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V.A. Trip to Dreamland (2006)

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Trip to Dreamland (2006)


Artist: various

Title: Trip to Dreamland

Label: Alien Community Label

Format: Mp3 file

SIZE: 127mb

LENGHT: 01:19:19




1. Chatnik - 7 Days Left (06:16)

2. Artha - Genetic Formula (09:07)

3. Mindcrawlers - Firebloom (10:50)

4. Swan X-1 - Matchu Pitchu (07:15)

5. Tellurium - Atheist (05:32)

6. Lost Buddha - In Love With A Godess (08:14)

7. Phazur - Detonation Device (09:33)

8. Cybernetika - Architect Of The Universe (10:47)

9. Tears - Gateaway (07:21)

10. Project 83 - Vision (04:24)


Ok, so here we have a compilation focusing on the more melodic aspect of psychedelic trance music, and giving us a taste of newcomers, young producers still not established on the scene. First off we have Chatnick, and just by his name I can tell where the guy is from, and all I wanna say is that I hope this name is a joke, because back where I'm from, he's NEVER going to get a gig with it... Well, back to the music. A solid, if not wrongly placed, slow tempo track. Sound like a reaaaaally slowed down break beat track, with the tempo notably picking up at 04:43, but by that time you'll probably be asleep or you already hit the skip button. Hello?!? Tracks like this one go at the end of the compilation. Artha's track has a seriously annoying sample about some DNA and genetic formula crap, but the main problem here is that nothing happens on this track for aout 8 minutes, except some pretty simple and predictable effects over a common beat, up until 08:20 when a cool sounding acid synth flies in out of nowhere, and leaves you nowhere after being abruptly pulled out of the tracks after only 25 seconds. Next up we have Mindcrawlers whose track starts in a pretty unpromising way, but give it time, it does evolve, and all in all ends on a good note. Its strenght lays in its lenght; not that it contains mind blowing musical complexity, but it'll do! Nice track. Swan X-1 deliveres a solid track as well, even though his name sounds like the newest model of Whirpool's washing machines. And please, update your sample files, for I am up to over my head with samples about reality, and the paranormal, etc. And you get another one of those here. But I actually very much enjoy the background melodies here; they are not overdone, but they nicely flow over the beat. Especially from 04:35 to 05:15... Unfortunately after things get a little annoying. I won't complain, for this is a solid track as well. The next one is Tellurium's "Atheist" which is one of those short tracks which don't waste too much time before getting into it. The high pitched melody that flies in @ around 02:30 is definitely the high point of the track, but the rest of it seems... well, already heard dozens of times before. Put it this way: because of the strong bass line, and the acidic melody kicking in after about three and a half minutes, this could work well on the dancefloors, and let me add that it does not seem difficult to mix. Nothing that'll stick in your mind for weeks to come. Oh god, here we come: track #6, mr. Felipe Santos aka Lost Buddha, and the man still has to let me down. I think that somewhere on this forum I read that the guy has an album coming out. I hope soon. Me want. Me want very much. All I'm going to say is that when listening to this track, the five previous ones all of a sudden don't seem so fine anymore. Not that I don't appreciate other artists' effort, but theses other producers are, dare I say it, newbies compared to Lost Buddha. A stomping, old school like, goa flavored track- he kills it. Again! I am very sorry to say, but it is with tracks 7 & 8 that this compilation gets most negative points. More so, having that these two tracks together colck in a little over 20 minutes, and some painful 20 minutes you gotta go through... "Detonation Device" is nine and a half minutes of listening to a boring beat, ran over with some psychedelic effects which I have heard at least 100, 000 just during the last year!!! Come on man! And that background melody that appears twice during the track... Horrible. Sound like one of those cheap Samsung cellular phone ringtones. Cybernetika's "Architect of the Future" suffers from one major issue: over lenghth. For everything you hear in this track is overdone and overused by the long run. Especially the bass kick, the beat or however you want to call it, but in my ears after listening to it for about six and a half to seven minutes seems like a major pain in the you-know-what! Did I mention that it's a dull bass kick? Well, it is. Not that this track is bad- it just HAS to get edited... It is just too plain to keep your attention for the wole 10:47! Qay too long. Certain parts of it are more interesting than other ones, but all put together like this sounds like an uneven, over going track. I want an edit. Quick! Not a great track, read my lips: b-o-r-i-n-g. "Tears" is hella melodic, repetitive, dreamy and old school sounding, which seems like an awesome description at first. Remember those old tracks from albums like One Love or Transdimensional or Asia 2001's RA? How melodic, trippy and dreamy they used to be. Even though sometimes the tracks seemed repetitive, the melodies were so mesmerizing that you enjoyed listening to it... Not that I dare compare Tears with the mentioned masters, but here you have a single melody, only going through minor changes, and just floating over a quiet, soft (if I can call it that) beat, for the whole 07:20 minutes. Now, the melody is not that interesting to make me trip for 7 minutes, nor is it 1996 any more, so tracks like this really sound outdated and what's even worse, is that I know that this is produced in 2006, but sounds like something that would have been published on a so-so compilation 11 years ago. And we end the journey with Project 83's short and really nice track, with some live instrumentation on it. Not really my type of music, so I'm not gonna comment too much, but if that is a saxohone I hear at the beginning of the track, it sounds damn nice. A very cool way to end the CD.


