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OK, I know this sounds like blasphemy but latley I've been so dissapointed of full-on that I actually find hardstyle LESS commercial and more creative! Am I the only one? :blink:

  Lemmiwinks said:

OK, I know this sounds like blasphemy but latley I've been so dissapointed of full-on that I actually find hardstyle LESS commercial and more creative! Am I the only one? :blink:

What do you mean by Hardstyle?
  Pavel said:

What do you mean by Hardstyle?


well you know, the "next step" in commercial trance since the demise of eurotrance, although in practice it sounds more like hardcore than trance...

stuff like

and this and
  Lemmiwinks said:

OK, I know this sounds like blasphemy but latley I've been so dissapointed of full-on that I actually find hardstyle LESS commercial and more creative! Am I the only one? :blink:

What does it matter?


IMO both styles are commercial and boring...


Is that the fullon versus hardstyle thread?


I hate Hardstyle

I hate Fullon


but I think I still hate Hardstyle more than Fullon ... at Fullon partys you (yet) have no burberry cap chav f*ks (yes, total prejudice here ... but I don't care ... prove me that there are less chavs on Hardstyle partys than on Fullon gigs and I pay you a beer)...

  supergroover said:

who cares?

Tatsu and Sideffect obviously... :rolleyes:


I can clarify my question a bit if you like thou... ;)

  Tatsu said:

What does it matter?

what matters is that psytrance was supposed to be more original and creative as opposed to commercial trance... but IMO the tendency has started to reverse latley: just check out the latest IM, GMS and X-Dream for starters, it's not even trance anymore, it's basically pop music with electronic influences...



  Basilisk said:

Hardstyle... what are you on about?


Forget Pop Stream and Fatali and go listen to some goddamn NRS and RAM already.

hmm yeah I must admit I've started to lag behind on new releases (simply because I've been so disapointed by the genre latley that I simply don't care anymore). BUT if you have some mind-blowing recomendations I'd like to hear them :)

  RTP said:

Is that the fullon versus hardstyle thread?


I hate Hardstyle

I hate Fullon


but I think I still hate Hardstyle more than Fullon ... at Fullon partys you (yet) have no burberry cap chav f*ks (yes, total prejudice here ... but I don't care ... prove me that there are less chavs on Hardstyle partys than on Fullon gigs and I pay you a beer)...


well ok with the party crowd (although when you see big gigs like Skazi and Astrix I don't think that the difference between party crowds is really that great...) but that's not all: where do you listen to most music? at parties or at home? for me it's at home (well, actually at work lol), that's why considerations on the party crowd aren't that important to my ears .

  Lemmiwinks said:

well ok with the party crowd (although when you see big gigs like Skazi and Astrix I don't think that the difference between party crowds is really that great...) but that's not all: where do you listen to most music? at parties or at home? for me it's at home (well, actually at work lol), that's why considerations on the party crowd aren't that important to my ears .

Okay, I tried it now and have to say at home I could never listen to hardstyle ... never! This sounds just too crappy. That means I'll (hopefully) always prefer fullon over hardstyle...
  Lemmiwinks said:

what matters is that psytrance was supposed to be more original and creative as opposed to commercial trance... but IMO the tendency has started to reverse latley: just check out the latest IM, GMS and X-Dream for starters, it's not even trance anymore, it's basically pop music with electronic influences...

hmm yeah I must admit I've started to lag behind on new releases (simply because I've been so disapointed by the genre latley that I simply don't care anymore). BUT if you have some mind-blowing recomendations I'd like to hear them :)

I don't know but wasn't (or still isn't) psytrance just supposed to be different in the sence of the psychedelic aspect to regular trance? If something is considered more original or not is a bit a personal thing imho. I mean goa trance and trance were rather close in the beginning and I personaly wouldn't even think about rating which one was more original or creative. But it's no wonder that a style you know for a long time and a stlye you don't listen to that often or for a shorter time than psytrance/full-on in general (as I assume you do with hardstyle) sounds more original to you. But even if not, you still wouldn't like it more no matter the answer to your question since you are done with it anyway.


Btw if you want a recommendation check out Goe's liveset in the Promotion section, very good full-on imho. :)


  Lemmiwinks said:

well ok with the party crowd (although when you see big gigs like Skazi and Astrix I don't think that the difference between party crowds is really that great...) but that's not all: where do you listen to most music? at parties or at home? for me it's at home (well, actually at work lol), that's why considerations on the party crowd aren't that important to my ears .

