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Goa meets Dark Psy: Cybernetika - Plasmoid


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Your style and Goa style in one

I've been a fan of cybernetika since his first promo albums (how many has it been man ;) ) around late 2004. I agree with the others, this is among one of the best I've heard from you and the style blend is absolutely apparent yet still more cybernetika dancefloor style than anything.


The other thing is I'm exremely impressed that you managed to pull off a 15 minute dancefloor track flawlessly - it works and I've never seen a climactic track done like that wihtout getting borring. Flow is a great accomplishment.


To agree with others - Im a big fan of the dark psychedelic style you produce, but you've shown hints of making explosively wonderful dancefloor music and mixing it with the sci-fi and industrial style of your own. This is shown in this track, and I am in the same boat with the others saying if this were persued into an album I'm willing to drop money on it right now! Hints of goa melody in fast dancefloor psy music travelling through sci-fi and dark psychedelic soundscapes will stand my hair on end - I would have found my new love ;) The bassline is smooth and irresistable, the melodies ecstatic, and the FX crunchy and atmospheric.


I say show us what you've got!


- Bobby

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  • 2 months later...

Plasmoid is the best song I've heard from Cybernetika to date, hands down. It changes and keeps me engaged from beginning to end. I love how it progresses. The melody work, atmosphere, and special fx is strong, effective, and attractive. This is a very well done song. I hope this artist makes more at this involved, developed level and beyond. Songs like this is an example of why I listen like Dark Psytrance.



B / B+

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