CONCLUSION: My review might seem a little harsh, but that is simply because the vast majority of these tracks never gets past the being just nice point. I mean, except for Lost Buddha, Mindcrawlers and Swan X-1 there isn't much to hear on this CD. Well, OK, the melody on "Atheist" kicking on 02:30 is some truly uplifting stuff- too bad it isn't used in a better track. But this leaves me with 3 tracks out of 10 that I find thorougly enjoyable. Which is not a good average. Now, not to turn people off and hurt anybody's feelings, I understand that almost everybody included on here are newcomers, and not yet established producers. To end this in a nicer fashion, I give my full support and all the best wishes in the future to all of these acts. I hope to get more of your music in the future, and remember: harsh critics can only make you better! Work, try to mprove, keep the new music coming, and who knows what can come next? For now, I see this as nothing more than a little, but very little taste of what is (I hope) to come. Just a teaser. And of coarse I ask everyone to go and find and listen to this compilation! I am certain that you will, just as I have, find at least one track on here that will seem very nice. Support new artists! While very far from great, this compilation deservers a listen! If for nothing else, just to show some appreciation for other people's work.


VOTE: 5.5/10

HIGHLIGHTS: Firebloom, In love with a godess (!!), matchu pitchu


not a very positive review.. but it is a net-release after all ;)


well the track i submitted has been edited a lot and the bass is less boring now and i removed the samsung line and put an acid line instead :)


well anyway i got way better tracks now..

best tracks for me are Firebloom, which is an amazing track.. the bassline is very nice.

Lost Buddha is very nice too, but baaad quality :(


and if you wnat to hear some new and better tracks by me:



This name what i use is the name of fighters from The Second World War, and doesn't have a connection with anything else. On civil war between Serbia and Croatia, Serbia had comunist military, and i don't know why you Croatian call that army "Catniks", you know the

Catniks is the army of Serbia Kingdom in The Second World War. I don't have anything against the Croatia.




  • 3 months later...

Hey Guys,


Just a few words to praise this compilation again, not because i am on it, but because it is still one of the best old skool GOA music circulating at the moment and also for free !! I still have my mp3 player fully loaded with it ;) with the exception of a few tracks I'm loving especially the tracks "Firebloom" from Mindcrawlers, and "Gateway" from Tears, "In love with a godess" from Lost Buddha... Thanks guys you rock !!! Now i have decided to make a break in production but might as well consider a comeback, aiming more old skool goa production ... But men i need to learn some techniques especially from you Lost buddha ... How do you get this voice cut on the 16th or the 32th ? Do you use a chopper ?


Respect !



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