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make it funny but interesting.. :)

my ideas so far are:


resurrection rec.

reharsal rec.

illuminati rec.

baian kara ula rec.

teramorph rec.

inexplicata rex volanti rec.

ashes rec.

forgotten tales rec.


the name must fit the thing is gonna be old material found and released... also: what do u think of the names i tought so far ? some sound cliche but is not that easy.. millions of names already used..

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Illuminati is taken... http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ill/ill1cd001.html



There's a record store in Reno called Recycled Records! Not too cool though...


how bout: Have U Seen My Records


Stolen Records

Pirate Records

Illegally Downloaded Records (of course you wouldnt actually DL anything)

Puke Inducing Records

Criminal Records (probably taken...)

Flaming Records of Doom (hehe, FRoD! :P )

Permanent Records

Look! Up In The Sky! records

Analog Dinosaur Records

Tentacle Teeth Records


Analog Dinosaur Records


testekill records

myexcite records

darkodraeke records

13th planet records

doomsday2013 records

mayanhaze records

discharge records

beatcount records

outofthecloset records

outofthebox records

incounter records

relaunch records

launching pad records

dispute records

nofullon records

psytake records

forgoasake records

fullcircle records

onceagain reords

regrowth records

bloom records

reinvented records

tocoolforschool records

infinite records

onceagen records

refresh records

regen records

genre records


half of these probably already exist


i like your teramorph fed (if thats ok with lumpi of coures)



I think "teramorph rec." would be good name! ;)


Fallout records

Planescape records


Arcanum artis

Pathologic Sanatory

Arislevs in Visione

Damascus records

Etirnami Sigilus


woooooooooooooooooo how many names.... now is HARDER than ever :D!!!

but kilelr ideas u had.. dinosaur is very funny! LOL .... will wait if some more pops up and then will ask consult to ancient gods and see what to do :P


Planescape records

PlanetScape Records/Media/Productions...



Out of the blue I'd say SIRA (Sun Is Rising Again) Records :)


I use the same suggestino as I did in the last thread about that (since I actually like the name):




would be my choice. I'm sure it would be easy to get a nice logo using something like AA.


Out of the blue I'd say SIRA (Sun Is Rising Again) Records :)

Hey, I like that one!

S.I.R.A. Records... looks good too!


Nice one RTP.


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