reger Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Yeah, I bet he's a real gentleman who knows how to show a lady (or gayboy like me) a good time. Swallowing wouldn't be an issue with him in my wasnt issue with your brother, your ex-lover otto, why would it be with simon then ? Quote
Charlie Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 it wasnt issue with your brother, your ex-lover otto, why would it be with simon then ?Have you told your mother you're a homosexual yet? Quote
reger Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Have you told your mother you're a homosexual yet?no, tho ive tolld yours. about you and those objects you like other man to put in your anuz. Quote
Nurbs Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 My only long-term relationship (4 years) liked trance music, she really liked the more proggy side of thing although she often got fed up with it because I used to play it all day back then. My most recent relationship finished after I took her to a proggy party (Vibrasphere@ Athens , Nurbs and Elena of psynews were there too). She had heard of Shpongle so I gave her some Juno,Jaia and Hallucinogen, which she realy liked. So on that friday I take her to the Vibrasphere party, she felt like a fish out of the water.... was complaining all night... the monday after she was back with her EX!!! My mates had told me that I shouldn't have taken her there, but I didn't listen... anyway it was a good shag while it lasted! Because she is full of insecurities and has never left her hometown/family home, so being in a "different/slightly wierd" environment with "different/unknkonw" people, brought out the real dumb-villager and pseudo-intelectual (koutoxwriatssa/pseftokoultouriarissa) that she truely is. I must show you the messages that she sends me.... they are so ridiculously pompous.... I showed them to my father and he was lauging for half an hour. Hehe, ya i was there. She was good looking though . But the look is not everything . To tell you the truth she was looking kinda of insecure . Quote
Starlancer Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 In Greek: To bilblio legetai epiktranthi... mias bathias kallitexnizousas politikopoihmenshs morfhs to bio, auto diavasa. to skotos k to fws ths zwhs k ths psyxhs twn atntrwpwn, k thn ermhneutuikh methodo, auth th stigmh pou sou mialw den biwnw 100% thn pragmatikothta. axaxa, ti paparies einai autes? Quote
RTP Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Here it goes: ALERT ALERT - Don't try to make sense out of what is being said.... it'll only do your head in!!!!! Greek guys plz also point out any errors... In Greek: To bilblio legetai epiktranthi... mias bathias kallitexnizousas politikopoihmenshs morfhs to bio, auto diavasa. to skotos k to fws ths zwhs k ths psyxhs twn atntrwpwn, k thn ermhneutuikh methodo, auth th stigmh pou sou mialw den biwnw 100% thn pragmatikothta. In English The book is called "epikranthi".... the life of a deep almost-artisticalised and politically-active figure...that's what i read. The darkness and the light of life and of people's souls, and the interpretative method.... this moment that I'm speaking to you I don't experience 100% of reality. Easier message in English: I'm already lying down and my eyes start playing games with me, as for the book. it touches my loins, i'm being pierced by the doubt and also the the certainty of life..general yet very short what I said.... Good night... don't watch TV Another easier to translate message in English: I have understood that which I fail to comprehend, this is my big struggle. I fight, sometimes I win sometimes I lose. THIS IS THE COOLEST ONE: ... and also... you give wise answers, justified, self-explanatory with a start a middle and an end. I've rented a DVD, it's an adventure thriller, if I'm scared I'll stop it. Another wierd one: I feel like crying!!! Kimoulis (a greek actor/director) is on TV!!! The DVD just finished. A difficult one: I can't sleep, I'm being kept awake by the progressive interpretative action of the book that in a few minutes I will have finished. I reach atonement (eksileosis) when I read. Another even more difficult one The experiences and the positioning under the reigns, through the progressions of life make you sort and put down the right measure of doubt in you certainty and vice versa!! This is easier I finished the book that I was reading... all that's left now are the the thoughts and comments on the text... the essence is in the we heart of the nut and that must not be thrown away Another one As the year will pass you will understand what I'm telling you, every word we write is enriched with many meanings and significance, just like feeling and choices. within each certainty there's doubt and the opposite. Nothing absolute nothing autocratic! good night my eyes are closed Another one Little man (she also calls me little buddha), you are funny. I'm sitting by the fireplace getting a glimpse of tv.... I'm dreaming while standing up, obviously I haven't got much physical strength and I get tired. FInal aaa how nice are the things you are saying although I don't understand