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For Pavel:


What's that? It sure looks like a hexagram with an Ohm in the middle! Still waiting for your answer on my last post Pavel..



I still, however, fail to see any legimate reason for putting that symbol on the same page as the words "cannibal holocaust". If you wanna make people think of the movie and not the Holocaust by the Nazis, you should have some artwork that shows a bunch of Yanomammo running around with severed heads or something. In which case I would rag on it for disrespecting South American natives, who deserve the same respect as Jews, and who are themselves victims of a Colonial/Industrial Holocaust.


I just wish people would have more sense of symbolism ;)



It's most probably not ment to be taken literairy.

And most probably has nothing to do with Nazi Holocaust, just is an interpretation of their "oh so twisted state of mind", like, look at us, we are so dark and evil, we even go sit on some grave and use this same bad picture as a cover and use the exact same title of some "shocking" 80's movie.


You can highly blame them for ;


- Having a bad taste.

- Having a funny way to express themselfs.

- Having no idea how to make a decent cover.

- Lack of originality in name choosing.

- And smiling a bit strange. (read gay)


They look like, pretty young, give them a break. :rolleyes:


that thay are picture on the cemetery and give bizarre name to group doesn't minds that their music is stupid

I heard some tracks and I like that ,it's good

theese two man are my good friends and they deserve chanse like the others

do not restain them in that,better listen tracks and then give comment

sorry, my english is very bad :angry:


better listen tracks and then give comment

how about if somebody gives us some tracks to prelisten, then we could finally bury the topic ( :D ... that even fits to the title :P )

that thay are picture on the cemetery and give bizarre name to group doesn't minds that their music is stupid

I heard some tracks and I like that ,it's good

theese two man are my good friends and they deserve chanse like the others

do not restain them in that,better listen tracks and then give comment

sorry, my english is very bad :angry:

Just because they are your good friends, doesn't mean they are not stupid!

1. Crap Name

2. Selves on cover

not good selling points in the underground scene.

If they are going for underground then they got it all worng.

Not stupid. But not smart either!


I think you two have a different definition of the word quality, to me it seems Basilisk is talking about the sound quality and I have to agree with him. A lot of darkpsy releases can't be enjoyed on a good hifi, they just sound godawful (e.g. no proper bass, just painful overcompressed midrange freqs). I mean I love darkpsy, nothing gets me more going than some decent darkpsy, but half of the dark releases if not more are just poorly produced and only suitable for the trash bin. Sad but true.

Sound quality is certainly a big part of the problem, but I also find the skills of composition and arrangement lacking in many releases. I tend to hear a lot of these tracks that just knock out aggressive beats in near-random sequences with crazy noises all over top (Cosmo and Highko have taken this to an absurd extreme). How many producers bother to set a mood, build a story, or inject their creations with any kind of artful purpose? A lot of it is just attitude and posture... bad-ass project names and evil song titles, scary samples, extreme BPMs, a competitive harder-than-thou ideology. Darkpsy is like the punk rock of psytrance!


Again, I feel as if I should state I really enjoy the dark side. I could go on and on about the merits of Ghreg on Earth for example. Now there's an intelligent artist with a sense of purpose! All these kids releasing killer filler on compilations simply can't compare.


Lastly, saying that most darkpsy releases are better than most full-on releases really isn't saying much at all ;)


tracks that just knock out aggressive beats in near-random sequences with crazy noises all over top (Cosmo and Highko have taken this to an absurd extreme)

could you name a few tracks by Cosmo and Highko that stand for what you said?

i didnt really listen to any dark psy yet i think...


I tend to hear a lot of these tracks that just knock out aggressive beats in near-random sequences with crazy noises all over top (Cosmo and Highko have taken this to an absurd extreme). How many producers bother to set a mood, build a story, or inject their creations with any kind of artful purpose?

I don't get your using Cosmo and Highko as an example; I don't know their solo work that well but Highcosmos are great, tracks like Madjik L25 have a lot of build up and structure to them.


A lot of it is just attitude and posture... bad-ass project names and evil song titles, scary samples, extreme BPMs, a competitive harder-than-thou ideology. Darkpsy is like the punk rock of psytrance!


Gaah! I hate punk rock :angry:



could you name a few tracks by Cosmo and Highko that stand for what you said?

i didnt really listen to any dark psy yet i think...

I reckon you should give the new Nommos album a go if you want to get into darkpsy.


Darkpsy is like the punk rock of psytrance!

Is it? I see as more the metal of psytrance. Punk was always a little lighter and relatively more positive. I see the Schlab sound being more like punk. It's raw and in your face, but it's not so much about horror. That's my take.

Yeah it definately isnt very Punk. Darkpsy doesnt have much of a political edge (sorry samples of GWB cant compete with extended diatribes about the state of the world) and in general I dont see much of the punk mentality in darkpsy. I dont think it has that much in common with metal either, except for the occasional cover, like this one that goes for the metal feel. I think it has the most in common with industrial, but really it is its own thing.


:o nooooo, for sure not :lol:

Not its own thing or not more related to industrial than to metal?


Not its own thing or not more related to industrial than to metal?

A great number of darkpsy artists have a past on heavy metal or gothic metal bands.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey you guys... it's here:



Oh, and has anyone already posted their bio?


CannibaL HolocausT is resulting 2006 years afterwards change at both members, first project are been solo dock new project sub name ULTIVA are make both member currently project with CannibaL HolocausT.


CannibaL HolocausT is doing very specfic and strangely style as from deep dark in h orror sound.Project enchatment two brothers Nicifor Zlatic and Milan Milosev at random see such inform some most perfect,and it has as both send in marrow psychedelic music.


Afterwards short time theirs two chooses as change name project and it being realise in name CannibaL HolocausT!!!


Nino a.k.a Cannibal Holocaust started in 2003 year as one of the founders and driving forces in ultiva music,and he continue working in new project. He started making music since he was 14. His first music influences were from the dark horror trance and electro music genres...


Miksa a.k.a Cannibal Holocaust is also working on this project together whit his brother. He has created his own blend of sickness melodic dark trance with a psychedelic touch.He is inspirit by spiritual souls and magic mentality...


DARK 4 aLL ppl. in pain...


i still agree with pavel saying this and a lot more is a sell-out of psytrance image. notice there's a difference between selling-out and using new ideas.


in eternal atrocious soul torture, anak.

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