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I came to the conclusion that the most trippy tracks made so far are from Ezotery space.So i want some recomendations on Nitzhonot in the same vein as Ezotery space, deep spacey and trippy but it can also be like the greek style i like it too the only thing i avoid is the ultra cheesy tracks that sometimes i come across in some compilations...i like chesse but i dont like it in high quantities :lol:

Nitzhonot is a "2 side knife" it can have the most powerfull deep melodies but at the same time the melody can change to the most cheesy ever :lol: so i just have to search for the good melodies and avoid the ultracheesy ones.

Nitzhonot experts out there give me your recommendations please, tracks compilations albuns all you got and similar to:


My top 5 Nitzhonot tracks:


Ezotery space- weird magic

Ezotery space- Dracula

Chevourim- Light




pzatzot compilations


unicorn had a nithzo compilation in 2004


comp : morning of magic




cyan off course...


Well OK, I see myself as an incredible big Nitzhonot fan so I'd like to give my opinions here...

First of all, I made a Wikipedia page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitzhonot

The albums in the list are mostly considered as classic material, so have a look there (:


Mind the difference that I make between Nitzhonot and Uplifting, for me it's crystal clear these are two different things.

I once wrote a small topic about it on this site, so let me hand it over to you guys (:


"In fact, yes, Nitzhonot music can be divided into two sub-categcories.


First of all, we have the real old Nitzhonot stuff, the music that invaded the clubs in Israel during 1998 and 1999 and dried out after this period. Think of guys like Syntezia aka Stargate, Iceman, the first two Cyan albums, Holymen, Eyal Barkan & Oren Barkan aka Reverse Psychology, D-Zager, Syndrome, old Astrix, Luminus, Kintaro,...


Before Nitzhonot died entirely in 2000, it managed to escape to Greece, where it saw a new birth under the name of 'Uplifting'. This music stands further from Goa Trance than Nitzhonot, as the oriental melodies fall away completely. A typical Uplifting track contains heroic, epic, over-the-top-cheezy- melodies, a fat pulsating laser-bass and apart from that, not much (: ...

Heroes in this scene are Darma, Lennox, Star Children, Zodiac, Oxydow, X-Men, Dementia, Zillion, Mendark...

But it seems that, although Uplifting staid steady until 2004, this music is disappearing too. In 2005, the last official compilation came out under the name of Transistance 11, and it was only a mediocre success. Uplifting still gets some attention in Athens and in Bulgaria, but the scene mainly has gone "underground", ore "dead". Cyan quit the scene in 2003 after a last album, for example."


The text is corresponding the truth, but Transistance 12 ( http://www.discogs.com/release/895327 ) is already a fact & it seems like there is some new movement going on in Greece,

a lot of young and promissing producers are coming up lately...


My top 10 Nitzhonot on this moment:


1. Iceman - Apollo 13

2. Syndrome - Cold Fusion

3. D-Zager - Aleira Sky

4. Reverse Psychology & Chemical Synthesis - Fallen World

5. Cyan - G-O-A

6. Astrix - In Peace

7. Stoler - Victory

8. Extrania - Easy Ease

9. Couple Side - Ashan

10. Ankonda - Good Morning People (remix)


If you'd like to know other things about the genre I'd be pleased to inform you!


PS: I get sick of Nitzho-bashers. Hm...well, just don't bash it because anybody else does.

And even if you really think it's crappy music, I still believe it has something to offer that

is not be found in any other genre I am aware of. I don't even call it bad taste!


Eyal Barkan - Crazy Summer (1999)


I have this album and it's pretty good ;)

Not as good as his previous one "Good Morning Israel" in my opinion.

The whole GMI label of Eyal Barkan got its glory from that release...most other

Barkan brother albums are less enjoyable.


Well, I am not too much into this sound and stuff, and I don't know too much about it, and usually I don't like it, but occasionally I give those old Cyan (especially the one which is like a compilation with some other dudes I cannot remember right now) albums a spin or two, and damn... They always launch me into some good mood! Apart from that, nitzhonot doesn't do much for me.


