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The best probably would be to contact the Saikosound crew about this but I just find it more convenient to post this here as there probably is someone around who has a quick answer to my question.


I've just placed an order at saikosound (first time), but I've got a question... I'm going through the stuff, and everything seems correct (address, EPs to be sent etc), then when clicking on the 'finalize order' link I'm being linked to a page which tells me that I have to add something to wishlist before placing an order, I just get the impression that something went wrong here 'cause I thought there would be some confirmation that my order had been aknowledged and there'll be an email sent like on psyshop.


Is this just totally correct or is there something wrong?


Whjat your are supposed to do is first put what you want to buy onto a wishlist and then you go to your wishlist and order. I got real confused in the end as well so went to www.psyshop.com which was a lot simpler and also was cheaper than Saikosunds in then end :-)


Do what I do, just send them an email with what you want-forget about using the secure server unless you need to send your visa card number. If the goods don't arrive withinn a week send them another email and ask when the order went out-used them 6 times now and everytime good.




It's not that hard to figure out. You just browse their catalogue and add whatever you want to your "wishlist," by clicking on the add button (while you are logged in under your ID). Then you click "place order" (while you are logged in, of course). Then you fill in the quantities of each item on the wishlist that you want (you don't have to order everything on your wishlist). Then you fill out the rest of the order info and presto. I just got an order from them using the new system and it worked like a charm.


Hi all,


First, Mergi - the only reason I can think of that what might have happened is that you waited more than 20 minutes without opening a new page while you were on the finalise order screen. Basically if you don't open a new page on Saiko Sounds after 20 minutes it assumes you've gone away and forgets all your information. I think I might make this 60 minutes now that I know people have problems with it - I had assumed 20 was enough, and I've never recieved any e-mails about this before [in fact, no-one has ever sent me an e-mail about the site. I don't know why, my e-mail is on every page there].


Next, Mike. Exactly what confused you about the system? It's really quite simple, khogg pretty much explained it perfectly. Basically you find the items you want to order, and click 'add to wishlist'. Then when you have found everything you click 'place order', and you can select how many of each item you want and continue to the next screens [select shipping type / payment method].


Saru - you'll get a faster response if you use the online system and you can also see what's in stock and what isn't.


Guys, there are a lot of advantages to the wishlist system I set up. It's kinda frustrating that you don't understand it so I'm happy to work with anyone out there who doesn't understand it to make it simpler for not only them, but for everyone.




[saiko Sounds Website Developer]


One thing I like about Saikosound over Psyshop is the option for 2-3 day shipping. Sometimes I need my music pronto.


yeah i agree the wishlist is useful. I que up about 20 cds i want and that way i can't forget the next time i come back to see what im after.


well I did browse in the catalog and added stuff to my wishlist and when I had what I wanted I placed the order (so I understand that at least), just what I don't understand when I clicked the 'finalize order' link it linked me to a that page telling me to add stuff to the wishlist, is that suppose to happen when I click 'finalize order' link?... and I remember that I did not stay there for more than 20 minutes, maybe 10 min (because I felt the need to print the information on the page) but not 20 min.


Jaimz, you're telling me to place the order again? Or should I wait? Because I have no idea of what page is supposed to come up when clicking the 'finalize order' link... It would've cost me quite some money to place order again if my order now has gone through, and I don't want to risk being charged twice...


Well, I would have used psyshop if they had had what I wanted, because they're much closer to Sweden and thus the shipping&handling fee (or whatever they call it) is much lower... but now they did not have what I wanted, so saiko sounds was the only alternative.


Mergi - if you didn't recieve an e-mail then your order wasn't processed. Also, you shouldn't worry about your order being processed - all processing is done by real people who will notice if the same person places the same order twice, and besides, you can always e-mail Saiko Sounds direct and tell them to only process one of your orders. :-) You'll find the staff there really nice.


OK... thank you Jaimz :). I'll try order again later on as I haven't gotten any acknowledgement from saiko yet.


One other thing about Saikosound, I like the fact that I can sample songs on an album to see if I like it or not. Psyshop does the same thing but Saikosound's samples are over 2 minutes long where as Psyshop, there sample songs are only 46 seconds. That just doesn't hack it.

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