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Not for the sensitive ones aka wussies

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...............i don't know if i should say it.......... the most sensitive and religious people, especially those that go to church every sunday, pray 20 holy maries and 30 holy fathers before going to sleep, read the bible more than 100 times and go to the confessionary just for the fact that they accidently watched 0,05 seconds of the pornochanel while zaping the TV.........uuuuuuuufffffffff( takes deep breath)............ to that kind of people i strongly........... let me say that again........... STRONGLY recommend not to read this!!!

















Where can i buy the first two GMS albuns?? Do you know any online tranceshop, label, distributor that has it??





Shocked huh???!!! Well, don't say i didn't warned you!!


Call me an heretic, heathen, blasphemer, even an heartless bastard for all i care.... i've selled my soul to the evil quacken and there's nothing you can do about it!!!!!






I know..

Don't buy them, but download the cd image from the internet and burn it.. no loss in audio quality (yeah right.. great quality GMS LOL) at all


I see you're a GMS hater traveller.... Oh, you must be so good.... i mean you must have an extraordinary taste for music right??!!


You only listen to music made with heart and soul, not the GMS alike tunes that are just some heartless and soulless guys bashing and smashing the keyboards of the computer just to make some easy money!!!!!


Yeah, right..... Stop beeing so negative!!!


Don't like it, don't eat it!!! That what i always say.



How do you like this:


Shpongle suck big time. Just a couple of junkies that make music when their high.... and what's up with that new project of raja ram, gms and chicago huh.... A true master like raja ram shouldn't be making music with those heartless bastards.... and what a funny album cover with all those drugs, must be to incentivate people to become junkies just like him!!!



Stop spreading the negative vibe!!!





i want to see celebrity deathmatch, featuring gms vs shpongle......

who would win?


GMS Rules , thanks to gms (holland) we have the israeli sound funny holland and israel

Guest Satoshi

Anyone that thinks shpongle sucks should have a very sensitive external organ decapitated...as for Quazar...Blasphemer!!!


Your missing the point satoshi. I just said that to serve as an example..... Hell, i never listened to shpongle in my life!! Said it because i know traveller is a shpongle worshiper!!! :-P


chill the eff out, ur the one whose attacking everyone with ur negativity. Respect other's tatse and they will respect urs.


I'm not disrespecting nobody.



So can anyone tell me where can i buy the two albuns please??

fuck you all. i mean, everyone who listens to any psytrance goup should be beheaded imo!!! ;))

lol anton!!!!!!!!



BTW JUST so everyone knows.. (and it's hard to tell on paper i know (or screen))


every post up untill and including Satoshi, was a joke!!! thus not to be taken seriously!!!

Quazar you are a victim of your own monkeyshine frolic!



what a funny fourm/planet/species.

we can't even joke amongst ourselves without provoking anger.


ahh... communication, tone, relation, ... EMPATHY!! <---



what you think someone says is often not what that someone is thinking when they say it. *yes very true*


here i wrote some poetry to memorize it>> =)


"what you think someone says

is often not said

by that someone who said it."


c how that flows? it's beautiful!


PLUR is not a chiche


chaos laboratory is actually an amazing album, and this comes from an avid and rabid gms-hater! worth getting, but sorry i don't know where

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