For me it's at home and I still own a lot of full-on releases and I actually enjoy listening to it at home or work. Another personal thing imho.

  Lemmiwinks said:

what matters is that psytrance was supposed to be more original and creative as opposed to commercial trance... but IMO the tendency has started to reverse latley: just check out the latest IM, GMS and X-Dream for starters, it's not even trance anymore, it's basically pop music with electronic influences...

hmm yeah I must admit I've started to lag behind on new releases (simply because I've been so disapointed by the genre latley that I simply don't care anymore). BUT if you have some mind-blowing recomendations I'd like to hear them :)

agreed for IM and maybe GMS, but X-Dream? pop? Dude, it's some very nice Techno/Electro with psytrance influences..

  Lemmiwinks said:

what matters is that psytrance was supposed to be more original and creative as opposed to commercial trance...

and who said that ? :rolleyes:
  Tatsu said:

I don't know but wasn't (or still isn't) psytrance just supposed to be different in the sence of the psychedelic aspect to regular trance? If something is considered more original or not is a bit a personal thing imho. I mean goa trance and trance were rather close in the beginning and I personaly wouldn't even think about rating which one was more original or creative. But it's no wonder that a style you know for a long time and a stlye you don't listen to that often or for a shorter time than psytrance/full-on in general (as I assume you do with hardstyle) sounds more original to you. But even if not, you still wouldn't like it more no matter the answer to your question since you are done with it anyway.


Btw if you want a recommendation check out Goe's liveset in the Promotion section, very good full-on imho. :)

For me it's at home and I still own a lot of full-on releases and I actually enjoy listening to it at home or work. Another personal thing imho.


ah come on, it's an unwritten rule that un-commercial music is "deeper" and more effort is put into it than stuff that's simply made to appeal to a large crowd. Indeed, psytrance and trance all originated from one point but they've gone a LOOONG way since then. I don't think anyone would hesitate on rating the biggest originality bewteen what was psytrance and eurotrance at the end of the 90s... although today... But I agree with the last part of your statement: I guess that maybe it's just my ears that are getting tired of the same style and just want something new. That said I'll check out the link you've recommended, thanks ;)


PS pretty irrelevant link but check out the Simpsons doing the jumpstyle lol


imho its just two styles of electronic music.. and when talking about whole styles you cant really say one is more innovative than the other. Its not like there is a secret community making sure that psytrance is more innovative.

In any scene there will be innovaters and copycats. The bigger the scene the more of both. But especially more bullshit...


Commercial or not, I find most hardstyle releases far more enjoyable than full on releases. I have actually listened hardstyle some years ago but then I discovered goa trance. :D

  Lemmiwinks said:

ah come on, it's an unwritten rule that un-commercial music is "deeper" and more effort is put into it than stuff that's simply made to appeal to a large crowd. Indeed, psytrance and trance all originated from one point but they've gone a LOOONG way since then. I don't think anyone would hesitate on rating the biggest originality bewteen what was psytrance and eurotrance at the end of the 90s... although today... But I agree with the last part of your statement: I guess that maybe it's just my ears that are getting tired of the same style and just want something new. That said I'll check out the link you've recommended, thanks ;)


PS pretty irrelevant link but check out the Simpsons doing the jumpstyle lol

Imho it's not an unwritten rule, it's just how psytrancers want to see their music because they wanna feel special and superior to the listeners of trance. Which is quite a sad behaviour imho since if only your musical taste makes you special in your own eyes and nothing else, well, not a good sign imho. About rating which one is more original: I personaly couldn't do that right now, I'd have to check discogs to see which trance records from that period I have. I love both styles and I do remember that the end of the nineties was indeed a good period for trance. And I also remember the beginning of 2000 and onwards: psy minimal was getting big and for my personal taste it's the most boring thing ever so I'd rather listen to some regular trance for sure (oh wait, I did rate now :ph34r: ).


And since you were speaking about commercialism: here in Switzerland you find a lot more psy (no matter if it's full-on, prog, dark or whatever) parties than regular trance parties, trance (club trance or whatever you wanna call it) is dead here nearly. There are some big raves from time to time with lots of styles including trance but not that much smaller parties with only trance anymore. Can't judge how original trance is today, haven't bought any really new releases in the last few months, but if you want something original then I would rather go for the electro/minimal stuff instead of psy and trance.

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