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I will need opinion on several albums. Can you say to me if these albums are interesting?

Give to me your impressions, please


ADRENALIN DRUM - xperimental goa


BYPASS UNIT - dropz of obscure eclipses

CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS - final fantasy

COLORBOX - train to chroma city

CYAN - braindance

CYAN - beast from the east

CYAN - transistance

DOGMA - land of utopia

DREAMWEAVER - lord of illusions

EVOLUTION SPRING - parallax world

FUTURE PROPHECY - future prophecy

FUTURE PROPHECY - seeds of rage

GUY SEBBAG & GAL CARMY - train mission


MOKSHA - mindworx 97/99

MORPHEM - out of focus

NON FICTION - aspect to the future

ONE MAN GAME - total trance

P. COK - acid trooper

PARADISE CONNECTION - paradise connection

TRIPTICON - the 7th portal

XPLORING INNER SPACE - electric rites

ZOULTAN - zoultan



thank you for your assistance ;)


Well I can tell you Morphem - Out of Focus is one not to be missed. If you like X-Dream's sound in the 90s then you'll dig that one a lot. The CD is very well varied with even a few downtempo moments (mostly faster stuff though). Morphem makes use of liquid bass lines and guitars in a track. This is an artist that Tunnel should have invested more in at the time of the release


BYPASS UNIT - dropz of obscure eclipses

CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS - final fantasy

COLORBOX - train to chroma city

CYAN - braindance

CYAN - beast from the east

CYAN - transistance

DOGMA - land of utopia

DREAMWEAVER - lord of illusions

FUTURE PROPHECY - future prophecy

IMAGO - the spirit dance

NON FICTION - aspect to the future

ONE MAN GAME - total trance

PARADISE CONNECTION - paradise connection

ZOULTAN - zoultan


Interesting ones according to me...

Guest Rezwalker

ADRENALIN DRUM - xperimental goa 5/5 (masterpiece)

BYPASS UNIT - dropz of obscure eclipses 4.5/5 (full of fast and crazy melodies/acids/bpm's)

CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS - final fantasy 0/5 (crap nitzo)

GUY SEBBAG & GAL CARMY - train mission 4/5 (quality pure israeli trance)

P. COK - acid trooper 4/5 (one of my top isr. album from 90's)

ONE MAN GAME - total trance 5/5 (Mystica under different name, that says all)


in general all the albums from your list are from good to very good imo. except the Chemical synthesis album) i can't find other bad album.


I will need opinion on several albums. Can you say to me if these albums are interesting?

Give to me your impressions, please



DREAMWEAVER - lord of illusions


SIBILANT - proper filth

i would definitely check those out, havent heard proper filth, but would check it for sure :)

dont know about others - havent heard them.


ADRENALIN DRUM - xperimental goa 7/10

BIOT - synthetic organic 8/10

BYPASS UNIT - dropz of obscure eclipses 9/10

COLORBOX - train to chroma city 9/10

CYAN - beast from the east 6/10

FUTURE PROPHECY - future prophecy 7/10

HAR-EL PRUSSKY - pagan moon child 6/10

HAR-EL PRUSSKY - new pagan dance 6/10

HUMAN BLUE - ice 8/10

MORPHEM - out of focus 8/10

ONE MAN GAME - total trance 8/10

P. COK - acid trooper 7/10

PARADISE CONNECTION - paradise connection 10/10

TRIPTICON - the 7th portal 8/10

XPLORING INNER SPACE - electric rites 9/10

IMO ;)


your taste, your mood = your call

would like to help but they are all good considering taste, within their concepts most of those releases are better ones,


if you want an upcoming collectors item choose one man game - total trance (track mystic morning is fabulous )


Thank you for your answers. I know that it there with the reviews section of Psynews but I needed several opinions and more recent. I wanted to see the best albums ;)


It depends on what you are searching for, really...


Most people will discourage you to listen to Chemical Synthesis - Final Fantasy, for example,

because it's known as a Nitzhonot album. And Nitzhonot goes not well together with

most Psytrance lovers. However, I'm fond of stomping basswork and uplifting melodies with an

eastern touch, so I'd recommend you to listen to this one.


I will need opinion on several albums. Can you say to me if these albums are interesting?

Give to me your impressions, please


COLORBOX - train to chroma city

SHAOLIN WOODEN MEN - the hungry forest

Both of these are really good if you ask me! Not everyone would agree, kind of a aquired taste but I love both of those ;)






*I adore the beautiful melodies (very emotive or gloomy) examples: MFG 'the prophecy', ASTRAL PROJECTION 'dancing galaxy', PLEIADIANS '7sisters', KETHZAL, ASIA 2001 .


*but too, the particular atmosphere, example: SYMPHONIX 'music prostitute', PSYKNIGHTS 'a faint light from the depth'


*and the originality of the sound, example: TALPA 'the art of being non, VIBE TRIBE 'melodrama', THE MISTED MUPPET 'from the legend', PLANUM 'elaborate'.


p.cok - very fast music (around 150bpm all of it)

no epic melodies or memorable moments. lots of acidic lines etc. average imo. 5/10


seeds of rage - lots of hard to digest melodies, lots of acidic lines as well. a bit similar to p.cok, but better. "indra" is a classic :) 7/10


To finish, can you give me your opinions and put an evaluation (? /10) for these albums. The reviews which propose psynews are old or non-existent. Thank you for your assistance serious :)


CYAN vs PSYCHO MEDITATION - transistance (1998)

CYAN - medieval tales 1 (1998)

CYAN - medieval tales 2 (2000)

DEVIANT ELECTRONICS - brainwashing is child's play (1997)

EVOLUTION - oscillating phenomena (1996)

EVOLUTION - shiva technology (1996)

SANDMAN - psycho toons (2000)

SHAKTI TWINS - psychedelic family (1999)

SFX - rainbirds (1995)

THE SECRET - the secret (1998)

THIRD EYE - dancing creation (1994)





CYAN vs PSYCHO MEDITATION - transistance (1998) 5.5/10

CYAN - medieval tales 1 (1998) 7/10

CYAN - medieval tales 2 (2000) 5.5/10

Nitzhonot/uplifting. The first "medieval tales" is the best of these 3 and the least cheesy.


SANDMAN - psycho toons (2000) 8/10

Quite different from "witchcraft", more minimal and psychedelic, but less scary and atmosferic. If you don't like minimal stuff, you will probably hate it. :)

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