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~~Liquid Sound Design~~

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Guest Kakoolalajwal

Tangy Flavor is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally quite good !!!


Nice Job Anton !!!


Do You have a whole Live Set ready ??


I'm just listening to Musty Flavor now...


I've linked U with a sweeeeet belgian girl who likes your stuff too, btw !


Peace !

Guest KakoolalaJwal

Yesaye quite groovy !


Just jumping on my chair at work !! (i'm a graphic designer)


dude, thanx a lot! :) really kind of you! :)

hehe, a sweet belgian girl u say? sounds nice :)



No, sorry. .don't have any livesets ready.. I wish I had.. :)

maybe to this summer or sumtin.. hopefully



haha, start the dance! :)

Guest KakoolalaJwal

Yepaaaa amigo come on come on !!!


Action action action !!!

tell me when you'll have set up a whole one !!


Do you have an email where i can easily catch u ?

Guest Kakoolalajwal

Oki no problem i'll do it...


I wish u a niiiiice evenig cause i'll disconnect now


It has been a pleasure !


Thank U !


Till' later Peace

Guest Kakoolalajwal

Yeaaah I've just downloaded them


Fuzzy Logic is boOOOMY !

Your bassLine is kickin'ass for sure !!


Reminds me the groove of Paste, no fast but you're likely to have a walk on the Dance-floor hé hé hééé





thanx man! I wish I could return u the favour or something. u said u work as a graphic designer.. well, do u have anything on the net I can look at?



those three tracks are all very close to my heart since they 'are' my emotions from this summer.


Window is lonelyness and cold

Fuzzy is angry

Det du har is happier, like I've won or something ;)

Guest Kakoolalajwal

Okiiii thanx 4 the xplanations


Unfortunately I still don't have finished my own websites......


I got some free-lance orders non-psytrance-related which take a big part of my time.....


Hope I'll finish sooooon, as 4 exemple Matt Boom asked me the saaaaame question !!


Arrrrgh I must finish it absolutely...


I'll mail you when it will be ready, no doubt

Guest KakoolalaJwal

Sounds absolutely greeat yeeah !


What kind of stuff do u use 4 making music ?


if you wanna tell me, of course !




atm only Reason2 + some mastering done in Oxygen (tho, my mastering skills really suck.. ;) )


I hope to get away from this program tho 'cus it isn't very good..

Am playing around with Logic a little bit, but nothing serious yet!

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