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I've just spent the last few hours making myself a new SX template, with the aim of trying to encourage myself to use my Nord Modular more. Most of the time was spent making a Device Panel for the Nord, using as the background a photo of the synth I took when I'd just got it. It was quite a battle; the Midi Device Manager is a bit broken and anyway I had to teach myself how to use it from scratch, but I got there in the end. The last time I did anything like this in Cubase was in the pre-VST days when I made a couple of MIDI Mixer Maps for some of my old hardware synths, and a lot has changed in the meantime. I now have 4 Device Panels, one for each slot in the Nord, with each knob mapped to a different CC; it should make automating the synth in real-time much easier. I'm pretty pleased with it, and I think it'll make a good jumping-off point for my next projects.


Posted Image


[EDIT] I'm such a geek... the only way I could finish it properly was to manually edit the template XML file :lol:


what's a device panel? :unsure:

A Device Panel is a set of on-screen controls (faders, buttons, knobs) that you can use to send MIDI messages of all kinds to connected external hardware. The one I designed lets you control all the knobs on my NM1. Using Device Panels you can basically turn your external synths into VSIis.


what soft/ hardware did you use to create free range?

For a comprehensive list of all the major software and hardware used to create Free Range, see the above screenshot. Oh, except Blue Seal which was written in Reason and mixed in SX via Rewire, and Eye Of The Beholder which was written on a combination of SX, Logic 5.5.1 and Fruityloops, and which has all of Ott's hardware studio on it.


very nice colin, for me this is one of the main attractions in cubase.

logic has it too, but seems for cubase there is a big userbase making panels.

hot :D

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