much... thank you I've deleted 2-3 good ones as well, but these are some of the highlights. héhé ... those quotes kinda remind me of this girl I once met... she was into goa trance (attention: all girls that were into goa trance that I have met randomly (not on parties) so far were kinda crazy ... and with this one it was more obvious than with any others so the alarm bell in my brain had already rung and I knew the answer to the question "I listen to goa trance. You know what it is?" already before I had asked it - well, of course she said yes to that question in the end, but I was so sure already before like I was going to eat my underpants if my assuming was wrong...). her quotes were like those you posted ... they made absolutely no sense ... and her talking was jumpy - she began the sentence with one thought and in the middle of the sentence jumped to something completely different ... like "oh yes, I too think that everybody needs to do something for the environment - do you know that all politics are ruled by the illuminati?" (just an example ... illunimati is the only word I didn't heard from her ) ... it was funny ... I had nothing to do in that evening, so I tried to tickle a bit more out of her ... concerning mental problems and stuff ... but she didn't want to tell me ... but I could tell it, tell it from her talks, from everything ... everything on this peson was mentally deranged, but yet in such a stupid helpless and naive way, it was somewhat cute and head-shot style at the same time... ... thanks for reminding me of that girl ... a parade-example of crazy goa girls I met Quote
Trunksan Posted April 18, 2007 Posted April 18, 2007 axaxa, ti paparies einai autes? K pou na deis ta upoloipa! Quote
sammyhkhan Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Very important and relevant question I reckon... My partner's primary music preference is definitely not goa or psy trance, but she does not mind it or my passion for it. Occasionally we sit down and talk about my albums and the different psytrance genres. We also talk quite a bit about DJ gear, parties and the underlying values of the culture. Mainly, she is happy about the fact that I am happy and passionate about it. In terms of preferences, she kind of likes the easy-to-digest melodic full-on music that is out there, Vibe Tribe etc. She likes the old/nu school goa stuff from Suntrip too, but I think that the combination of complex layering and fast BPMs puts her off her a bit... She loves the ambient/downtempo though... Adham Sheikh went down pretty well :drama: Quote
chokuro Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 thank god i have an obsessed boyfriend i can ask for music... Quote
Blaze Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 My girlfriend loves psytrance. Progressive is slow for her, dark is fast and boring, so she listens mostly to goa and full-on. And goes to parties with me. I'm lucky :posford: Quote
Manuser Posted January 23, 2016 Posted January 23, 2016 Just bumped into this thread as I was searching for something else, and thought I would reply. I think I only got one girlfriend in the past who liked trance but more the Tiesto genre. Can't remember any of them liking or even knowing the psytrance genre. My wife (since 2013) hears the music when I play it without headphones, she does not care. One album I remember she liked when I was driving was 12 moons - Solid state, but that is it. She is more into pop music, Amy Winehouse, rock (Aerosmith), raggae and classical music. To be honest I don't care she is not into psytrance as I never go to parties anyway, and she tolerates it if I want to put psytrance while driving. In short, it is not something important at all in our couple. (By the way was looking for a Koxbox album review, typed the key words "acid drome " ) 1 Quote
Rasalom Posted January 23, 2016 Posted January 23, 2016 I'm an obsessive audiophile. I blast my classical/jazz/trance/psybient music in the house. I cannot even imagine dating someone who could not handle proper audio art. I'm married now for 16 years, and the #1 criteria for me (after thoughtfulness, sexiness, and manners) was appreciation of music and psychedelia. The very idea of being intimate with someone who does not share those passions seems very alien to me. 1 Quote
PsyDyke Posted January 23, 2016 Posted January 23, 2016 My wife loves Coldplay, Taylor Swift & Spice Girks haha. But she offers me so much more that music taste is irrelevant. We generally agree on progressive psy & drum n bass. After 18 years (exactly 50% of our life) music doesn't matter. Plus I've got my basement studio to listen & I always prefer the experience of high end headphones. 1 Quote
recursion loop Posted January 23, 2016 Posted January 23, 2016 My wifey does not get how these strange noises I listen to and make myself may be called music. She listens to classical music and some pop radios. But she just approved me buying a Virus TI, so things are not that bad Btw, it was my ex who got me hooked on psy, before her I didn't even know that such a thing exists. And my first reaction was like "wtf are these strange noises" 1 Quote