Well OK, I see myself as an incredible big Nitzhonot fan so I'd like to give my opinions here...

First of all, I made a Wikipedia page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitzhonot

The albums in the list are mostly considered as classic material, so have a look there (:


Mind the difference that I make between Nitzhonot and Uplifting, for me it's crystal clear these are two different things.

I once wrote a small topic about it on this site, so let me hand it over to you guys (:


"In fact, yes, Nitzhonot music can be divided into two sub-categcories.


First of all, we have the real old Nitzhonot stuff, the music that invaded the clubs in Israel during 1998 and 1999 and dried out after this period. Think of guys like Syntezia aka Stargate, Iceman, the first two Cyan albums, Holymen, Eyal Barkan & Oren Barkan aka Reverse Psychology, D-Zager, Syndrome, old Astrix, Luminus, Kintaro,...


Before Nitzhonot died entirely in 2000, it managed to escape to Greece, where it saw a new birth under the name of 'Uplifting'. This music stands further from Goa Trance than Nitzhonot, as the oriental melodies fall away completely. A typical Uplifting track contains heroic, epic, over-the-top-cheezy- melodies, a fat pulsating laser-bass and apart from that, not much (: ...

Heroes in this scene are Darma, Lennox, Star Children, Zodiac, Oxydow, X-Men, Dementia, Zillion, Mendark...

But it seems that, although Uplifting staid steady until 2004, this music is disappearing too. In 2005, the last official compilation came out under the name of Transistance 11, and it was only a mediocre success. Uplifting still gets some attention in Athens and in Bulgaria, but the scene mainly has gone "underground", ore "dead". Cyan quit the scene in 2003 after a last album, for example."


The text is corresponding the truth, but Transistance 12 ( http://www.discogs.com/release/895327 ) is already a fact & it seems like there is some new movement going on in Greece,

a lot of young and promissing producers are coming up lately...


My top 10 Nitzhonot on this moment:


1. Iceman - Apollo 13

2. Syndrome - Cold Fusion

3. D-Zager - Aleira Sky

4. Reverse Psychology & Chemical Synthesis - Fallen World

5. Cyan - G-O-A

6. Astrix - In Peace

7. Stoler - Victory

8. Extrania - Easy Ease

9. Couple Side - Ashan

10. Ankonda - Good Morning People (remix)


If you'd like to know other things about the genre I'd be pleased to inform you!


PS: I get sick of Nitzho-bashers. Hm...well, just don't bash it because anybody else does.

And even if you really think it's crappy music, I still believe it has something to offer that

is not be found in any other genre I am aware of. I don't even call it bad taste!

Nice work man B) , i will get those tracks..im starting to buy some nitzho stuff :D

For a person that nows Nitzhonot quite well its easy to identify the origin of the artist by the type of the melodies...i do it instantly because israeli is more "goaish" melodies and greek is more...hmm...greek :lol: sometimes i get this feeling that they put folkloric greek melodies in it or am i wrong?

Its funny you say greek nitzho contains heroic and epic melodies because thats exactly the feeling i got when i hear it...a friend of mine after hearing chevourim- light said the track was similar to a military march :lol:

I recommend u Ezotery space-weird magic and dracula...very trippy tracks i love them!


Nice work man B) , i will get those tracks..im starting to buy some nitzho stuff :D

For a person that nows Nitzhonot quite well its easy to identify the origin of the artist by the type of the melodies...i do it instantly because israeli is more "goaish" melodies and greek is more...hmm...greek :lol: sometimes i get this feeling that they put folkloric greek melodies in it or am i wrong?

Its funny you say greek nitzho contains heroic and epic melodies because thats exactly the feeling i got when i hear it...a friend of mine after hearing chevourim- light said the track was similar to a military march :lol:

I recommend u Ezotery space-weird magic and dracula...very trippy tracks i love them!

