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what'S the use of white label promo copies?

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what is the use of white label copies with nothing written on it?

Guest Matt BooM!

White labels are the first version pressed of each release. The masters plates are often finished before the artwork, and a small number of these whites are made to test the quality of the pressing (see if everything went okay).This is a sort of test pressing and is made before the official elease.- if you approve (like) the test pressing, then they will go the whole hog and make the records with artwork. They are supplied in small quantities by the record factories and are then passed to stores (to see if they want to buy the finished release) or djs (to promote the upcoming release and create hype). Technically they should never be sold for cash, though many stores do - because it is unprinted this should also make it impossible for them to sell it on as an official release. And yes, they are relatively cheap ;-)


i understand that these copies are intended for djs or shop owners as a means of promotion only. but how will they be able to know what they are playing/buying and tell others about it, if the white label doesn't even show group and track name.

and yes many shops sell them. i post this topic because last week i saw lots of these promo copies in a local shop but they were not organized in any way. and after some time you just get tired of accidently listening to some backstreet boys record :)


yeah, what good are they? I had to get a bunch for the 12" I'm printing up but now... its just an expense. So, I'm selling two of them on ebay if anyone wants to get the songs about two weeks to a month in advance of the wide release... in fact, that might be the only good a white label is, for the consumer... get it first :)


search for seller "kal-ziggurat" on ebay. peaze.

Guest Matt BooM!

Psy-fi : When a label sends out a white label, it is usually accompanied by one or 2 A4 printouts with all the information on it. I handwrite this info on the record too, some people stamp it or sticker it. Back in the old days when I played grammaphone records too, I just used to look at the catalogue number, this is scratched (etched) into the vinyl next to the run off groove. For example, if you looked at a white label and saw "boomLP015" etched in you would know it was aour next release and an absolute MUST for you to own hehehe. Often the shops throw out the A4's with the packaging and then dump it in a whites box! And the delight of a white label is getting it 2 weeks to a month before the rest of the world. Thats what we used to jerk off to until DAT machines and cd-burners came into existance !! Very occasionally a white label will never make it to the full pressing or will be changed, then you have a collectors item. The original of LBomb -Earth Orbit (which we released finally this year) was available on a never released white label 4 years back ... go figure ....


thanks for the expla:nation, matt!


but it is psyfi without a hyphen because psy-fi with hyphen is someone else :)

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