. What follows then is a progressive cocktail very suitable for continuously shaking one's ass to it. No major buildups, breaks or melodies here, just plain good old un-stressy feet stomping with a bit of synth elements here and there in the background. I like it quite a lot because of the bassline, it makes this one a real "stomper" if I may say so.

On the B side we have "Mission Impossible". This one is darker and faster (not that much bpm-wise, but because of a completely different bassline) than "Bonaca" and it also has more going on synth-wise. A sharper and darker sound altogether, with a less stomping, but more pushing atmosphere. There's tension, progression, rhythm, samples in between and it also gets more intense towards the end and gains tension with even another synth layer ... this track has quite some dancing off potential! I really like it very much - in fact this track was the reason why I decided to get this vinyl, because I only could listen to a sample of that tack, but I liked it so much I decided to buy the piece!

Well, that was it about the tracks.

But the thing that I really like on this EP is the sound itself! It's a pretty uniquely rich and deep and clear sound ... one that is not present elsewhere, for example on Matenda's Energy Loader release, which I own too. I can't really describe it better, but that is the reason I truly love it. Every oscillation fits here and the tension and progression and the rich sound makes it very enjoyable to listen to!


A quite good and suggestable release and an especially interesting one for those who only know the melodic and floating side of Matenda and would like to hear something different from him :)

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