About the folkloric thing, it's exactly hat I was thinking! But after asking

some artists (Cyberia & Spectrum) about it, they told me this was a wrong interpretation.

The melodies are not 'typically' from Greece, just 'epic' :) ...


Ezotery Space has some nice tracks indeed, especially his older ones like the two you mention

there. His later work like the music he released on Morning In Space II is less interesting.



Is this a quote from somewhere or did you write it!


What on earth does it mean??


About the folkloric thing, it's exactly hat I was thinking! But after asking

some artists (Cyberia & Spectrum) about it, they told me this was a wrong interpretation.

The melodies are not 'typically' from Greece, just 'epic' :) ...


Ezotery Space has some nice tracks indeed, especially his older ones like the two you mention

there. His later work like the music he released on Morning In Space II is less interesting.

Hehehe but im sure there are some tracks with Greek folklore melodies , i have some unidentified tracks that sound too folkloric :)

Found another very cool track that shows very well the heroic and epic style, check this one:


star children-Unreal


"the time has come to prove you are the best,to crush your enemies and win the tournament" :lol::lol: and then a massive laserkick with a very good melody comes in, very nice track :)


Hehehe but im sure there are some tracks with Greek folklore melodies , i have some unidentified tracks that sound too folkloric :)

Found another very cool track that shows very well the heroic and epic style, check this one:


star children-Unreal


"the time has come to prove you are the best,to crush your enemies and win the tournament" :lol::lol: and then a massive laserkick with a very good melody comes in, very nice track :)

Just the way I like it too (:

Now playing Cryptus & Spectrum - Lucas, also unreleased.



@ abasio: Puppy-dogs are cute as hell and Nitzhonot is not cute but

very cool and I really really felt the need to link those two together.


:lol:<_< you blew my cover!


but honestly, I think nitz is for retarted ppl :P

You used to love CD's like Over The Sunrise! Don't neglect your own history,

because it made you to what you are now! RAWR!


I used to hate Nitz, several years ago...seems to be the other way around : P


Dear Agneton i read carefully your definition of Nitzhonot on Wikipedia and its very nice and a great effort but some things are not accurate or need couple of updates so here is some help and tips for you.


A)Yahel had absolutely nothing to do with Nitzhonot Trance.His one and only release was Rising Star in a compilation named Save The Robot and was done after the request of Mike Verros who needed a track for that cd.I am preety sure he overjoyed while producing this track but the guy has absolutely nothing to do with Nitzhonot either in his early or his latest works.You should remove him completely from the wikipedia page.


B)You should really include Destination,Ezotery Space and Sonichaos in your main artists from Israel list.Destination were actually the masterminds behind every Iceman (Kobi Kastoriano) track and for me they were probably the best Nitzhonot group ever with really really great and emotional tracks most of them never released unfortunately.Ezotery Space (Shahar Radjanski who was always mentioned on flyers simply as Sahar) was also a very influential producer and Sonichaos (Safi Connection in our days) although i never liked his music he had a very very influential album at that time with a great success.These guys were more famous and important than Trivia,Kaylosh,D Zager and more.By the way some credit should also go to Shuki Erdry who was the very first Nitzhonot dj ever played in Greece and DJ Amico (Injector) who were actually the two guys who provided that time's Greek DJ's with the music they played.Special mention also for Charlie from Mystica who was the actual reason that this music every came to Greece for those who know ;)


C)Also in the Nitzhonot albums and compilations you should really include Holymen's C4 and Seventh Heaven that actually made the israeli music really famous around Greece and not only and also exclude Cherouvim's debut album Global Touch that had nothing to do with the typical israeli Nitzhonot.Adding also Excalibur Janana would also be wise.


D)Speaking about greek remarkable artists i guess you should include Qsys (very underated) and Space Odyssey instead of Dementia who made their first releases in 2002 if i remember correctly when things were already dying as far as i can remember.


E)In the greek albums and compilations you should really include the Transistance and Melodic Morning series that had a great success back then and the best selling uplifting album in Greece ever by Cyan named Braindance.Also you should fit somewhere the Shiva Space Technology series that were half greek half israeli.


