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What tracks have a distinct watery feel?


Jaia - After the Rain

Union Jack - Water Drums

Gus Till - Rainsong

Namlook/Morris - Under Water


Spring to mind!


Any others you can think of?


I won't say thank you, you know! & in all likleyhood I will argue with whatever you post and on the 15th page complain about how my threads always die before 1 page is up!


Come on people! Does noone have any recommnedations? I thought this was supposed to be a music site :angry:




Hope this works :)


If you want watery feeling : Logic Bomb.

Tracks like Jan & Jon,for example.


I even had this trip in Solaluna2001,while listening to them playing live,that i was totally wet and it felt quite annoying at that moment.


union jack - water drums


k.o.b. - wet wet wet (work in progress, but so far VERY wet!)


Future Sound Of London - Papua (New Guinea)

Shpongle - DMT


Some stuff on the U-Recken - Aquatic Serenade album, I can't recall which tracks the most but imho the whole album has a bit of an underwater feeling to me.


Ash Ra Temple - Ocean of Tenderness

From New Age of Earth (1976). Especially wonderful when the guitar comes in.


Sasha - Baja

If you don't know this one, I think the (psy)chill people are gonna love it.


Blu Mar Ten - Adrift on Deep Water

I love this chilled drum'n bassy track. It would be the perfect track to play while floating on an airbed near some sunny paradise beach.


Chicane - Saltwater

Chicane - Offshore


They all have fitting titles =)


most Vibrasphere, esp albums 2 & 3

most of Cosma's stuff


Ishq- Orchid

Ooze- Where the fields never end

Oszilla- Die Hexen

MWNN- Cosmic Echoes


I find that most "watery" sounding music is progressive or chillout. When Goa, Fullon, or Dark has a liquid sound to me it reminds me more of Mercury than of water.


Me and my friend (mostly my friend) are making a very wet track.... But it might take ½ a year or so before its finished... but it will be very wet! :P


Me and my friend (mostly my friend) are making a very wet track.... But it might take ½ a year or so before its finished... but it will be very wet! :P



Will it be wetter than a 40 year old 40kg man who still lives with his mum & wets himself whenever he sees an argument on the internet??




Will it be wetter than a 40 year old 40kg man who still lives with his mum & wets himself whenever he sees an argument on the internet??

I believe so... :P so far its only based on water sounds of different kinds and voices :) very wet!


Tri-Force - Aquasphere


Very liquid sounding track with waterdrops in cave effects (imho) at the beginning.


Thanks folks!


I got


Ozric Tentacles - Waterfall Cities

Scorb - The Aquarium

Bluetech - Prayers for Rain (in Dub)

Rena Jones - The Passing Storm

H.U.V.A. Network - Rain Geometries

Solar Fields - Water Silence

Rena Jones - Undercurrent

Union Jack - Water Drums

Jaia - After the Rain

Asura - Amber Rain

Mystical Sun - River Goddess

Omnimotion - Aquatic

Solar Fields - Swimming with Stones


for watery tracks

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