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cant really compare...


the monopoly is analog 3osc... the ms2000 is a full deatured digital.


i had a monopoly here for a bit, great synth and special sound, but i think today there is no question the ms2000 is a better buy.

the monopoly is one of the nicer vintage machines though.


They both got only 4 voices but the mono/poly has 4(!) vco's. The mono/poly has a unique arpeggiator too, check it out on the internet. I've had an MS2000 for about a year and I must say that I was a little bit disappointed in it. I admit I never used the stepsequencer, which seems to be one of his stronger points. The digital filters are a bit weak too. It's not a bad synth, but I expected more from it.

If I were you i'd go for the mono/poly ;)

  crazyboris said:

The mono/poly has a unique arpeggiator too, check it out on the internet.

ya thats the coolest feature in the mono/poly - the mod/arpeg section is special




the Mono/Poly is he favorite Korg synth of Mr. Mori, the developer who developed many of Korg's products.


also, i stand corrected, the synth is a 4osc like crazyboris said.


i dont think the ms2000 is cheap... the build is not as good sure, but the synth is good.


the filter is not "fat", but it is very precise and smooth.


there are advantages and disadvantages to anything.

  crazyboris said:

They both got only 4 voices but the mono/poly has 4(!) vco's. The mono/poly has a unique arpeggiator too, check it out on the internet. I've had an MS2000 for about a year and I must say that I was a little bit disappointed in it. I admit I never used the stepsequencer, which seems to be one of his stronger points. The digital filters are a bit weak too. It's not a bad synth, but I expected more from it.

If I were you i'd go for the mono/poly ;)

w00t? :blink: you never used the step sequencer? that's where the fun is :D no wonder that you got a bit disappointed with it!

for a 500-600€ synth i think its well done.the filters are ok imo you can have 4 osc if you use dual timbre mode.the distortion is beautiful!

psYtravEllEr,I agree that analog is better than digital most of the times but in this case i would go for the ms2000,since it's probably snowball's first synth i guess he wants a synth to actually use the max. as possible in his tracks.


ah yes the distortion. a bit of a pitty you can't control the amount of distortion.

  crazyboris said:

ah yes the distortion. a bit of a pitty you can't control the amount of distortion.

you cant=? that sucks.

anyway, i bought this synth mainly for its stepsequencer, you can even record live tweaking into it. no need to program. sounds very cool and workflowish.

we´ll see when its here.

  crazyboris said:

ah yes the distortion. a bit of a pitty you can't control the amount of distortion.

from the manual:


Note:If distortion is turned on, use the mixer knobs to adjust the degree of distortion

it doesn't seem to do any effect at all on some sounds thou,can't properly test that right now.but yeah,could have a specific sub-menu or something.

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