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20+ synths in EVERy of my tracks, how's about that?> :PPP


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Guest BrainStorm

hey guys

I am from israhell, im making progressive psytrance music with REASON software and i use NO other software/hardware


band: BrainStorm



try first 9 tracks on that page (album "Anything Is Nothing 2003"), the tracks come in actual cd order.. just push "hi-fi play" and E.N.J.O.Y



before u listen, notice:

1) EVERYthing in EVERY track was mastered on purpose, nothing is random

2) i use NO LOOPS and no foreign material (besides really few guitar things)

3) this music isnt repetitive and very complex (20+ synth lines in every track)..... you need to get a few listens to understand what's going on and why some passages and effects doesnt seem to be in the right place, when u listen to it for the first time

4) the quality is still not that commercial, but im very close to the sound i always dreamed of.. i got no studio, its all software-made besides 128kbps mp3s cant really handle this sound nice, actual cd got much more clear, rich and sharp sound



best luck to all with everything

let me know what you think !!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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lovely music you got there, keep up the good work.... im sure some label will release your stuff soon!

i hope you manage to get the chance to work in a studio because if you made those tracks using only reason, you are bound to make great music in a studio...


oh and its not progressive what you make (at least the first tracks that i heard), its full on - goa....

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brain storm - THC machine(delta 9)

Ouija Board


I am listening to these tracks at the moment and i am blown away. I have never been into metal in my life but still this track has awsome metal sounds. This track also has nice Full On sounds. Kicks are like old style goa. I also hear some spooky noises which goes great. Or I maybe hearing things. NICE!!



Smell the color

Superb bigining. peaks up around 2.11 sec. BrainStorm is rite, most of the people probably have to listen to more then two times to understand this music. As I said befor great full on sounds. This music progresses but in full on way, not progressive trance way.



this is some piece of work, keep up the great work. original. very creative. I can listen to all of your tracks but i havnt gotten enough time. I will listen to them when i get time though. Can't get enough of this.



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not too complex if you ask me..

very "loopish" music.. atleast that Ouija track..

as I am a chill lover I also like some full on stuff, but this is definetly my cup of tea..

here's a little tip.. use more imagination with bassline..

sorry for my critic, but I just don't like this it all..

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Guest re: loopish music

no, its not.. just unlike other bands on mp3.com - my tracks differ from each other and i dont put best tracks up the page, i put them in actual cd order..

try other tracks, ouija isnt the best and its not looped - i got no synth line which casts longer than 15 secs in no of my tracks





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Well I listened to some other tracks of yours and I still think it's loopihs music.. I'm not saying that you took the loops from someone else, but created them yourself. Actually when I said loopihs I ment repeative..

Oh well.. sorry..

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Guest BrainStorm

i hate mp3.com myself, but from the other side its the only community which enables artist to advertise hisher music money free and i can decide wheither i want ppl to download my tracks or just listen to it..

i know, sometimes it doesnt work for me too.. pls try a bit later :)




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Guest BrainStorm



O.K. as you wish, i still insist it is NOT looped music..

try Astral Projection, MFG and other bands who work in FULL On style and see that u can hear the same bassline through all the track and u may hear the same melody for like 2 mins

i must admit their basslines and the melodys are perfect mostly, but it doesnt say you got to hear it through all the track

i really avoid using loops.. even drums

u wont hear this in my tracks - melodies changes fast, drums fade off and enter exactly when ur mind wishes so and i got no monotonous places

but yet.. everyone got his own music and i dont pretend to please everybody with making this music - its just for choosen ones




gimmi an example which track you found repetitive

i got no same melodies, same basslines and even trying to use each sfx once in every track


i guess u still didnt got the whole picture, coz as its mentioned on my page:


1st time u dont understand the chaos

2nd time u realize that anything was done on purpose

3rd time u see its kinda unique and start liking it


(those arent my words, thats what MOST of those who likes my tracks say)






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Guest Slidingtrancer

I must say you should compress ur melodies and you have some overlapping frequencies in most songs. I think there are a lot of ideas in the songs, but they don't seem to have much room to breathe.


Remember: more melodies doesn't necessarily mean better song. You'd be better off twisting what you have than using another synthline...


Take the advice man, its free

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Guest BrainStorm

1) i do not pretend to be THAT good and i dont really care actually, this music isnt commercial - its private =)


2) well.. try my older tracks (2001)


"Hell In Heaven (SE)"

"Virtual Love (SE)"

"Worship (SE)"

"Everything For YOU (SE)"


i dont really think anybody here have heard more chaotic tracks then those :P




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Guest BrainStorm



thanks for the feedback, but i dont really taking advices..

i make it all as i feel and dont care of anything "technical" like "too high frequences", etc.. as i said - its not commercial music so either u like it or u hate it - there's no middle

i know exactly how i want my tracks to sound and i dont want sound engineer ppl to get their hands on it :P

this will make the sound clearer, but i'll lose my own sound and will get usual trance sound.. sorry if this point of view discourages anybody - thats personal, surely subjective


i didnt say more melodies make track better, thats just the way i like it: complex


128kbps mp3 cant handle it nicely, dunno why maybe coz i got lame encoder or smth.. many frequences being changed, i can feel very much difference between the actual cd and those mp3s, while im playing it on the same speakers




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Guest DeeperNETWERK

Well that's your first mistake. You don't take advice.


Why'd you post your tracks here if these a personal thing? You know you were going to get critiqued.

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Guest Slidingtrancer

"this will make the sound clearer, but i'll lose my own sound and will get usual trance sound.. sorry if this point of view discourages anybody - thats personal, surely subjective "


I'm talking about audioquality, not about losing your own style. Compression and EQ are production techniques one must learn in time to improve the sound (audiowise) of their tracks. It has nothing to do with maintaining or loosing ur styles.


It can make your melodies more distinct in a mix and ur sound more 'full'


Ah well its just advice, take it or leave it...

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Guest BrainStorm

hey i really would like to say BIG thanks to all of you who wrote some feedback


u like it, u hate it - pretty good


i got 3 cds released, including the one this message was about


the tracks u've heard were just a low quality demos :)



anyways thank you for your time and support




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