Starkraver Posted January 23, 2016 Posted January 23, 2016 My girlfriend is pretty okay with Goa/psy. She does enjoy psybient and chill She never complains so it's ok. She is more into rock and radio pop. We share the same taste in rock and she is very open and enthu about trying new music. So I'm very hopeful that soon she'll start enjoying Goa Quote
Starkraver Posted January 23, 2016 Posted January 23, 2016 The old threads are just hilarious go back a page or two and have a good laugh! Looks like after all the initial years of emo b*tches, crazy ho's all are settled down with a loving/understanding wives. Happy ending is always nice! @Trunksan- what the hell was that Quote
Manuser Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 The old threads are just hilarious go back a page or two and have a good laugh! Looks like after all the initial years of emo b*tches, crazy ho's all are settled down with a loving/understanding wives. Happy ending is always nice! @Trunksan- what the hell was that On page 4 we had reger at his very best, peak reger Quote
Starkraver Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 On page 4 we had reger at his very best, peak reger Yeah I read the whole thing. Quote
Imba Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 Well my girl is in LOVE with Goa Trance, specially with my music. She come with me to my gigs and gives huge support on daily base. First girl that really understand and respect what i am doing and standing for! I guess im lucky Quote
astralprojection Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 cozy thread. was a while back but a prev gf was also into partying and "raving" as we said in was a good match but, and here goes that expression again that i hate.. At the end of the day we realised we were just completely different even though our taste in music were similar.While i completely understand and wouldve agreed with what rasolom said, i think that i was too narrowminded before, and in the search for ms perfect i probably dissed some girls just cause they didnt have my perfect match in music taste which is a freaking broad spectrum probably impossible to match. (world music like Manu Chao, raw hiphop from the streets like busta rhymes and fiddy, deeply psychedelic trance like noosphere, calm chillout like solar quest and global, raw slit-my-wrist type metal like soilwork, wine drinking jazzy grooves from norah jones)now, well, i still care about a girls musical preference obviously; i mean, if she enjoy pop too much she might not be very bright and yeah i know, thats pretty damn assuming...but like i said i dont think i care AS MUCH these days, about a partners musical preference - although of course it would be an added bonus if it clicked too. at this time im just happy a girl know what goatrance is she might not go mental on a lawnparty with some alcohol in her system and gamma goblins 2 comes on and just starts dancing with the closest speaker with a smile; but thats ok. Quote
Starkraver Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 she might not go mental on a lawnparty with some alcohol in her system and gamma goblins 2 comes on and just starts dancing with the closest speaker with a smile; but thats ok.that girl would be nice Quote
Trunksan Posted January 26, 2016 Posted January 26, 2016 The old threads are just hilarious go back a page or two and have a good laugh! @Trunksan- what the hell was that I had tottally forgotten about this thread (although not the girl!). She actually became an actress and even played in a couple of nationwide TV commercials and theatre plays in Athens. My fiancee' was, one day. reading the newspaper and she yells at me " Look it's the psycho-bimbo-actress" , there was an article about an art exhibition in Mykonos (Cosmopolitan Greek gay-friendly party island) and she was being mentioned with some photos. She's now married in New York, I'm very curious to know who married her. My fiancee comes to all the parties and concerts that I go to, but she doen't really get the music that I listen to (all kinds of music not just electronica), the best thing is that she doesn't drink or do drugs so I always have someone to drive me back home and I don't have to resort to using public transport or taxis! At home, since I'm the house owner, I listen as much music as I want, as loud as I want! Quote
reger Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 You bring back that gaywhoresun Charlie and we'll rock the place! BTW, why the f surf these old threads? The best, IMO, went down with first, or was it second? "hack" of Pynews, thus, much of intelligent babbling been lost to the unknown locales of the universe ! EDIT: PWN POST #100 b1tch3z(this word, I presume, should be fine with general theme of this thread)! Quote
abasio Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 I love reading the old threads. 26 year old me is someone I'm proud of My wife doesn't like psy or Goa but tolerates it until some Indian voice comes on, she doesn't like that at all. Fortunately my daughter loves trance so it's 2 against 1 Quote
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