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Comming up: 72 Hours

23. bis 26. Dezember 2006 Glasshouse Bülach ZH


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Line up

23. December 2006


20.00-22.00 Freaxx (das Labor)

22.00-24.00 Jackomo (Sounds of Earth)

24.00-01.00 Orgon Flow (Woodroom)

01.00-03.00 5 th. Element (Laby / Aphonix)

03.00-04.00 Ace Ventura (Iboga)

04.00-06.00 INFX (Aphonix)

06.00-07.00 Freakulizer (Alchemy Rec.)

07.00-09.00 Maus & Mel (Aphonix)

09.00-11.00 Fidimohnius (Kokopelli)

11.00-13.00 Markus (DMT)



20.00-02.00 Imox & Meenakshi(Maya avatar)

02.00-11.00 Master Margerita (Peak Rec.) Live & Dj

11.00-14.00 Goachim (Substream.ch)



24. December


13.00-15.00 Dynsound Marble

15.00-18.00 Synaptic Juice (Niemandsland)

18.00-20.00 Casseopaia (DMT)

20.00-22.00 Miguz (Index Rec.)

22.00-24.00 Karmala (Psychedelic System)

24.00-01.00 GOE (Psychedelic System)

01.00-03.00 Tassili (DMT)

03.00-04.00 Electro Sun (Trancelucent)

04.00-06.00 Jackomo (Sounds of Earth)

06.00-08.00 System Nipel (Trancelucent)

08.00-11.00 Digital Sun (DMT)



14.00-17.00 Timon ( Ap Rec, Frakasound)

17.00-20.00 Cybird (Digital Reality)

20.00-23.00 Architekt (Verteilt.ch)

23.00-02.00 Yamantaka (Maya Avatar)

02.00-09.00 Mercury Fall ( Frakasound) Live & Dj



25. December


11.00-13.00 Pinky & Brain

12.00-14.00 Midimal (Frakasound)

14.00-15.00 Frozen Breath (BTP)

15.00-16.00 MauaadidgA

16.00-18.00 MauA (DMT)

18.00-20.00 Terra Nostra

20.00-22.00 Sensual Squek (Beatslave Rec.)

22.00-23.00 Bug (Klangwerk)

23.00-01.00 Müstik (Physical Team)

01.00-02.00 Stereomatic (Utopia Rec.)

02.00-04.00 Urban Tribe (DMT)

04.00-05.00 Audiotec (Utopia)

05.00-07.00 Q.E.D (Turbo Trance)

07.00-10.00 Goma (Nandan)

10.00-12.00 Fidimohnius (Kokopelli)

12.00-13.00 Simply D. (Simply Prod.)

13.00-14.00 Alexsoph



09.00-13.00 Alpaka (Zwerchfell)

13.00-20.00 Red Dragon (DuB, St.Gallen)

20.00-24.00 Sam Smiler (Frakasound)

24.00-09.00 Spectral Paradisis (Frakasound) Live und Dj

09.00- 14.00



Audiotec (Utopia rec.)

Stereomatic (Utopia rec.)

Electro Sun (Trancelucent)

System Nippel (Trancelucent)

Ace Ventura (Iboga) PSYSEX Solo Project

Orgon Flow (Woodroom)

Freakulizer (Alchemy)

Goe (Psychedelic Sytem)

Sensual Squeak (Beatslave)

Digital Sun (DMT)

MauA (DMT) Newoldstyle

Mauaadidga (Psycho-Tronic Artists) Oldstyle

Synaptic Juice (Niemandsland)

Goma (Nandan)

Dynsound Marble (former Atropine)

Simply D (Simlpy Prod.)



Jackomo (Sounds of Earth)

Müstik (indEX/SST/Antiworld/Starlight)

Fidimohnius (Kokopelli/indEX rec.)

5th Element (Laby/Aphonix)

Maus & Mel (Aphonix)

Tassili (DMT)

Miguz (INdex)

Markus (DMT)

Cassiopeya (DMT)

Karmalaa (Psychedelic System)

Urban Tribe (DMT)

Bug (Klangwerk)

INFX (Aphonix)

Freaxx (Das Labor)

Q.E.D (Turobotrance)


Alexsoph (DE)

Pinky & Brain


SPECIAL VJ-Set by Mydriasis!!!


Chillout LineUp:


Live & Dj:


Master Margerita (Peak Rec.)

Mercury Fall ( Frakasound)

Spectral Paradisis (Frakasound)




Goachim (Substream.ch)

Alpaka (Zwerchfell)

Imox & Meenakshi (Maya Avatar)

Red Dragon (st.Gallen)

Architekt (verteilt.ch)

Sam Smiler (Frakasound)

Timon (Frakasound)

Cybird (digitalreality)

Yamantaka (Maya Avatar)




Deco by Galaxy


Multiple Lasershows by X-Stream Laser

Visuals by Chris (DMT)


Clothes by Natraj

Chai, Food, ...


Location: Glasshouse

Schaffhauserstr. 111

8180 Bülach (2 min. from Trainstation)



1 Tag: 30.- CHF 20.- Euro Members: 25.- CHF

2 Tage: 50.- CHF 35.- Euro Members: 45.- CHF

3 Tage: 60.- CHF 40.- Euro Members: 55.- CHF


Location: Glasshouse

Schaffhauserstr. 111

8180 Bülach (2 min. from Trainstation)

do we have to guess the rest? like country/city?

do we have to guess the rest? like country/city?

The city is there: Bülach. The country is Switzerland. :)

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