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iam having an annoying problem with fl6. i was workin on a song. its almost complete n the cpu useage has reached 75 - 90 when i play the track. but it wasnt clipping so much but only in some places. but now when i opened the project again to work its totally clipping. i kept the buffer length full. but its showing under runs even after keeping it full. n its clipping so much that i cannot work with that project. i tried the same with another project which use cpu lesser than the previous project. still it shows under runs. i reinstalled fl n soundcard drive but no use. i tried it with both ASIO4ALL n with my soundcard drive but........ :unsure:


now what i should do. i have to complete that track urgently. u know cosmicflower wants tracks immedietly. hope u guys can help me. please guide me to solve this problem



iam having an annoying problem with fl6. i was workin on a song. its almost complete n the cpu useage has reached 75 - 90 when i play the track. but it wasnt clipping so much but only in some places. but now when i opened the project again to work its totally clipping. i kept the buffer length full. but its showing under runs even after keeping it full. n its clipping so much that i cannot work with that project. i tried the same with another project which use cpu lesser than the previous project. still it shows under runs. i reinstalled fl n soundcard drive but no use. i tried it with both ASIO4ALL n with my soundcard drive but........ :unsure:


now what i should do. i have to complete that track urgently. u know cosmicflower wants tracks immedietly. hope u guys can help me. please guide me to solve this problem



Well. I think you'll have to mute some stuff if you can't produce while it's clicking. Atleast it wont click when you export it to wav/mp3.

Well. I think you'll have to mute some stuff if you can't produce while it's clicking. Atleast it wont click when you export it to wav/mp3.


no man its not a problem with cpu. problem is under runs even keeping the buffer length full. mostly related to sound card <_<

Do you have izotope ozone inserted on channel?

If you have it, then turn it off, and it should work fine! :D


no man. i don run dat. n don give me that fukin smile iam angry :angry:



bounce some channels to audio


dude, the problem wasnt der yesterday night then y its happening today thats my qustion. i tried all the common ways.

i can send channels to wave. it can solve the problem if i send many tracks to wave. but its not a good idea cos i may do changes in d end. i want to solve this problem without killing my track


Having huge FX chains on lots of synths is what usually gulps the most CPU.


Now thats strange that you are maxing out the buffer length (under audio settings right?) and it still clips, you must have a really terrible computer ;). More memory will help, turn off all programs you don't use and if you abit more tech-savvy, go to task manager and end task on a bunch of useless shit to free up memory, this will help a little bit.


But mostly turn off your effects. Actually, not only turn them off but delete them. Muting doesn't work since the FX are still loaded in memory. Simply save and export your non-vital FX and then remove them, you can add them back later for the render. This will solve your problem. That or remove bulky synths that use lots of CPU, like z3ta. Thats the only thing you can do.


If this is happening now and you didn't have this problem before, something has changed on your system or your FL settings to cause this. Investigate.


If this is happening now and you didn't have this problem before, something has changed on your system or your FL settings to cause this. Investigate.



investigated. the problem is with my cpu :( . as Satanic electro said the buffers of the cpu got damaged. this is not proved still. but that is the possibility. cos buffering is done in the processor. underruns happens if the processor cannot handle the process enough. so this is my conclusion. i have to change the cpu :(


thank u every one for trying to help :)


please help me if u think that this problem is something else :unsure:


people careful while using ASIO4all. it can fuck up the sound card. in fl studios manual it is said that "use it for ur own risk"

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