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**Strings An Things**

(Madhatter, Belgium)


Strings an things is a coorporation of two friends, founded by Wilfried Rynders, the genius that combined different materials into a psychedelic revolution, concerning mind bending creations. Together with Manuel Pimenta this deco team will try to build a nice atmosphere.


The official launch is dated in February 23, 2007 @ Mad Mystica.

By visiting trance parties all around the world we became familiar with this brand of art. To reach the highest level we use materials to optimise the effect from within. The idea is building a -powerful energy dancefloor- by combining colours for day and night time. During night times this fluo 3D constructions are amazing..


Psychedelic decorations were originally made by people making them for their own stimulation, into a unique trance experience. These abstract geometrical figures are just one style of psychedelic art decorations. These figures will affect on youre neurological system and here will our creations find you.


Wonderfull homecooked decoration from the Madhatter decoteam.



www.deco.madhatter.be (just a preview)




cheers and enjoy


More ino: manuglorix@madhatter.be


Nice stuff man!

  • 2 weeks later...

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