F)Also you mentioned something about Nitzhonot evolving into Full On.Actually the term Full On was already there (or came shortly after,and i mean really shortly) when Nitzhonot appeared and has absolutely nothing to do with it.These are two tottally different kinds of music and the fact that some artists moved from Nitzhonot into Full On was only done for commercial purposes after Nitzhonot/Uplifting became extinct.


G)Speaking about extinction there is no such thing as second or third generation of uplifting culture in Greece.The music is officially dead since 2002-2003 and only around 200-300 people (most of them of very young age) are still interested and involved with in Greece and most of them in the capital city of Athens.No releases,no labels,no parties,no nothing.This music either some people like it or not is simply dead and should only be mentioned for reference purposes like now.In the beggining it was nice,then it evolved in something not so nice and then it died like all things do one day.Birth,evolution,death like Darwin said.


Thats all i guess,going to check what happened to my old cds and minidiscs hehe.


I find it really amazing that there are people still listening to this.

For me Nitzhonot is the Skazi of the late 90's, commercial music aimed for mostly teenagers. Actually, this is what got me into psytrance - Eyal Barkan's album GMI. and Oren Barkan's Baraka. I quickly moved to the real psychedelic music though, it was too simple for my thirsty mind ;)

If any of you is interested, there is a bunch of old records unsold on some shops here going for really low prices. I mean REALLY low. Send me a pm and I see what I can find for you. :)


Thank you Detox for the interesting remarks! I included Yahel because of the

Save The Robot compilation indeed, and I thought he had more unreleased tracks like this

one that were Nitzhonot influenced. I will update the thing asap.

Further on, I didn't include the Full On term as someone after me slightly 'updated' the page by

including the term Full On. I didn't want to correct it as I didn't know if it was right...and he/she seemed to know.


Well, I greatly appreciate the information you gave! Greetings!


Dear Agneton i read carefully your definition of Nitzhonot on Wikipedia and its very nice and a great effort but some things are not accurate or need couple of updates so here is some help and tips for you.


A)Yahel had absolutely nothing to do with Nitzhonot Trance.His one and only release was Rising Star in a compilation named Save The Robot and was done after the request of Mike Verros who needed a track for that cd.I am preety sure he overjoyed while producing this track but the guy has absolutely nothing to do with Nitzhonot either in his early or his latest works.You should remove him completely from the wikipedia page.


B)You should really include Destination,Ezotery Space and Sonichaos in your main artists from Israel list.Destination were actually the masterminds behind every Iceman (Kobi Kastoriano) track and for me they were probably the best Nitzhonot group ever with really really great and emotional tracks most of them never released unfortunately.Ezotery Space (Shahar Radjanski who was always mentioned on flyers simply as Sahar) was also a very influential producer and Sonichaos (Safi Connection in our days) although i never liked his music he had a very very influential album at that time with a great success.These guys were more famous and important than Trivia,Kaylosh,D Zager and more.By the way some credit should also go to Shuki Erdry who was the very first Nitzhonot dj ever played in Greece and DJ Amico (Injector) who were actually the two guys who provided that time's Greek DJ's with the music they played.Special mention also for Charlie from Mystica who was the actual reason that this music every came to Greece for those who know ;)


C)Also in the Nitzhonot albums and compilations you should really include Holymen's C4 and Seventh Heaven that actually made the israeli music really famous around Greece and not only and also exclude Cherouvim's debut album Global Touch that had nothing to do with the typical israeli Nitzhonot.Adding also Excalibur Janana would also be wise.


D)Speaking about greek remarkable artists i guess you should include Qsys (very underated) and Space Odyssey instead of Dementia who made their first releases in 2002 if i remember correctly when things were already dying as far as i can remember.


E)In the greek albums and compilations you should really include the Transistance and Melodic Morning series that had a great success back then and the best selling uplifting album in Greece ever by Cyan named Braindance.Also you should fit somewhere the Shiva Space Technology series that were half greek half israeli.


