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Howdee Cowboys


I'm leaving May this year for a work and travel program in Australia. The plan is to stay the maximum period my visum is valid, and I'm going alone.


Cuz you guys r on the other side of the planet, It'll be winter at that time. So I was planning to arrive in Perth, or Darwin, something then follow the coast upward, clockwise. I'd really like to see Queensland as well so I don't exactly know wich way I'm gonna go. The end of my trip would be Sydney, but when that will be is a big questionmark. I have a free retour ticket so basically when i get sick of it i can get back ASAP.


I know this is still kinda fussy, but I've only just started to plan the trip. My main goal is to find as much as possible ppl that live over there, who can give me good advice about the place they live just so i don't have to start from scratch everywhere I go.. (finding a job for instance)


-ppl you might know in australia (if youre not living there DUH)

-ppl you know who live in other parts of australia that i can get in contact with (if you are living in australia)

-jobs! It seems there is LOADS of work for backpackers in australia, but i'd like to do the ones that actually get some money in my pockets.

-where to find good car deals (planning to get myself a second hand van so i don't always need a bed to sleep)

-must-sees (there must be so much more to the country than my lonely planet travelguide tells me)

-parties!!!!! plz!! I surely am going to the rainbow serpent festival for one. Heard there are some desolate communities living in the desert, but my info is still very vague, I'd really like to know what IS going on, and where I should be

-and advice in general for the trip would be very welcome


Thnx In Advance and hope to see u there,



goodluck there eh lars : )

i'm so envious.. i am


but considering your late departure, i will still be able to say all that stuff in real hm :)


no worries mate

i am in brisbane so come see me when you go there

as far as info

just pm me

also maybe contact soren (senobyte) he is in london but knows people here also mike the journey man in melbourne

talk soon

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