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well... honestly...



(Im not trying to be rude or anything here, just honest)


It sounds like stuff I made when I first started out... Which wasn't so good. But we all start somewhere.


Its pretty quiet, the sound quality isnt so good, and I can't tell if anything has been EQ'd. What do you use to make music?


Its got some nice psychedelic noises, though. Sorta reminds me of foresty stuff, like Derango at times.


The bass and kick should be much louder, much more 'up front' if you know what I mean.


Keep working! Don't be discouraged at all. Everyone has to start somewhere! ;)


Sounds like you could have some nice stuff once you figure it all out a bit more! :D



(I think no one has replied because they maybe don't want to hurt your feelings... It was the same when I first started posting tracks here.)


hello mate i`m producing with reason but none of tracks have been master yet so that`s why does`t sound soo nice!!!but i`m working on it!!!and about comments that can hurt my fellings"not at all"that`s why i put my track here to hear does things to encorage me even more!!!thanks for u`re comments!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

You got some nice sounds there, now go clean and polish them! :D

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