F)Also you mentioned something about Nitzhonot evolving into Full On.Actually the term Full On was already there (or came shortly after,and i mean really shortly) when Nitzhonot appeared and has absolutely nothing to do with it.These are two tottally different kinds of music and the fact that some artists moved from Nitzhonot into Full On was only done for commercial purposes after Nitzhonot/Uplifting became extinct.


G)Speaking about extinction there is no such thing as second or third generation of uplifting culture in Greece.The music is officially dead since 2002-2003 and only around 200-300 people (most of them of very young age) are still interested and involved with in Greece and most of them in the capital city of Athens.No releases,no labels,no parties,no nothing.This music either some people like it or not is simply dead and should only be mentioned for reference purposes like now.In the beggining it was nice,then it evolved in something not so nice and then it died like all things do one day.Birth,evolution,death like Darwin said.


Thats all i guess,going to check what happened to my old cds and minidiscs hehe.

so discoble releasing transistance 15 doesnt count as an active label releasing uplifting sound?


so discoble releasing transistance 15 doesnt count as an active label releasing uplifting sound?

That should be number 12 I guess ;)

Well I get his point, he has been in the scene for many many years

and the popularity of this style has been shrinking to almost

nothing. Officially we should admit it's kinda dead.


On the other hand, and that's only my humble opinion,

I see some sparks of hope & life over the place. I might consider

myself as one of those as I'm trying to get as much people as possible

in contact with this style in my own country, but let's get to

the point...in the past two years there were almost no official releases,

except for Transistance 11 & 12. Searching deeper into the 'underground', I discovered

lots of unreleased music and unreleased/unofficial albums.

We've got CD's like Mergous - Only For A Dream (2006),

a Spectrum album (2006), a fresh compilation called Extatic Waves (2007) and more is coming (:


Further on I don't really care about music being 'dead' or 'alive',

doesn't really change my vision on this music.


Technosomy first of all there is no such a thing planned in the future as Transistance 15,the last cd was Transistance 12 and i seriously doubt that a next chapter will be released since the whole thing doesnt sell more than 400-500 copies from what the owner of Discobole who happens to be a good friend of mine informed me some time ago when i asked me if this kind of music still sells.


Now if you consider Discobole as an active uplifting label with one release every 12 months then ok its your right to do so but i am afraid that when a certain music style is officially represented by one single cd in a whole year then its more than dead.


Some people might get sad from my words but this is the truth fortunately or not.


Like i already said everything in life gets born,evolves,reaches its peak and then slowly falls down until it dies,well uplifting is dead for long time now.


I suggest to let it rest in peace and keep all those nice memories that you might have from it.


Technosomy first of all there is no such a thing planned in the future as Transistance 15,the last cd was Transistance 12 and i seriously doubt that a next chapter will be released since the whole thing doesnt sell more than 400-500 copies from what the owner of Discobole who happens to be a good friend of mine informed me some time ago when i asked me if this kind of music still sells.


Now if you consider Discobole as an active uplifting label with one release every 12 months then ok its your right to do so but i am afraid that when a certain music style is officially represented by one single cd in a whole year then its more than dead.


Some people might get sad from my words but this is the truth fortunately or not.


Like i already said everything in life gets born,evolves,reaches its peak and then slowly falls down until it dies,well uplifting is dead for long time now.


I suggest to let it rest in peace and keep all those nice memories that you might have from it.

sorry transistance 12 was what i meant and was just trainspotting your comment about it being dead as discoble seem to be active and andreas spoke to me about re releasing their whole back catalogue so those comments suggest that it cant be completley dead.

as their must be a market for them doing that?

not a big fan of the new greek sound anyway except for cyans albums they are an exception

  • 3 years later...

mate the nitzhonot was erased from wikipedia for the following reason.

this article has no reliable sources and is entirely original research. There is no proof or reliable 3rd party sources that prove this is an actual form of music.

what have you done Agneton! :P

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